going to do. I know I need to get out of this bed before she wakes, that’s the first challenge.

Slowly, I ease her arm and leg off me and slide sideways to get to the edge of the bed. Rolling to try to move off the mattress without waking her, I stop cold when I see the big lump of a dog under my feet. Still snoring, just like her mom. It’s like both these girls have me trapped and are trying to keep me here. Not that I’m running away, I just don’t want to wake up with a naked Asha wrapped around me, because I know that I won’t be able to resist her. Before she had time to think about it, I would be inside her again, and that would just make walking away harder.

Sliding down the bed a little farther, I manage to get my feet on the ground, barely missing the long tail that is spread on the floor. Grabbing my still-slightly-wet shorts and the towel, the early morning light helps me to see so I can creep out of the room. I close the door as quietly as I can. I don’t want to wake Asha, as she will be exhausted from the fear and adrenaline rush last night.

She looks dead to the world in a deep sleep as I creep away from her, that cute little snore still coming from her, while she’s lying on her front. Her long blonde hair is spread on the white sheets, and the messy look gives a hint of what we got up to last night. The blanket that she clung to so desperately now lies just across the top of her ass, her crack just showing. Her bare back is on full display, and I can see the shape of her squashed breasts along the side of her chest. That is a vision I will be holding on to. I don’t know why but looking at a naked woman from behind and seeing her back totally exposed is so sensual, and seeing her like this while she is asleep has my body reacting all over.

Managing to make it back into the kitchen, I calm my hard-on down by sliding into my damp, sandy shorts, which is enough to bring me back to reality. Without my phone or any power, I don’t know the time, but my guess is about five-thirty am. The sun’s glow is just peeking over the horizon.

Walking out onto porch, it’s evident what all the banging was last night. Asha’s outdoor furniture is strewn all over the yard, some still intact but others obviously broken. There is a tree that has come down and crushed part of the side fence and the cladding on her garage has pieces missing. The place is a mess but nothing that can’t be fixed easily. And of course, that damn back gate that was swinging in the wind is missing. The wind has taken it for a ride someplace else. Although I shouldn’t be complaining. If it wasn’t for that gate, Coco wouldn’t have gotten out and I wouldn’t have spent the night with this incredible woman.

I stand on the edge of the porch and look down towards my truck in the lot, and thankfully it looks okay from here. A mess of small branches and trash around it that the wind has dumped there, but the truck looks fine. The power pole that fell down last night is still blocking the parking lot entrance, so I won’t be moving my truck anytime soon. Especially with live wires still on the ground. Although they’re far enough away that I can still get to my truck safely. Looking back at the door I just came out of, I wonder how long Asha will continue to sleep for. I debate if I can just run down to the truck and grab some things before she wakes. Or if I should write a note, so she doesn’t think I’m an asshole who has just left without a word.

Finding an old envelope on the kitchen counter, I write a quick message for her. Hopefully she will see it, or I make it back up the hill with all my tools before she even makes it out of bed.

Although I have no shoes, I’m used to running with bare feet. My mom used to complain when I was a kid that she could never keep shoes on me. After a while she just gave up. I love to feel the earth under my feet. Especially the sand. Nothing more grounding than sand between your toes.

Reaching my truck, I’m thankful that no one has found it overnight. I rushed off so quickly to help Asha with Coco that everything is still unlocked, and the keys are in the ignition. I’ve never done that before in my life. Normally I’m so security conscious.

Looking around, I can’t see anyone out yet, so I grab my clothes from the seat and strip the damp shorts off. The sand is chaffing on my balls and it’s not comfortable one little bit. Although I only have my work clothes from yesterday, that smell like sweat and sawdust, they’re a better option than what I had on.

Dressed and work boots on, I reach for my phone to see there are ten missed calls from my mom, one from my dad, and two text messages from Jodie. Thankfully it still has a charge. Knowing that all the messages from Mom will just be her checking on me in the storm and then getting worried because I didn’t reply, I skip listening to all her messages. Trying to conserve charge in my phone, I listen to Dad’s which will tell me anything important.

“Kurt, can you get a message to your mother to tell her that you’re okay? She is going out of her mind with worry. I’m sure you’re without a phone and taking shelter from the storm. We’re fine

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