‘She called Spence yesterday afternoon and agreed to come into the station first thing Monday morning. Maybe she and Morgan talked it all over last night and decided to do a runner together, given that there was a chance that his bolthole would be blown. They might have caught a train to London, or anywhere else for that matter.’
‘She wouldn’t do that to her mother, not without giving her some explanation or at the very least phoning her. She cares about her.’
Sofia sounded cynical. ‘She didn’t mind pulling the wool over her mam’s eyes for months.’
‘True, but she had a good reason for doing that and she fretted about it. It’s been hard for her. Divided loyalties. I’ve got a strange feeling about this. She and Morgan have a direct and close connection to Afan.’
‘You don’t have a current phone number for Morgan Callender?’
‘No. I expect he changed it once he left home, so his brother wouldn’t find him. One of the few sensible things he’s done.’
‘Okay, I agree that it’s odd. I’ll call Cardiff and ask some uniforms to call at Morgan’s. Are you going to be at Tir Melys tonight?’
‘Yes, so no phone signal. I’ll call you from the landline later. Do you want me to ring Ms Murray back?’
‘No. I’ll speak to her and get this underway. I might be able to rouse Spence. I agree that this seems out of character, but teenagers can be erratic, especially when they’re lovelorn and confused. Ring me if Caris rocks up for the concert wondering what all the fuss is about.’
He started the car and drove to Tir Melys, anxious and disturbed. Caris knew something about the community that was weighing on her. He was concerned that she might have forced someone’s hand by attempting to put a nightmare situation right.
Chapter 16
The Bivium was busy with people arriving for the concert. Elinor was on the door and told Swift that they’d sold all the tickets. He wondered if some of the audience were rubberneckers, titillated by the proximity to murder. He asked if Caris had arrived, but Elinor said she hadn’t seen her. Bruno and Suki were on kitchen duty, preparing trays of finger foods — sandwiches, crackers with toppings, tiny sausage rolls, savoury pastries, miniature quiches and individual fruit tarts. Kat was arranging glasses with bottles of Tir Melys wine and mead. The concert would last for an hour, and then the guests would help themselves to food at the dining table and drinks at the kitchen counter. Another table had been set up with a selection of community produce for sale — honey, wine, mead, preserves, willow baskets, woodcarvings, jewellery and pottery.
Swift just had time for a shower and a change of clothes. He headed to the Parley with minutes to spare and saw Gwyn Bowen sitting at the end of a full row. He leaned down to speak to her.
‘Have you heard from Caris?’
‘No, nothing. Her mam rang me and said she hadn’t come home, so I didn’t call by for her. Maybe she’s come down with something. I’ve tried her phone but she’s not answering, and she hasn’t texted me, which is a bit weird.’
‘This is unusual, isn’t it?’
‘Yeah. She doesn’t let people down. I mean, she’s been a bit distracted recently, but if she makes an arrangement, she generally sticks to it. I haven’t actually seen her since Afan died, just texted and one quick call.’ Gwyn plucked at her sleeve. ‘She’s been kind of elusive. Her mam’s really worried. I’m hoping she’ll turn up, although I don’t think she’ll come here now. She’d have to cycle, so it’d hardly be worth her while.’
‘Contact me if you hear from her.’
‘Sure.’ Gwyn’s eyes were huge behind her glasses. She was dressed attractively in a turquoise shirt and jeans, her hair curling softly around her shoulders. ‘Ms Murray said that you saw Caris yesterday. I suppose you were asking her about Afan. Was that in town?’
‘We met up briefly,’ he confirmed.
He had the impression she wanted to ask more, but she said, ‘Oh, okay.’ She tucked her hair behind the pretty earrings she wore. ‘Did you have any luck contacting Dale Toft?’
‘I saw him this morning.’
‘That’s good. Did he tell you anything useful about Afan?’
‘We discussed what had happened back when they knew each other. It was interesting.’
‘I wonder if the police—’ Gwyn started to say.
There was a sharp tap on Swift’s shoulder, and he turned to see a bright-eyed Kat.
‘I’ve saved you a seat beside me. Better sit down, it’s going to start any minute.’
She wore a white, calf-length cotton dress. It had lace frills around the neck and armholes, and she’d attached white roses to her pigtails. She was a bizarre version of a little girl. He followed her to a seat towards the back of the room. Bryn was passing and whispered to him, ‘Here comes the bride!’
Kat gazed at him. ‘How come you’re pally with Gwyn Bowen?’
‘Why do you ask?’
‘She’s very up herself, trying to be glamorous.’
‘She is very stylish tonight,’ he said to annoy her.
‘Really? She needn’t put on airs, because her bookshop hardly makes any profit, and she has to give Welsh lessons to make ends meet. People get their books online these days, don’t they? She’s tried organising literary events to drum up interest, but they haven’t taken off. She might have to give up the shop and move out.’
‘That would be a shame. The bookshop is well stocked, and she clearly cares about it. Why do you say that she might have to give it up?’
‘Bryn told me. One