I glanced where he was looking and identified the small round face of one of the girls in my Physics class. She was staring at us with the suggestion of a smirk in her expression.
I noticed Nadine had observed our little exchange and gave her a smile.
“Am I missing something?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at me.
“I was wondering if anyone was looking at me after I collapsed. You know I don’t like to be looked at,” I lied.
“Oh, honey,” she said, looking sympathetically at me.
“No, it’s fine. Really.” I shook my head and glanced at Adam.
“I’m just going to go talk to Debbie,” he said unexpectedly, getting up from the table and walking towards the girl.
I sat and watched as Adam struck up a conversation with my classmate. She gave him a twisted grin, but I noticed that she kept casting sly glances in my direction. The last thing I needed was a visit from the possessed. After a few moments, Adam returned to the table and sat down.
“You were right,” he murmured, running his fingers through his hair.
“Right about what?” Nadine interrupted, overhearing him.
“Nothing, honey.” He kissed her on the cheek.
“Let’s get our pictures taken and get out of here,” Aaron said shortly afterward, kissing my forehead. “My dad has everything set at the Marriott.”
“Okay.” The dizziness had worn off, and I felt more like myself again.
I looked around the dance hall trying to see if anyone else was paying close attention to me. I spotted nothing out of the ordinary, though that didn’t mean anything really, just that the possessed might be well hidden. I glanced back at Debbie just as a blank expression appeared on her face. It seemed she had been let go.
I kept looking to see if the possession had passed to someone else. But everyone just seemed to be enjoying themselves. I could see no cruel smile, no unusually black eyes, nothing that told me that a spirit was present. No one was looking in my direction. This one was either very stupid or brilliant. But it would make itself known sooner or later, and when it did, I would be there to cast it from the host’s body.
We had our pictures taken rather quickly and found ourselves back in the limo. Aaron handed me a candy bar from the snack table and told me to eat it. I did as I was told, just to keep up the ruse that my problems were caused by low blood sugar. Shawn sniggered as I took a bite. I wasn’t shocked that he found this amusing; he knew that I had to appear human to my friends.
“That was so much fun,” said Nadine, squeezing Adam’s hand. She had apparently got over whatever she had been pissed about.
“Yeah, it was.” Adam leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.
“My dad got us a two-bedroom townhouse for the night,” said Aaron. “The living room has a couch that pulls out into a bed so one couple can take that one.”
I can’t believe I’m doing this. I can’t believe my mother said it was okay. Then again, I’m with Dawn, if the rumors are true. That’s the safest place to be.
I winced and looked at Kim. She was staring out the window watching the buildings go by. It was weird how I could only hear what was in someone’s head when I didn’t want to, but that the moment I tried to read their mind I got nothing. She turned her head and smiled at me.
She’s not scary. She’s just a girl. Why do all those kids say such mean things about her?
I was touched by the sentiment and returned her smile. What had happened with Kim that had made her an outcast? She was such a sweet girl.
“So, did you have fun?” I asked her as she looked at Shawn. There was still awe in her eyes, as though she was amazed that this hadn’t turned out to be just a cruel joke.
“Yes, thank you,” she replied.
I waited for more, but nothing followed. One thing was for certain: she wasn’t much of a conversationalist.
“That’s great,” I said, unable to think of anything better.
I want to tell her my secret, but I fear she will not believe me.
My head shot back to Kim, and then I glanced at Shawn, who gave me a tiny nod. He’d heard it as well. He was like our father, able to pick up thoughts without even having to try. I found that so irritating.
Why did he get all Dad’s cool traits?
“When we get to our room, Dawn, I’m going to order something for all of us to eat,” said Aaron. “I messaged my dad about your issue. He wants you to come into his office on Tuesday and get checked out. He thinks there is some underlying condition that caused your blackout.”
“I didn’t know your dad was that kind of doctor,” I said, startled.
“Yeah.” He laughed. “My mom is one too.”
“Well, isn’t that… convenient,” I said, taking a bite of the candy bar, and chewing it slowly. I had never been a huge fan of chocolate.
“He isn’t going to charge you if that is what you are concerned with,” Aaron said, pushing a strand of stray hair from my face.
“No, no, that’s not the concern,” I said, trying to sound bright. “I just… don’t like doctors.” I chewed another bite and smiled.
“Most people don’t like doctors but, seriously, he thinks that something could be wrong.”
“Alright, tell your dad that I’ll come and see him on Tuesday,” I said, inwardly cursing my luck.
“I only do this because I love you,” Aaron said, kissing me on the cheek.
“I know,” I replied, with a mouthful of candy.
I glanced at Adam and saw he was watching me, but he looked away before I caught his eye.
Things were obviously going to change after the night was over. I had fulfilled my mother’s request, and I had done the one thing that everyone said I would