man of a choice spirit, and had great zeal for the Lord’s service. I enjoyed his correspondence till he died in the year 1784. I was again examined at that same chapel, and was received into church fellowship amongst them: I rejoiced in spirit, making melody in my heart to the God of all my mercies. Now my whole wish was to be dissolved, and to be with Christ⁠—but, alas! I must wait mine appointed time.

Miscellaneous Verses

Reflections on the State of My Mind During My First Convictions; Of the Necessity of Believing the Truth, and Experiencing the Inestimable Benefits of Christianity

Well may I say my life has been
One scene of sorrow and of pain;
From early days I griefs have known,
And as I grew my griefs have grown:

Dangers were always in my path;
And fear of wrath, and sometimes death;
While pale dejection in me reign’d
I often wept, by grief constrain’d.

When taken from my native land,
By an unjust and cruel band,
How did uncommon dread prevail!
My sighs no more I could conceal.

“To ease my mind I often strove,
And tried my trouble to remove:
I sung, and utter’d sighs between⁠—
Assay’d to stifle guilt with sin.

“But O! not all that I could do
Would stop the current of my woe;
Conviction still my vileness show’d;
How great my guilt⁠—how lost from God!

“Prevented, that I could not die,
Nor might to one kind refuge fly;
An orphan state I had to mourn⁠—
Forsook by all, and left forlorn.”

Those who beheld my downcast mien
Could not guess at my woes unseen:
They by appearance could not know
The troubles that I waded through.

“Lust, anger, blasphemy, and pride,
With legions of such ills beside,
Troubled my thoughts,” while doubts and fears
Clouded and darken’d most my years.

“Sighs now no more would be confin’d⁠—
They breath’d the trouble of my mind:”
I wish’d for death, but check’d the word,
And often pray’d unto the Lord.

Unhappy, more than some on earth,
I thought the place that gave me birth⁠—
Strange thoughts oppress’d⁠—while I replied
“Why not in Ethiopia died?”

And why thus spared, nigh to hell?⁠—
God only knew⁠—I could not tell!
“A tott’ring fence, a bowing wall
thought myself ere since the fall.”

“Oft times I mused, nigh despair,
While birds melodious fill’d the air:
Thrice happy songsters, ever free,”
How bless’d were they compar’d to me!

Thus all things added to my pain,
While grief compell’d me to complain;
When sable clouds began to rise
My mind grew darker than the skies.

The English nation call’d to leave,
How did my breast with sorrows heave!
I long’d for rest⁠—cried “Help me, Lord!
Some mitigation, Lord, afford!”

Yet on, dejected, still I went⁠—
Heart-throbbing woes within were pent;
Nor land, nor sea, could comfort give,
Nothing my anxious mind relieve.

Weary with travail, yet unknown
To all but God and self alone,
Numerous months for peace I strove,
And numerous foes I had to prove.

Inur’d to dangers, griefs, and woes,
Train’d up ’midst perils, deaths, and foes,
I said “Must it thus ever be?⁠—
No quiet is permitted me.”

Hard hap, and more than heavy lot!
I pray’d to God “Forget me not⁠—
What thou ordain’st willing I’ll bear;
But O! deliver from despair!”

Strivings and wrestlings seem’d in vain;
Nothing I did could ease my pain:
Then gave I up my works and will,
Confess’d and own’d my doom was hell!

Like some poor pris’ner at the bar,
Conscious of guilt, of sin and fear,
Arraign’d, and self-condemned, I stood⁠—
“Lost in the world, and in my blood!”

Yet here, ’midst blackest clouds confin’d,
A beam from Christ, the daystar, shin’d;
Surely, thought I, if Jesus please,
He can at once sign my release.

I, ignorant of his righteousness,
Set up my labours in its place;
“Forgot for why his blood was shed,
And pray’d and fasted in its stead.”

He dy’d for sinners⁠—I am one!
Might not his blood for me atone?
Tho’ I am nothing else but sin,
Yet surely he can make me clean!

Thus light came in, and I believ’d;
Myself forgot, and help receiv’d!
My Saviour then I know I found,
For, eas’d from guilt, no more I groan’d.

O, happy hour, in which I ceas’d
To mourn, for then I found a rest!
My soul and Christ were now as one⁠—
Thy light, O Jesus, in me shone!

Bless’d be thy name, for now I know
I and my works can nothing do;
“The Lord alone can ransom man⁠—
For this the spotless Lamb was slain!”

When sacrifices, works, and pray’r,
Prov’d vain, and ineffectual were,
“Lo, then I come!” the Saviour cry’d,
And, bleeding, bow’d his head and dy’d!

He dy’d for all who ever saw
No help in them, nor by the law:⁠—
I this have seen; and gladly own
“Salvation is by Christ alone!”23


The author embarks on board a ship bound for Cadiz⁠—Is near being shipwrecked⁠—Goes to Malaga⁠—Remarkable fine cathedral there⁠—The author disputes with a popish priest⁠—Picking up eleven miserable men at sea in returning to England⁠—Engages again with Doctor Irving to accompany him to Jamaica and the Mosquito Shore⁠—Meets with an Indian prince on board⁠—The author attempts to instruct him in the truths of the Gospel⁠—Frustrated by the bad example of some in the ship⁠—They arrive on the Mosquito Shore with some slaves they purchased at Jamaica, and begin to cultivate a plantation⁠—Some account of the manners and customs of the Mosquito Indians⁠—Successful device of the author’s to quell a riot among them⁠—Curious entertainment given by them to Doctor Irving and the author, who leaves the shore and goes for Jamaica⁠—Is barbarously treated by a man with whom he engaged for his passage⁠—Escapes and goes to the Mosquito admiral, who treats him kindly⁠—He gets another vessel and goes on board⁠—Instances of bad treatment⁠—Meets Doctor Irving⁠—Gets to Jamaica⁠—Is cheated by his captain⁠—Leaves the Doctor and goes for England.

When our ship was got ready for sea again, I was entreated by the captain to go in her once more; but, as I felt myself now as happy as I could wish to be in this life, I for some time refused; however, the advice of my friends at last prevailed; and, in full resignation to the will of God, I again embarked for Cadiz in March 1775. We had a very good passage, without any material accident, until we arrived off the Bay of Cadiz; when one Sunday, just as we were going into

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