“That matches what I learned at their club as well. I’m not certain whether Lord Samuelson deliberately enticed your father to gamble heavily, but Samuelson should be ashamed of himself for the bargain they struck.”
Charlotte didn’t bother to mention that her father should be ashamed as well. “If Father doesn't have the money to pay the debt—” Charlotte began.
James shook his head. “Do not worry so. We will find a solution. Together.”
Now that the moment was upon them, her nerves refused to subside. Her father would be livid when she told him she refused to marry Lord Samuelson. But he would be even angrier to hear that she and James knew of his gambling debt. He’d wagered heavily before, but nothing such as this.
James wanted to speak with Lord Wynn first to try once again to request permission to court her. Then Charlotte would join him to tell her father that she’d already advised Lord Samuelson she wouldn’t marry him.
While she appreciated James’ insistence on remaining with her when she spoke to her father, she didn’t know if it was the best way to deal with the situation. She feared James' presence might anger Lord Wynn further. But there was no purpose in her speaking with her father by herself again. That had gained her nothing.
She paused at the sound of voices in the drawing room and walked slowly forward, surprised to hear James speaking to someone. Had Edward joined him? A glance inside revealed him visiting with her mother who sat in a chair with a piece of embroidery on her lap.
Charlotte couldn’t think of the last time she’d seen her do needlework. Even better, there is no wine glass on the nearby table.
“Oh good, you’re here, Charlotte.” Her mother set aside the embroidery and rose. “Viscount Redmond will be joining us as well.”
Charlotte looked at James who merely smiled at her. Then she looked back at her mother. “Joining us?”
Her mother ran her hands along the front of her gown, a sure sign of her nerves then nodded. “I believe it best if we all speak to him. A united front, so to speak.”
Charlotte was overwhelmed and blinked back tears. To think she and James had her mother’s support meant so much.
“Am I late to the party?” Edward strode into the room and didn't seem the least bit surprised to see James there. When Charlotte continued to stare at him, he lifted a brow. “You didn't think the two of you would have to do this without us, did you?”
“I hardly know what to say.” She pressed a hand to her chest with the hope of keeping her emotions under control. “Thank you both so much.”
“I will advise him how James played the hero last evening and saved you,” her mother said as she shared a smile with James.
“And I'm determined to advise him not to insist that your life be as miserable as his seems to be,” Edward added with confidence despite the hint of worry in his eyes.
James seemed to sense her continued concern and offered his arm, tucking her hand firmly against his side. “Shall we?”
“Yes.” The two of them led the way down the stairs and along the hall to her father’s study.
James knocked on the closed door.
He looked at Charlotte, one hand on the doorknob, and winked. The sweet gesture nearly brought tears to Charlotte’s eyes again. How she loved this man.
Then he opened the door, and they all walked in.
Her father glowered at the sight of them. “What is this about?”
Charlotte’s chest squeezed at the lack of greeting. But she lifted her chin and looked him in the eye. “Good morning, Father. I’ve come to advise you that I cannot marry Lord Samuelson.”
A blotchy red swept over his face. “And I have told you the matter is already decided.”
“I must protest, Lord Wynn,” James began. “In fact, I very much want to offer for your daughter.”
As her father began to stutter a denial, Charlotte’s mother moved forward. “Viscount Redmond saved Charlotte from an attack last evening at the ball and has my gratitude and approval. The least you could do is to hear him out and consider his suit.”
“Father, there is no reason that Charlotte has to marry Samuelson if she doesn’t wish to,” Edward advised him. “We will find another way to pay your gambling debt.”
“What? What are you speaking about?” Her father’s outrage had him lurching to his feet.
“Lord Samuelson told me the truth,” Charlotte advised, doing her best to keep her tone even. Her father seemed to be experiencing enough anger for them all.
“He had no right—”
“Father, enough,” Edward insisted. “Let us speak about this in a reasonable manner. We can work through the situation.” He glanced at James. “You, Redmond, and I can discuss it. Or if you’d rather, you and I can. But Charlotte is not marrying Lord Samuelson. Now then, how would you prefer to proceed?”
Charlotte clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms as she watched a myriad of emotions cross her father’s face. His narrow lips trembled then tightened, the pupils of his eyes darkening alarmingly.
Then he clutched his chest, eyes wide as his entire body shuddered before he collapsed into his chair, unmoving.
Chapter Twenty
James stared out the window of the drawing room, waiting.
Charlotte sat nearby as did Lady Wynn. The doctor had been summoned, and they awaited his diagnosis.
Low hanging clouds had moved in, concealing the earlier sun. Fog crept along the ground and slowly hid the world from sight. How odd that the weather now mirrored the somberness inside the house.
They hadn’t been able to rouse Lord Wynn though he still breathed, if shallowly. With the assistance of two footmen, James and Edward had carried him upstairs to his bedchamber and made him as comfortable as possible.
Edward had been beside himself with worry, muttering curses for angering his father so