shut and her nose out of other people’s business. One—I pay her. Two—her job is to do what’s best for me, not her. And in no way is this benefiting me. This is all about her. I cannot believe she brought Layla here, purposely changed her flight and gave her my room number. What sort of game does she think she is playing? Does she seriously think this will sway my decision? My privacy is more invaded than ever now and a newfound rage builds inside me. A rage neither Alyson nor Layla will enjoy.

“Not that it is any of your business, but yes. I plan on moving back to Florida after I get a few things situated in California.”

“You cannot be serious. How will you work from here? What is so goddamn alluring about this place?”

I shift my weight, her questions irritating me. This conversation is done. And I’m done. With her and Alyson.

Just as I am about to shut the door again, a wicked grin lights up Layla’s face. A grin I know all too well. One that tells me she is about to do something spiteful and vindictive. Her eyes look past me, over my shoulder and into the room.

The hair on the back of my neck stands at attention. A boulder sinks in my gut. Before I even turn around, I know Cora is standing behind me. I feel her. More than likely, she was curious as to what was taking me so long to return. She has no idea who Layla is, but Layla knows about her. Not her name, but that the one person I cared about most lives here. Right now, I am one-hundred-percent certain she knows this is her. And I know her well enough to know she is about to fuck everything up.

Before I turn to face Cora, I give Layla a glare of warning. Wordlessly telling her to keep her mouth shut and leave. But her smile grows wider and I know nothing good will come of this.

“Gavin—” Cora calls out behind me. “Is everything okay?”

I school my expression and turn to face her. “Everything is fine.” I want to add more, but I am at a loss for what to say.

“Hi,” Layla speaks up, my body going rigid at the sound. “I’m Layla. And you are?”

Layla extends her hand in Cora’s direction, but I step in front of her and block their possible connection. I don’t want her touching Cora, let alone getting within arm’s length.

“And you need to leave,” I tell her over my shoulder, trying once more to close the door.

“Why are you being so rude, Gavin?” Layla says, her pitch an octave higher and she reaches out and touches my bicep. I cringe away from her and start pushing the door closed, only to be met with Layla’s boot.

“Gavin, what’s going on?” Cora asks, hundreds of questions skittering across her face.

“Yeah, Gavin, what’s going on?” Layla’s tone becomes venomous and shrill.

I stand between the two of them, hoping this nightmare will end. Praying I fell asleep while Cora and I were watching television and this is all one huge, fucked-up dream. But somewhere in the back of my mind, I know it isn’t. And Layla is really standing here. And I am about to lose Cora all over again. Because what other plausible reason would Alyson have for bringing Layla here? None. Not a single one. And I don’t know which emotion holds more power over me in this moment—fear or fury.

The silence in the room has every nerve in my body on edge. My heart slams against my ribcage, grabbing the bones and rattling like a madman. I can’t breathe. Can’t speak. The light at the end of a very long tunnel slowly dims and fades. I have no idea what to do. Where to be. How to function. But just as I am about to spew out something, Layla shatters the silence in the room. Along with everything that matters in my life.

“Well, since no one else is speaking, I guess I’ll take the stage.” Layla steps closer to me, her hands clasping around my arm. “Like I said, I’m Layla. Gavin’s fiancée.”


To be continued…

The conclusion of the Click Duet will be here June.08.2021. Preorder Time Exposure now from your favorite book retailer and have it available to binge on release day!

Thank You

Thank you so much for reading Through the Lens, book one in the Click Duet. If you would take a moment to leave a review on the retailer site where you made your purchase, Goodreads and/or BookBub, it would mean the world to me.

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Click Duet Playlist

Here are some of the songs from the Click Duet playlist. You can listen to the entire playlist on Spotify!

I Still Wait For You - XYLØ

Malibu Nights - LANY

i love you - Billie Eilish

High School Sweethearts - Melanie Martinez

The Beach - The Neighbourhood

Falling - Harry Styles

Out Of Love - Alessia Cara

BLUE - Troye Sivan, Alex Hope

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Depths Awakened

A small town romance which captivates you from the start. Two broken souls have sworn off love. Vowed to never lose anyone else. But their undeniable attraction brings them together and refuses to let go.

Distorted Devotion

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Undying Devotion

A long-term couple with a secret life. Their friends envy the bond they share, but remain oblivious to their lifestyle and how deep the bond lies. A turn of events has her wanting to spill every secret.

Beloved Devotion

She asks the love of her life to marry her. When her girlfriend hesitates, then says yes, she is determined to learn why. As the pieces start to fall in place, she discovers she doesn’t know her fiancée at all.

Ink Veins

Persephone Autumn’s debut collection, Ink Veins, explores topics of depression,

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