The bird remained. It was curious about this dead human buried in the hidden place.
When all its friends were gone, it hopped from the root to human’s forehead. It pecked once against the soft flesh in hopes that the human might move.
She did not.
The bird sighed and flew away. It did not look back soon enough to see the bright burst of flame, which healed the angry red mark the bird had left upon the woman’s forehead.
To be continued in Blue Blood…
About the Author
Thank you for reading this book! What a lovely adventure we’re traveling together, and I hope you enjoy this just as much as the first. If you’re walking through Dream Worlds, drinking Juice, meeting skeletal Necromancers, and enjoying yourself as much as I am, then I did something right!
If you are so inclined to find yourself in a giving mood, I would adore it if you left a review. It always seems a little like begging, but reviews are the lifeblood of an author. I don’t ask for much, but a review would be much appreciated.
If you want to get in touch with me, you’re in luck! I love hearing from readers so please don’t hesitate to send me a message and say hello!
For more information:
Also by Emma Hamm
Silver Blood, Book #1 in the Series of Blood