href="#the-godson-7" epub:type="z3998:roman">VII
  • VIII
  • IX
  • X
  • XI
  • XII
  • XIII
  • The Repentant Sinner
  • The Candle
  • The Death of Ivan Ilyitch
    1. I
    2. II
    3. III
    4. IV
    5. V
    6. VI
    7. VII
    8. VIII
    9. IX
    10. X
    11. XI
    12. XII
  • Kholstomír
    1. I
    2. II
    3. III
    4. IV
    5. V
    6. VI: Second Night
    7. VII: Third Night
    8. VIII: Fourth Night
    9. IX: Fifth Night
    10. X
    11. XI
    12. XII
    13. XIII
  • Walk in the Light While There Is Light
    1. I
    2. II
    3. III
    4. IV
    5. V
    6. VI
    7. VII
    8. VIII
    9. IX
    10. X
  • The Kreutzer Sonata
    1. I
    2. II
    3. III
    4. IV
    5. V
    6. VI
    7. VII
    8. VIII
    9. IX
    10. X
    11. XI
    12. XII
    13. XIII
    14. XIV
    15. XV
    16. XVI
    17. XVII
    18. XVIII
    19. XIX
    20. XX
    21. XXI
    22. XXII
    23. XXIII
    24. XXIV
    25. XXV
    26. XXVI
    27. XXVII
    28. XXVIII
  • The Devil
    1. I
    2. II
    3. III
    4. IV
    5. V
    6. VI
    7. VII
    8. XIII
    9. IX
    10. X
    11. XI
    12. XII
    13. XIII
    14. XIV
    15. XV
    16. XVI
    17. XVII
    18. XVIII
    19. XIX
    20. XX
    21. XXI
    22. Variation of the Conclusion of “The Devil”
  • Françoise
    1. I
    2. II
  • The Empty Drum
  • A Dialogue Among Clever People
  • The Coffeehouse of Surat
  • The Young Tsar
  • Master and Man
    1. I
    2. II
    3. III
    4. IV
    5. V
    6. VI
    7. VII
    8. VIII
    9. IX
    10. X
  • Three Parables
    1. I: Parable the First
    2. II: Parable the Second
    3. III: Parable the Third
  • Too Dear!
  • Father Sergius
    1. I
    2. II
    3. III
    4. IV
    5. V
    6. VI
  • The Overthrow of Hell and Its Restoration
    1. I
    2. II
    3. III
  • Three Questions
  • After the Dance
  • Esarhaddon, King of Assyria
  • Work, Death, and Sickness
  • Alyosha the Pot
  • The Posthumous Papers of the Hermit, Fedor Kusmich
    1. I
    2. II: The Story of My Life
    3. III
    4. IV
  • A Prayer
  • Kornéy Vasílyef
    1. I
    2. II
    3. III
    4. IV
    5. V
  • Strawberries
  • Why?
    1. I
    2. II
    3. III
    4. IV
    5. V
    6. VI
    7. VII
    8. VIII
    9. IX
    10. X
    11. XI
    12. XII
  • God’s Way and Man’s
    1. I
    2. II
    3. III
    4. IV
    5. V
    6. VI
    7. VII
    8. VIII
    9. IX
    10. X
    11. XI
    12. XII
    13. XIII
  • There Are No Guilty People
    1. I
    2. II
  • The Wisdom of Children
    1. On Religion
    2. On War
    3. On State and Fatherland
    4. On Taxes
    5. On Judging
    6. On Kindness
    7. On Renumeration of Labour
    8. On Drink
    9. On Capital Punishment
    10. On Prisons
    11. On Wealth
    12. On Those Who Offend You
    13. On the Press
    14. On Repentance
    15. On Art
    16. On Science
    17. On Going to Law
    18. On the Criminal Court
    19. On Property
    20. On Children
    21. On Education
  • Two Wayfarers
  • Khodinka
  • The Memoirs of a Mother
  • Father Vasily
    1. I
    2. II
    3. III
    4. IV
  • Three Days in the Village
    1. First Day
    2. Second Day
    3. Third Day
    4. Conclusion
  • Singing in the Village
  • Traveller and Peasant
  • A Talk with a Wayfarer
  • From the Diary
  • The Forged Coupon
    1. Part I
      1. I
      2. II
      3. III
      4. IV
      5. V
      6. VI
      7. VII
      8. VIII
      9. IX
      10. X
      11. XI
      12. XII
      13. XIII
      14. XIV
      15. XV
      16. XVI
      17. XVII
      18. XVIII
      19. XIX
      20. XX
      21. XXI
      22. XXII
      23. XXIII
    2. Part II
      1. I
      2. II
      3. III
      4. IV
      5. V
      6. VI
      7. VII
      8. VIII
      9. IX
      10. X
      11. XI
      12. XII
      13. XIII
      14. XIV
      15. XV
      16. XVI
      17. XVII
      18. XVIII
      19. XIX
  • My Dream
    1. I
    2. II
    3. III
  • Endnotes
  • Colophon
  • Uncopyright
  • Imprint

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    This ebook is the product of many hours of hard work by volunteers for Standard Ebooks, and builds on the hard work of other literature lovers made possible by the public domain.

    This particular ebook is based on transcriptions produced for Project Gutenberg (A Russian Proprietor, The Complete Works of Count Tolstóy, Volume XII, Tolstoi for the Young, The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories, The Invaders and Other Stories, The Forged Coupon and Other Stories, Master and Man, Father Sergius and Three Days in the Village and Other Sketches), Wikisource (Family Happiness, Twenty-Three Tales, Diary of a Lunatic and The Devil) and the Patricia Clark Memorial Library (The Kreutzer Sonata), and on digital scans available at the Internet Archive (The Cossacks and Other Tales of the Caucasus, The Kreutzer Sonata, The Complete Works of Count Tolstóy, Volume XII, Tolstoi for the Young, Father Sergius, Master and Man and Other Tales, The Invaders and Other Stories, Ivan Ilych and Hadji Murad and Other Stories, Three Days in the Village and Other Sketches, The Overthrow of Hell and Its Restoration and Twenty-Three Tales) and the HathiTrust Digital Library (A Russian Proprietor, Sevastopol, The Death of Ivan Ilyitch and Other Stories, In the Days of Serfdom and Other Stories, The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories, The Novels and Other Works of Lyof N. Tolstoï, Volumes XV and XXI and The Forged Coupon and Other Stories) and Wikisource (Twenty-Three Tales).

    The writing and artwork within are believed to be in the U.S. public domain, and Standard Ebooks releases this ebook edition under the terms in the CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. For full license information, see the Uncopyright at the end of this ebook.

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