most blissful thing in the world right now. I head to the bathroom and stand under the cascading water until my legs get tired of holding me up. The calming effect of the water allows me to think with more clarity. I'll meet 13 tonight and explain everything to him like I said I would, but then I'll return here and work on a plan.

The comfort of the bed is enticing me back, but my stomach betrays me. I haven't eaten all day, not since the chicken that KJ made for me last night. I hate myself for putting her family in danger. I hope she can forgive me.

The harder I try to ignore my hunger, the worse it gets. I search my room, but I must have eaten all the pouches, because I can't find any. Frustrated, I put on my shoes and head down the hallways in search of food. I haven't wandered through the stadium's depths, but the corridors seem like a maze designed by a madman.

The few scientists glance at me as I pass, recognizing that I am entirely out of place. I don't think this is what Farouk meant when he said to keep a low profile. Fortunately, the scientists are too preoccupied with their own business, so they don't stop me.

The scientists here are not at all like the ones back at the compound with Atom. They are a lot more relaxed here. I don't see why Farouk is so worried.

“Drone!” a woman's voice shouts behind me.

I turn and see Lucie, the director of this compound, ambling toward me. My hands clam up, and my body straightens. A pain pushes against my chest, and I realize that I'm holding my breath. I let out a long burst of air as she steps up to me.

“What are you doing over here?” she demands.

My nerves are getting the better of me, and I feel uncomfortable in my own body. I'm unsure of how much I'm coming off as a drone. She must know I'm different, that I've changed. I hope she'll appreciate honesty. “I ran out of food and was looking for more.”

“You should be getting it where every other drone does. I don't know what plans Farouk has for you, and I don't care. Your fate will be the same as all the others. It's a little late for science experiments, as far as I'm concerned.” She grabs my face. “It's a pity. You're a fine specimen. I would have loved to have done some tests.”

I know I shouldn't be shocked by how people look at me and treat me, but it still hurts to see the amount of disdain they have. How they completely disregard the value of my life. They don't look at the drones as people. I'm just an outright abomination.

All I want to do is scream at her, but I remain silent. The less I talk, the smaller the chance I have of getting in trouble. She inspects my body and then looks into my eye. She reaches for my eye patch, and I recoil backward. My instinctual reflex got the better of me, and I know it won't end well. Her angry stare tells me that if I flinch again, she might end my life here. She has the power to do it, and no one would think twice, because I am still nothing more than a drone to them.

She reaches for my face once more, and I remain still. The cool air that hits the fused skin where my eye once was causes me to shiver. I don't remove my patch unless I'm in the shower, so it's rare to have that part of my face exposed.

“What happened?” A hint of compassion laces her otherwise threatening voice.

I give in. I'm cornered, and I'm not willing to risk being caught in a lie. “I was hit by a bullet while protecting Atom. Outsiders had attacked and—”

“You've met Atom?” Her jealousy is not subtle.

“We became friends.” I dig in. I'm not going to pass up an opportunity to amplify that jealousy, though I'm sure I'll regret it.

The hair on my body stands at attention. The heat radiating from Lucie's eyes pierces me as the jealousy turns to rage. Someone at the main compound must have scorned her. Perhaps Dr. Anfang himself. Lucie carries a lot of resentment and seems intent on taking it out on me.

“I don't like you, drone.” She steps closer, stopping her face right against mine. A hair wouldn't be able to pass between our noses. “I'll be watching you.”

Those last words hit hard. It's what Farouk told me to avoid. The silence that hovers over us feels heavy enough to push me to the ground. Though I'm much bigger than she is, it's like I'm shrinking in front of her.

“Hey, you two.” That soft-spoken phrase could have been a scream as far as I'm concerned. My heart jumps to my throat as the break in the silence startles me. The sudden noise also shakes Lucie.

We turn and see a towering lady approach us. It's Farouk's friend Paz. I remember meeting her in the Fly that brought us out here. It's hard to forget someone with such an imposing presence. She and Farouk seemed destined to pair up.

Lucie's aggressiveness fades into a more tepid demeanor. As small as she is compared to me, it looks more absurd when she is next to Paz. “I sent you the staff assessment reports you requested. And this is perfect! I was looking for 80. I'd like to evaluate him as well. If that's alright with you.”

Lucie’s mind toys with various decisions. “Yes. Do a full diagnostic. Run a compliance report and assess whether he is a threat to this compound and our progress. I'm not sure Farouk has made the best decision in bringing this atrocity here. We are days away from finishing our work, and I don't want anything getting in the way. There are a lot of us here

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