Blanchard, Jonathan, 523
Bledsoe, Albert Taylor, 27
blockade, 224–25, 278–82, 286, 288, 300–302, 310–13, 362, 369
and closure of ports, 283
See also international law
Boker, George Henry, 379–80
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 17, 18, 26, 46, 338
“Bonnie Blue Flag, The” (song), 411
Booth, John Wilkes, 482–83, 489
Boston, Massachusetts, 182, 180, 383, 405, 414, 461
and draft riot of 1863, 418–20
Boston Journal, 419
Boutwell, George S., 474
Bowdoin College, 74, 139, 479
Bowling Green, Kentucky, 153, 193
Boyd, Belle, 395
Boys in Blue (veterans’ organization), 523
Boys’ and Girls’ Stories of the War (1863), 411
Bragg, Braxton, 209, 267, 294, 345, 347–49, 351, 352, 355, 360, 361, 366, 367, 428, 440, 441
Breckinridge, John C., 121, 126
Brice’s Crossroads, battle of (1864), 442
Bridges, Dillon, 246
Brierfield Furnace, 318
Bright, John, 289, 296
Brinton, Dr. John, 201
Brooklyn Navy Yard, 305
Brooks, Noah, 334
Brooks, Preston, 82, 175
Brooks Brothers, 314
Brown, John, 81, 116, 120, 123, 127, 129, 239, 390, 473
and Harpers Ferry raid, 117–18, 119, 123
and Pottawatomie massacre, 81, 116
Brown, Joseph Emerson, 38, 127, 131, 364, 489, 505
Brown, Joseph Newton, 233, 235
Brown, William Wells, 180
Brownell, Katy, 394
Browning, Orville Hickman, 190, 214
Brownlow, William Gannaway “Parson,” 9, 204, 497, 503
Brownson, Orestes, 215, 405
Bruton, George Asbury, 152, 207, 270, 272
Bryant, John Emory, 502
Buchanan, Franklin, 304
Buchanan, James, 86, 90, 93, 97, 108, 113–16, 120–21, 123, 132, 133, 134, 136, 506
Buckner, Simon Bolivar, 200
Budd, William, 301
Buell, Don Carlos, 159, 161, 194, 195, 204, 205, 209, 347, 349, 438
Buffalo, New York, 377
Bulloch, James, 293, 297–98, 309
“Burial of Latané, The” (poem), 411
Burns, Anthony, 74
Burnside, Ambrose Everett, 159, 229, 328–30, 331, 426, 429
and “Mud March” (1863), 330
Bushnell, Horace, 413
Butler, Andrew, 82
Butler, Benjamin F., 176, 177, 179, 399, 425, 426
Butler, Pierce, 138
Butterfield, Daniel, 271
Cabot, Stephen, 419–20
Cadwalader, George, 223–24
Calhoun, John Caldwell, 20–22, 50, 51, 52, 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 82, 87, 359
California, 41, 62, 67, 68, 71, 194, 386
Calvinism, 98, 103, 213
Cameron, Simon, 146, 314
Camp Chase, Ohio, 241
Camp Curtin, Pennsylvania, 241, 248, 458
Camp Dennison, Ohio, 242
Camp Harrison, Ohio, 242
Camp Moore, Louisiana, 152, 243
Camp Morton, Indiana, 241–42
Campbell, James H., 231
Canada, 285, 287, 296
and Canadian Militia Act, 288
Cape Fear River, 278
capitalism, 12–14, 48, 323, 327, 451, 466, 486, 489, 508, 517, 518–19, 521, 523, 534
and corporations, 17, 520–22, 534–35
Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 342, 343
Carney, William H., 381
Carondelet (gunboat), 198
Carpenter, Francis B., 465
Carver, George Washington, 385
Casey, Silas, 246
Cashtown, Pennsylvania, 343
Cass, Lewis, 66
Castle Pinckney, 135
Cater, Douglas, 232, 440–41, 443
cavalry, 249, 258–61, 331, 343, 349–50, 352, 373, 384, 398, 440, 444, 443, 463, 477, 489
5th Massachusetts Cavalry, 235
1st Michigan Cavalry, 395
2nd New York Cavalry
3rd Texas Cavalry, 232
13th Indiana Cavalry, 246
Cecile (blockade-runner), 278–80, 311
Chamberlain, Daniel H., 506, 513
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence, 139, 344, 479–80
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, 324, 343, 448
Chancellorsville, Virginia, 430
and battle of (1863), 332–34, 339, 408, 528
Chandler, Zachariah, 84, 451, 453
Chapman, Conrad Wise, 529
Chapman, John A., 246
Charleston Mercury, 322
Charleston, South Carolina, 120, 121, 124, 136, 137, 159, 281, 286, 300, 302, 308, 311, 380, 396, 439, 445, 480, 481, 487
Chase, Katharine Jane, 449
Chase, Salmon Portland, 77, 85, 113, 217, 218–22, 225–26, 284, 375, 449–50, 452, 473, 483, 505
Chattanooga, Tennessee, 153, 346, 351–52, 353, 354, 436, 440, 441, 442, 467
and battle of (1863), 355–56, 421
Chavez, Manuel, 389
Cheatham, Benjamin F., 349
Cherbourg (France), 309, 463
Cherokee Hill, Georgia, 374
Cherokees (tribe), 387
Chesapeake Bay, 154, 162, 163, 301, 302, 305
Chesnut, James, 130
Chesnut, Mary Boykin, 25, 32, 397, 399–400
Chester, Thomas Morris, 531
Cheyenne (tribe), 388
Chicago, Illinois, 119, 122, 189, 213, 346, 462, 502, 517
Chicago Tribune, 203, 505
Chickahominy River, 164, 166, 432
Chickamauga, battle of (1863), 352, 354, 428, 442
Chickasaw Bayou, 212
Chimborazo Hospital (Richmond), 268
Christiana, Pennsylvania, 73
Cincinnati (gunboat), 198
Cincinnati, Ohio, 187, 228
Cincinnati Enquirer, 206, 227
Civil Rights Act (1875), 508
Clarksville, Tennessee, 195
Clay, Henry, 18–19, 22, 52, 56, 57, 61, 68, 69–70, 71, 73, 83, 85, 92, 99, 105, 107, 181, 188, 197, 214, 226, 231, 284, 534
Clay, Hugh Lawson, 131
Clayton, Powell, 510
Cleburne, Patrick R., 233, 235, 349, 370
Clem, Johnny, 237
Clemens, Samuel L. See Twain, Mark
Cleveland, Grover, 450
Cleveland, Ohio, 462, 496
Cobb, Howell, 370
Cobb, Thomas Read Rootes, 32
Cobb, Thomas Willis, 56
Cobden, Richard, 289, 296
Cockeysville, Maryland, 223
Cold Harbor, Virginia, battle of (1864), 432–33, 435
Coles, Cowper, 306
Colfax, Louisiana, 508
Colfax, Schuyler, 124, 375
College of William & Mary, 409
Colorado (territory), 389
Colored Soldiers Leagues (veterans’ organization), 523
Columbia, South Carolina, 130, 374, 470, 513
Columbus, Ohio, 228
Comanche (tribe), 388
Coming Crisis of the World, or The Great Battle and the Golden Age, The (1861), 414
Compton, Elizabeth, 394
Concord, Massachusetts, 239
Confederate Primer (1861), 411
Confederate Speller (1861), 411
confiscation, 452, 490
and First Confiscation Act (1861), 176
and Second Confiscation Act, 177
Conkling, James Cook, 382
Connecticut, 250
conscription, 232, 364–65, 418, 458–60
and bounty system, 458–459
and commutation, 460
Conservative Army and Navy Union (veterans’ organization), 523
Constitution (C.S.), 358–59
Constitution (U.S.), 7, 64, 65, 72, 90, 115, 128, 129, 130, 131, 175, 191, 223, 225, 227, 234, 300, 406, 455, 462, 471, 484, 508
and 13th Amendment, 473, 484, 490, 498, 499, 516, 530
and 14th Amendment, 493, 495–96, 497, 503, 508
and 15th Amendment, 505, 507
Cooke, Jay, 222, 508, 519
Cooper, Peter, 189
Cooper, Samuel, 469
Corinth, Mississippi, 204, 205, 207, 208
Cornwall, Connecticut, 241
cotton, 24–25, 28, 34–53, 59, 294, 295, 296, 327, 362, 368, 422, 502, 517
Couch, Darius, 331
Cox, Jacob Dolson, 140, 146, 148, 156
Cox, Samuel S., 228
Crane, Stephen, 528
Craven, Avery, 95
Creeks (tribe), 387
Crimean War, 149, 154, 196, 201, 250, 256, 263, 288, 303, 401
and Alma, battle of the (1854), 252, 344
and siege of Kars, 425
and siege of Sevastopol, 147, 162, 201, 425
Crittenden, John J., 133–34, 135, 193
C.S. Congress, 151–52, 320, 322, 492
and emancipation, 357, 369–71
and finance, 361–62
and taxes, 365–66
and “twenty nigger law,” 365, 399
C.S. Navy, 302, 303
C.S. Navy: ships
CSS Alabama, 294–97, 309–10, 448, 463 (Alabama Claims, 310)
CSS Arkansas, 308
CSS Florida (aka Oreto), 292, 293, 295
CSS Louisiana, 308
CSS Mississippi, 308
CSS Stonewall, 298
CSS Sumter, 309
CSS Tennessee, 308
CSS Virginia, 303–9
C.S. Quartermaster’s Dept., 319, 365
C.S. Supreme Court, 365
Cuba, 62, 133, 286
Cumberland River, 187, 190, 195, 196, 203
Cumming, Kate, 395, 402, 525
Currier, Amos, 272
Cushman, Pauline, 395
Dabney, Robert Lewis, 87, 119, 271
Dallas, George, 126
Dalton, Georgia, 441
Dana, Charles A., 352, 353, 354, 421, 423, 439
Danville Quarterly Review, 137
Darwin, Charles, 416, 523
Dasher, Marsh, 374
David (torpedo-boat), 308
Davis, David, 104, 105
Davis, Garrett, 192, 493
Davis, Henry Winter, 456, 493
Davis, Jefferson, 23, 65, 120, 131, 137, 140, 151, 168, 187, 190, 192, 193, 203, 205, 209, 217, 250, 289, 297, 298, 318–20, 323, 326, 336–37, 339, 340, 342, 345, 348, 349, 352, 356, 377, 396, 402, 440–43, 445, 449, 470, 474–75, 476, 481,