Licence got, that was easy. Edward had done what he needed to do online beforehand but was only in there two minutes, no queue or anything. It was a bit like a bank really, cashiers sitting behind desks a glass front protecting them. One security man sitting on the door.
One thing done, we decided to investigate our ceremony venue. It was amazing. We went up to the highest point and the sun was beaming down on us. The views were fair better than imagined. The only problem was is was quite windy up there, but we were hundreds of feet up. It was also a very public place; there were loads of other tourists around, not the private ceremony I’d anticipated, but didn’t have time to change it now. This time tomorrow I would be a married woman, I thought. Now I was excited. An early night before the big day was very much needed as tomorrow, I would be Edward’s wife.
The Big Day
I could not sleep. I must have got two hours at most, not because of nerves, because of jet lag. We didn’t think that through with only arriving the day before. My eyes were so puffy I looked like I had been crying for a week. But miraculously I had no spots and not a cold sore in sight. This had been playing on my mind a lot. When I was little you could guarantee that school photo day I would have a cold sore. It was like my body knew, so I thought sod’s law I would have some imperfection on my face. The only thing I had was puffy eyes, but I had a few hours before getting ready and there was an ice machine up the corridor so that could be plan B if they didn’t go down before then. I did have a massive bruise on my left arm, though from the canula I’d had in the week before. Typical, although things could be worse; I could have been too ill to travel. I had to thank my lucky stars that it was only a bruise and puffy eyes I had to worry about.
It was weird how this day has been playing on my mind ever since I got engaged. But on the day of course, it didn’t go to plan at all. I had given myself a couple of hours to get ready, which I thought was more than enough time as it didn’t take me that long usually to get ready for special occasions etcetera.
My first error was that I hadn’t practiced my make up, but I had a few photos of how I wanted it on my phone. I thought I would do my hair first then make up, as I was curling my hair, so I thought I would give it chance to drop. The prosecco was flowing nicely. I had been sticking ice on my eyes on and off for the last hour to try and reduce puffiness but it didn’t help so I thought fuck it, there was nothing I could do now, I would just have to apply the makeup.
I started by cleansing my face, something I always do anyway, and moisturised. I have used the same moisturiser religiously since I was sixteen the same one my nan uses still. I then put on a makeup primer, the first time I had ever used one, then started with concealer, followed by a light foundation. My face had doubled in size at this point anyway due to the number of products on my face and I could feel my skin screaming at me, but I carried on. I had always wanted to contour so thought why not, my wedding day was a good day to do it.
I was wrong. I followed a guide I had found online for my face shape, which was very round, kind of looked like a Malteser shape, and started putting lighter concealer under my eyes in a triangle shape, on my chin, a waterfall type shape on my forehead and a bit on my cupids bow. I then started with a darker shade and practically drew lines on my face. I looked in the mirror and resembled a tiger. If Edward had walked in at that second, I think the wedding would have been off as honestly, I had never looked so ridiculous, but I blended like it said.
Next was highlighter and blusher and then I went on to do my eyebrows and eyeshadow. Why didn’t I practise this beforehand. Maybe if I hadn’t been ill the week before, things would have been different. I never really wore much make up usually and wore foundation twice a year if that. Right all finished and I didn’t look like me at all; what the hell was I thinking? The only good thing I got out of this, though, was using a damp sponge and brushes to apply concealer and foundation made it look so much more flawless than using your fingers. This was something I would continue to do in future, if I ever wore this much make up again.
Before this day, I had planned to have loads of time to get ready, I thought I would Facetime or video call my mum and show her what I looked like, but the time literally went by in a flash. All I had time for was to take a few pics, but no videos, and obviously after what had