A forgottenpast.
A friend’sbetrayal.
Dragons of fireand ice—forced apart by a centuries-old curse.
Cursed by ajealous sorceress, fire dragon, Phoenix, has spent centuriessearching for his soulmate, the ice dragon. He never thought hewould find her when a freak flying accident leaves him injured inthe woods—with him wearing nothing but a smile.
After wakingfrom yet another death, amnesiac Kat Foster longs to learn her trueidentity. Trouble is, finding out who or what she is scares thehell out of her.
While lookingfor her runaway dog, Kat sees a man hiding behind a bush. A nakedman. With ‘things’ sizzling between them, literally, and Kat’sinexplicable flashbacks of her previous lives, she begins to thinkthey might have met before.
But with thesorceress hellbent on keeping them apart, Kat’s memory loss, and afriend’s betrayal, will they ever find a way to break thecenturies-old curse?
Love Bites: ADating Agency for Paranormals, #3
Published byTirgearr Publishing
AuthorCopyright 2021 Abbey MacMunn
Cover Art: CoraGraphics (www.coragraphics.it)
Editor: LucyFelthouse
Proofreader:Sharon Pickrel
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Love Bites: ADating Agency for Paranormals, #3
Phoenix soaredthrough the clouds, the cool breeze fanning his dragon wings. Heavyrain rolled off his obsidian scales, but he didn’t care. Flying washis guilty pleasure, his sanctuary, but even with the magic veilthat hid his dragon form from the humans, he still had to bewary.
“Hey, Nix, slowdown,” said Egan, circling him. “What’s up?”
With a downwardthrust of his wings, Nix ignored his brother and flew above theclouds, towards the sun that shone low in the sky to the west. Eganmeant well, but there was nothing he could say or do to lighten hismood today.
It sometimeshappened if he allowed it, the soul-destroying despair that clawedincessantly at his heart, ripping it a little more with eachpassing year. Most of the time, he coped with the loss, got on withhis life, such as it was, but today felt like it was all an act, acruel waiting game doomed never to end.
He spread hispowerful wings wider, purposely causing a shift in the airflow andbreaking the aerodynamics of Egan’s flight path. His half-brotherwas no match for him, but it didn’t stop him from trying.
“Watch out, youidiot!” Egan’s laughter carried on the wind. His wings twistedagainst the downward draft, and he dropped several metres into theclouds.
Nix soaredhigher still, leaving Egan below.
The windbuffered against his scaly skin and horn-tipped wings. He breathedin deeply, filling his lungs with the sweet air, relishing thewarmth of the sun on his face, but it wasn’t enough.
What’s thepoint of eternal life without her?
Last time theirsouls had crossed paths, he’d imagined there had been a glimmer ofrecognition. He’d seen nothing more than the hint of memory in hereyes, but it was enough to give him hope that her nextreincarnation would be the one where she would finally recognisehim. She would remember their simple, beautiful life togetherbefore that jealous bitch of a sorceress had cursed them.
His stomachcinched at the memory, and he caved to the anger and frustration.He needed to reach the air where it got thinner and made itdifficult to breathe—the sweetest air. Just a taste to erase thememory, if only for the briefest time, then he’d come backdown.
Extending hisblack, iridescent wings to their full span, he soared upwards.
“Phoenix,you’re going too high,” his brother warned.
“Leave mealone, Egan!” he snarled, his dragon voice similar to his human onebut raspier and with an occasional wisp of smoke puffing from hislips.
Egan tried tomatch his tempo, but his smaller dragon wings were barely strongenough to carry his human body. “Come down. We’ll talk.”
Nix torethrough the air, beating his wings harder, faster, as he continuedhis ascent. “There’s no point to any of this. It’s been almost ahundred years since her last reincarnation, and I still haven’tfound her.” He’d come out of this dark abyss soon; he always did,but right now, he needed to forget everything.
“You will findher, Nix,” Egan shouted from below. “It’s just a matter of time.You have to be patient.”
“I’m done withbeing patient.” His very soul ached to see her beautiful faceagain, but he refused to let the hope diminish because hope was allhe had.
The airthinned. He closed his eyes, retracted his wings and let them foldonto his back, then succumbed to the thrill of freefall.
Out of nowhere,something smashed into his shoulder. Pain forced his eyes open.Wind thundered in his ears as he nose-dived through the clouds andtowards the woods that loomed below.
With a flex ofhis muscles, he spread his wings again. Excruciating pain shotthrough his shoulder. Both wings extended, but as he thrust themdownwards to slow his fall, his left wing refused to move the wayit should. Instead, it hung limply by his flank.
He plummetedtowards Egan. “Look out!”
Nix beat hisright wing hard and fast, but his descent became an out of controlspiral, the ground coming ever closer.
He collidedinto his brother with such force they corkscrewed downwards in atumble of limbs and wings. Sky and land blurred.
Egan emitted agarbled yell, but he somehow managed to control the spiral withseveral frantic beats of his wings. “I’ve got it, I think.”
Holding on tohim, his brother half flew, half fell towards the ground, theirdescent a little slower and less than graceful. They clipped a