115–117; mustache of, 111–112, 113, 116; “Rhapsody in Blue,” 8, 117; success of, 111, 115–117; in Vienna, 111–114; Viennese composers played by, 114; Wilder’s interviews and reviews of, 7–8, 8

“Whiteman Triumphs in Berlin” (Wilder), 115–117

“Why Don’t Matches Smell That Way Anymore?” (Wilder), 65–68

Wilder, Billy: Americanophilia of, 9, 10; in Berlin, 7–13, 20, 23–41, 74–75, 96, 161–164; Billie vs. Billy, 1; cameos in film by, 12, 14; caricatures of, 9, 10; crossword puzzles by, 3, 4, 6; as dancer for hire, 10, 20, 23–41, 96, 161–164; early childhood of, 1–3; early film career of, 12–15; early journalism career of, 19–21, 20; as emigrant to Hollywood, 15, 17, 17; emigration to America by, 15, 17; English language skills of, 15, 17; father’s career plans for, 3; favorite Berlin spots of, 12–13, 74–75; Hollywood films of, 12; interviewing skills of, 7; journalism career of, 3–8; life interests and goals, 3; in Max Reinhardt Circle, 4, 5; mentors of, 9–10, 14, 23, 96, 161–164; personality traits of, 3–4, 5–6, 7; as racing reporter, 9, 10; real-life experiences, influence of, 3–4; in Vienna, 2–8; visiting card of, 6, 6; Whiteman’s relationship with, 7–8, 8; wit and intelligence of, 3–4, 7, 17–18; writing style of, 10–11, 17–19, 95–96, 163–164

Wild West, American, 165, 188–189

Wilhelm, Wolfgang, 191

Wilkerson, W. R., 157, 159–160

Willy (dancer), 31–35, 38

The Winged Horseman (1929), 165, 188–189

wishes, power of, 131–133

witchcraft, 131–134

Witzmann, Karl, 5

Wolwode, Lina, 5

Wolzogen, Hans von, 185

The Woman in Flames (Frau im Feuer, 1924), 98

A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate (1923), 159

The Wonderful Lies of Nina Petrovna (Die wunderbare Lüge der Nina Petrovna, 1929), 81

words, power of, 17–18

work and willpower, 166, 181–182

Wreede, Fritz, 112, 113, 114

Young Woodley (play), 166, 184

youth and young actors, 184–185

Yvette (dancer), 25, 34

Zaharoff, Sir Basil, 90–93

Zilzer, Wolfgang, 173, 175

Zinnemann, Fred, 162, 163

Zionism, 166, 181–182

Zoreff, Fritz, 174

Zweig, Stefan, 89

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