plant and did not use it for food because the modest onion was a symbol of the moon and eternity. The lower classes, however, revered the onion as a
wonderful addition to their food. It was recognized
as a remarkable stimulant for increasing efficiency
and energy.
Four thousand years ago construction workers who built the largest pyramid in Egypt, known as the Cheops pyramid, were given onions to eat
every day by order of the Pharaoh. It is said that
when an ancient Egyptian man had an argument or litigation, he would put in front of him several onions and swear a solemn oath. Grief, despair, and the title of “perjurer” awaited the ignorant man who ate the onion he swore on. Stop Sneezes and Sniffles and Stifle a Cold @ 71
In ancient Greece a beautifully shaped onion was considered a gift to the gods. Roman soldiers were obliged to eat onions every day to enhance their strength and bravery. Scientists in ancient times would cut the onion in two halves to illustrate to their students the structure of the universe, as it was told in the old world, of several spheres surrounding the earth. In the Middle Ages it was believed that the onion had miraculous powers as a shield from arrows and swords and to ward off the plague. Knights wore an onion on their chests under the armor as a talisman. The onion’s flower, attached to the knight’s helmet, stood as a symbol to his rivals of defiance to the last breath. I hope you will be successful in using the sacred onion to help fight diseases and infections. It is sure to bring you increased energy for continued healing. As you know, if you have flu, a cough will likely follow eventually. Get rough with the cough and choke it away! Here’s how.
R 62. Make organic chicken broth and cook an onion in it. When the onion is tender, eat it at once. Add a pinch of salt for better taste. This cooked onion works magic in treating a cough. Repeat for three to five days.
Our family always lovingly teased my grandfather who used this simple folk remedy whenever he had a cough. But guess what? He was always successful in ridding himself of the cough. He strongly believed that the onion would always stop a cough and would even prolong life.
A virus of flu or colds gets into the human body through the respiratory system, takes root in the mucous membranes, and propagates itself very fast. The incubation period is from several hours to several days. The first symptom we usually see during the first few hours is intoxication with a strong headache, fever, and rheumatic pain throughout the body. Flu/colds often develop complications, such as bronchitis, inflammation of the sinuses, otitis, and pneumonia.
R 63. At the onset of symptoms of a flu/cold, take 100 mg vitamin C with a hot green tea and take a hot shower to warm yourself. While taking a shower, massage your chest, face, and neck with a soapy sponge.
72 ^ Mama’s Home Remedies
R 64. If you are sure that your blood vessels and heart are healthy, take a hot Don’t take antibiotics
bath with chamomile or calendula
without a doctor’s
or add one pint of red wine or
prescription because they
apple cider vinegar to the bath
don’t affect the flu virus.
water. Go to bed, but after two
Bacteria in the body get
hours change your pajamas or
accustomed to antibiotics
nightgown. Take a bath or shower
and these drugs will
every day. The pores of your skin
not then be useful in
wil open, and infection and toxins
the treatment of more
wil be released from your body.
complicated diseases.
R 65. Take two capsules of vitamin C
(1,000 mg) in the morning and in the evening, and one capsule of Complex Super vitamin B.
R 66. Inhalation therapy. Combine one teaspoon of baking soda with boiling water in a cup. Mix it and breathe in the steam for several minutes.
R 67. Combine one tablespoon linden
flowers and one tablespoon rose
hips with two cups of boiling water
Flu/cold virus perishes in
and boil 10 minutes. Filter and
an alkaline medium.
add several drops of fresh squeezed
Baking soda is alkaline.
lemon juice. Drink one to two hot
cups of this herbal tea before bedtime.
R 68. Combine one tablespoon senna as a laxative, one tablespoon German golden locks, and one tablespoon St. John’s Wort. Mix these herbs and bring slowly to a boil in an enamel pot with 24
ounces of water. Boil one minute, filter, and drink three to four times daily, 20 minutes before a meal.
Stop Sneezes and Sniffles and chapter
Stifle a title
Cold @
@ 73
R 69. Combine one tablespoon buckthorn bark with one tablespoon black elder flowers, which is regarded in folk medicine as a “complete green medical pharmacy.” Black elder herb is useful in such conditions as excessive mucus and phlegm. From the seventeenth century it has been one of folk medicine’s favorite remedies for
“cleansing phlegm,” acting as an expectorant, diuretic, and antiinflammatory and boosting the respiratory system. R 70. Make a medicinal drink that our family caled Romance, in honor of the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, “The Elf of the Rose,” written as a romantic story in 1839. Crush dried berries of rose hips. Place three tablespoons rose hips berries and two tablespoons chamomile flowers in an enamel pot with one quart cold water. Boil 10 minutes, cover, and wrap in a thick towel and let steep in a warm place for eight hours. Filter and drink one cup every two to three hours. You may add brown sugar, honey, or jel y to sweeten. If you