"Yes," Rebecca smiled. "If the Shahen hopes the announced changes will spread slowly, we have outwitted him. Geri is making copies, and we intend to use the avatars to drop hundreds of them all over Askela."
Vocabulary/Pronunciation List
Dracon (Pronounced DRAWcoon) = Duke
Draconi (Pronounced DRAWcooney) = Duchess
Drake (Pronounced DrawKEE) = Baron or Earl
Plural Draken (pronounced DraKEEN)
Draya (pronounced DrawYEE) = Lady
Plural Drayali (pronounced DrawYEES)
Drame Pronounced DRAWmee) = Female Minor Nobility
Plural Drami (pronounced DRAWmy)
Dracho (pronounced DRAWkoy) = Male Minor Nobility
Plural Drachis (pronounced DRAWkiss)
Magi (Pronounced MAK-ee) = Magic User – may be male or female
Sarsee (Pronounced SHARsee) = Commoner Female
Sorson (Pronounced SHORseen) = Commoner Male
Shan (Male Pronounced Shawn) = King
Shani (Female Pronounced Shaw-nee) = Queen
Shahen (Male Pronounced SHAW-heen) = Prince
Shaheni (Female Pronounced SHAW-heenee) = Princess
Warden = same rank as Drake except can be either male or female
Rokohana (Pronounced Rok-o-HAN-i) = Sekhmet Queen
Rokohat (Pronounced ROW-hat) = Sekhmet King
AMirsha (Pronounced Mer-SHE) = Sekhmet Princess
Amirln (Pronounced Mir-LE) = Sekhmet Prince
Mireer (Pronounced MIR-er) = Sekhmet Lady
Miruss (Pronounced Mir-USS) = Sekhmet Lord
Rouren (Pronounced ROAR-in) = Sekhmet Knight – may be either male or female
Sekhmet (Cat People Pronounced She-CREM)
Plural – She-CREMEE
Shechin (Pronounced She-CHI) = Sekhmet commoner - male
Shochee (Pronounced She-CHOO) = Sekhmet Commoner – female
FYI: LETTERS IN ALL caps are stressed
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What happens to soldiers when the war ends? If their planet was a casualty, where do they go? A marriage of convenience between two determined, strong willed people sparks a planetary war and puts at risk everyone they love.
Laird Genevieve O'Teague, beautiful, and strong-willed became leader of her people at seventeen.Colonel Gideon Michaels had been a soldier who controlled thousands of fighters in the war. When it was over he needed a new home for his orphan niece and his adopted son. Genevieve's offer would provide both, but could he follow his heart and learn to trust and love his new wife? Vensoog is under attack by pirates and when Genevieve and his niece are kidnapped by an agent of the Thieves Guild, Genevieve and Gideon must learn to rely on each other and their newfound love to defeat their enemies.Welcome to the far future.
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