fondly then back at me. “We are protected here. The descendants of the woman make sure that the protection spells are renewed every few years. The only people who can see it are them and us.”

“Nice back story. Is Adam here?” I asked curtly.

“Yes, inside. We’ll stay here for the night and head out at first break of light. It’s best if we stay inside the protection during the night. I’ll contact Edmund to find out if he has found out anything on Aaron’s location.”

She got out of the car and walked to the front door. I sat for a moment just looking around while she knocked. Why did she bother knocking if this was our house? I got the feeling my parents were harboring more secrets than they had shared with me. I was tired of all the secrecy. I wanted answers. All I could do was pray that sooner or later someone would give them to me. The constant search for what I was, or who I was turning out to be, was proving a bit much for me to handle.

I saw Adam first when the door opened. In a flash, I was out of the passenger side and racing towards him. His eyes caught mine and he smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.

“Oh, thank God you’re okay,” he said into my shoulder as he held onto me.

“Me? I’m just grateful that you’re okay,” I replied, fighting the tears that were forming in my eyes.

“Yes, your mother told us what was going on,” he explained. “Well, she told me. My dad sort of sat there, staring at her like she had lost her mind. I don’t think he believes it still, even after I explained everything to him three times.”

“It’s a lot to take in,” I admitted as we walked inside.

“Your mom says we are protected here, that nobody knows about this place. It’s quite interesting,” he said as I caught my first glimpse of the inside of the house.

It was just like I had thought it would be. The living room was rustic, with old furniture and a small TV on an old stand. The floor was hardwood, and even though I knew it was over a hundred years old, was still in perfect condition. The house looked like it had been frozen in time. There were no signs of deterioration anywhere. I found the kitchen, where my mother had gone to use her phone. I didn’t care who she was talking to. I was too busy exploring.

“There are five bedrooms,” Adam said as he followed me around. “The amazing thing about that is last night there were only four.”

“This house is magic,” I said softly.

I couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of my mouth. It was the only explanation that I could give. The house apparently grew to accommodate the number of people occupying it.

Adam laughed. “You weren’t kidding when you said that everything I never thought was real existed.”

“I’ve never seen anything like this before,” I assured him. “You mightn’t believe it, but up until this year, I thought I was the only thing that was… unnatural. I didn’t think the supernatural existed, that only the biblical was real.” I looked at him. “Seriously, I am so happy you’re safe.”

“Your mom said you had a run-in with one of the guys,” he ventured as we went upstairs.

“Yeah...” I confirmed reluctantly.

“How did you get away? When he first showed up, we were pretty much pinned to the wall till your mom and dad came in.”

“I used this,” I said, letting a flame levitate from my hand.

Adam stared at my hand. “Wow! That’s amazing.” He sounded like a little kid shown a new toy.

“What did your dad do about school?” I asked as we came to a door and opened it. The room was small but would do for the night. I walked in and tested the mattress on the day bed it contained. It felt comfortable enough.

“He told them I came down with a case of mono. I can’t go to school for a few weeks because of it, so they’re going to let me do my classes by correspondence.” He sat down next to me. “What about your mom?”

“Sick family member on their deathbed. We’re going to take care of them until they pass and be back after the funeral. I don’t know how she got away with it. Then again, she has ways of getting her way all the time.” I frowned at him. “They moved Aaron.”

“Your brother told us that this afternoon. Said nobody knows where they are.” He put his arm around me. “I’m sorry I got so mad with you.”

“That’s okay. I just wish I knew what you were so mad about.”

“It was the two of you. Don’t think for one second I don’t know what happened Saturday night.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m sure everyone figured that out.”

“You’re better than that,” he said, giving me that paternal look.

“Better than what?”

“Sleeping with a guy to make him happy. Aaron would have loved you whether or not you did that.” He made a motion with his hands that I didn’t understand, and I looked at him blankly.

“You… wait… you were mad at me because you think I slept with him to make him like me?” I gave a short laugh.

“No?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. There was an awkward silence, then he coughed and changed the subject. “So, when did your mom say she wanted to head out?”

“She said we’re only staying for the night and heading out at first light. I don’t know how far we have to go. I’m scared,” I added, resting my head on his shoulder.

“What is there to be scared of?” he asked as he put his arm around me in the way that calmed me.

“I don’t know how to raise the dead. Or how to create a fire of protection.” I sighed. “What if I fail? What if we raise the wrong body?

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