life he will have scandal and shame attached to him. Staining him. People will shun him, whisper about him behind their hands, behind his back. He’ll no longer be the golden boy. The Man. Maybe, in the future, he will think twice about nonchalantly entering into extra-marital sex; casual, indifferent sex with hopeful women. Because what he has done is cruel. Vicious. He needed to be taught a lesson.

Fiona is gripping the steering wheel, her knuckles are almost transparent. She thinks of Kylie describing that overwhelming lust, her smug explanation of her aloofness which made Daan hot. He’d had his fill of ‘needy, clingy weepy types’, had he? Well, it is unlikely any woman is going to cling to him now. A man drenched in infamy and suspicion.

Then there is Mark. What of Mark? Mark who Kylie finally chose but could not settle for when she had the chance. Silly girl. Well, Fiona has done Mark a favour, obviously. Yes, she was a bit blindsided by that mix-up over the cause of Frances’s death. That had confused things, almost sent the police the wrong way. But that will smooth out, in light of the evidence against Daan. Fiona plans to help Mark pick up the pieces. She will slowly but surely mend his broken heart. Fiona hadn’t thought she’d necessarily step into Kylie’s shoes with Mark, she’d assumed he was too devoted. But it is interesting what pain and betrayal can spawn. He kissed her! She hadn’t wanted the kiss to stop. She thinks now of his lips: warm, soft, urgent. Yes urgent. He wants her. Needs her. He isn’t in love with her yet, obviously. She’s not stupid! But there is interest. A kiss shows interest. Besides, he likes having someone to mother the boys. That had been Kylie’s in, way back when. He isn’t a man who does well on his own. When the time is right, Fiona will step in. She will comfort the boys, guide them through the next stage of their lives: exams, universities, relationships. She will be a grandmother one day! She can hear Mark’s voice ringing in her ears, ‘You’ve been really good for the boys. I don’t know what we’d have done without you.’

Yes, she will become Oli and Seb’s stepmother, she will become Mark’s wife. Third time lucky for him! She will be patient, careful but she’ll make it happen. Hasn’t she proven anything is possible if you focus? She is glad Kylie chose Mark in the end. It is deeply satisfying knowing she is going to finish up with exactly what Kylie had finally worked out she wanted.

She will ultimately have one of Kylie’s lives.

Fiona really has thought of everything because she has had plenty of time. She’s known about Kylie’s bigamy since just before Christmas. She was over at Daan’s, he had just done his usual wham, bam, thank you ma’am in the kitchen, and was making noises about Fiona getting on her way. When he popped to the loo, she’d taken the opportunity to have a quick snoop around. She had started to suspect a wife or at least a significant other and wanted to find evidence. Actually, she wanted to be proven wrong, but even then she thought it was unlikely that she would be wrong. There was always a wife. Some part of her always expected a wife. She hadn’t expected it to be Kylie, though. She really had wanted to die the moment she realised. A closet full of women’s clothes told her he had someone, the wedding photo by his bed told her who. She was paralysed with shock and shame. She wanted to curl up in a ball and stop breathing.

She followed Kylie for weeks. Tracked her every move to be certain. It seemed so unlikely, there had to be another explanation. Twins separated at birth seemed more plausible than a double life. But after she had trailed her from one home to the other for weeks, months, and there was no room for doubt, Fiona began to realise Kylie was the one who deserved to feel shame. To stop breathing.

Initially, she hadn’t planned on killing Kylie. Killing is so extreme. Just teaching her a lesson. Getting her to think about everything she had done. But she would not think. She would not own it! All that bleating on! That justifying. All week. It drove Fiona mad. The plan had been to punish Kylie for stealing Daan away from her. For being greedy, hoovering up two husbands when Fiona hadn’t even secured one. She thought Kylie might come to her senses, ditch Daan and maybe he would turn to Fiona. But Kylie would not pick one of them, no matter how hungry, beaten or scared she was.

And then Mark kissed Fiona.

She got closer to the boys.

Things shifted.

It was obvious that there was no chance for her with Daan, he was cold and indifferent towards her. He was in love with Kylie, but Mark moved on – surprisingly quickly. She didn’t want to think of herself as rebound – who did? – but she was a woman of a certain age, time was running out for her, she didn’t like dating married men, so options were limited. If she had allowed Kylie to live and simply had Daan brought into disrepute, as she originally intended, she may still have ended up alone, because Mark might have taken Kylie back. He was kind-hearted like that. To a fault! She couldn’t risk it.

Mark deserved happiness.

Fiona wanted happiness.

Kylie had been happy, twice. And, Fiona thought, that was enough.

Gripped by Both Of You?

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Lies Lies Lies and Just My Luck are available now!

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9th November, 2015

Elaine Winterdale, 37, a property manager, has been handed a suspended prison sentence for failing to maintain a faulty gas boiler that caused

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