least, I thank my first and favorite reader: my wife, Ruth.

— Edward M. Lerner

[Note 1: The possibility that the speed of light is faster near a cosmic string than elsewhere came courtesy of astrophysicist João Magueijo, Ph.D., Imperial College, London, from his engaging book, Faster Than The Speed of Light: The Story of a Scientific Speculation.]

About the Author

Hugo Award-nominated author Edward M. Lerner worked in high tech and aerospace for thirty years, as everything from engineer to senior vice president, for much of that time writing science fiction as a hobby. Since 2004 he has written full-time.

His novels range from near-future technothrillers, like Small Miracles and Energized, to traditional SF, like his InterstellarNet series, to (collaborating with Larry Niven) the space-opera epic Fleet of Worlds series of Ringworld companion novels. Lerner’s most recent novel, InterstellarNet: Enigma, won the inaugural Canopus Award for “works that contribute to the excitement, knowledge, and understanding of interstellar space exploration and travel.”

His short fiction has appeared in anthologies, collections, and many of the usual SF magazines. He also writes the occasional nonfiction technology article.

Lerner lives in Virginia with his wife, Ruth.

His website is www.edwardmlerner.com

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