  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 465.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 468.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, pp. 470, 471.

  • Bowers.

  • A note to Cape Evans is as follows:⁠—My Dear Simpson. This goes with Day and Hooper now returning. We are making fair progress and the ponies doing fairly well. I hope we shall get through to the glacier without difficulty, but to make sure I am carrying the dog-teams farther than I intended at first⁠—the teams may be late returning, unfit for further work or nonexistent.⁠ ⁠… —⁠R. Scott

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 474.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 475.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 476.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 476.

  • Bowers.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 483.

  • Bowers.

  • Bowers.

  • My own diary.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 486.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, pp. 486⁠–⁠489.

  • Bowers.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 489.

  • My own diary.

  • My own diary.

  • My own diary.

  • My own diary.

  • My own diary.

  • Bowers.

  • Scott.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 497.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 499.

  • Bowers.

  • My own diary.

  • My own diary.

  • Bowers.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 506.

  • My own diary.

  • My own diary.

  • Bowers.

  • See here.

  • Bowers.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 509.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 510.

  • My own diary.

  • My own diary.

  • Bowers.

  • My own diary.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 511⁠–⁠512.

  • Bowers.

  • My own diary.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 513.

  • Lashly’s diary.

  • Lashly’s diary.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 525.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 521.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 513.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 529.

  • See here, here, here, and here.

  • My own diary, December 22, 1911.

  • My own diary.

  • My own diary.

  • See here.

  • See here.

  • See here and here through here.

  • See here and here.

  • See here and 383.

  • My own diary.

  • See here.

  • British Antarctic Expedition, 1910⁠–⁠1913, “Meteorology,” by G. C. Simpson, vol. i, pp. 28⁠–⁠30.

  • See here through here.

  • My own diary.

  • My own diary.

  • My own diary.

  • As a matter of fact this was not the case.

  • My own diary.

  • My own diary.

  • Atkinson in Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. ii, p. 309.

  • My own diary.

  • My own diary.

  • My own diary.

  • Atkinson in Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. ii, p. 31.

  • Atkinson in Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. ii, p. 314.

  • Atkinson’s diary.

  • My own diary.

  • My own diary.

  • My own diary.

  • My own diary.

  • See Amundsen, The South Pole, vol. i, p. 264.

  • Amundsen, The South Pole, vol. i, vol. i, p. 119.

  • Scott, Voyage of the Discovery, vol. i, pp. 480⁠–⁠487.

  • My own diary.

  • My own diary.

  • My own diary.

  • Wilson’s Journal, Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 616.

  • Wilson’s Journal, Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 616.

  • My own diary.

  • Wright’s diary.

  • Wright’s diary.

  • Scott’s Last Expedition, vol. i, p. 536.

  • It is to be noticed that every return party, including the Polar Party, was supposed by their companions to be going to have a very much easier time than, as a matter of fact, they had. —⁠A. C.-G.

  • Bowers.

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