However, they are on the opposite side to the power from your hands. It’s not like you are split in half; it’s like you are cross-sectioned somehow. And then there’s your ability to levitate.” She shook her head. “I suppose that makes up for the fact you are flightless.”

“Blame my parents for that one,” I mumbled.

“Because her mother and my father were stripped and put on Earth, Dawn was born without wings,” Shawn explained as he lounged in his chair. “Though, from what I’ve heard, she can earn them. I just don’t know how an angel earns her wings.”

“I suppose we should invest in some bells,” Minerva said, joking.

Shawn and I looked at her, confused.

“The movie?” she said. “You know… every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings.” We were still lost. “God, your parents really did shelter you,” she mumbled.

Minerva finally had the idea for me to only call the power to one hand instead of both. I tried it, but every time I tried to draw just the white, I still had the same outcome. I was becoming increasingly frustrated; I had been able to pull only one flame when the demons stormed my school with their guns blazing. I should have been able to do the same then, but my power was too balanced.

After hours of constant fireballs and direction, I was worn out to the point that all I could do was fizzle. Minerva cut our lesson off there, telling me that I needed to replenish my core. I staggered into the enclosed porch and fell into a hammock. It creaked for a second and then started to swing nicely. I was officially drained.

Chapter 26

All Good Things Must End

“Your mom is awesome!” Adam exclaimed, plopping down in a chair next to the hammock I was lying in.

“What did you learn today?” I asked, yawning, and looking at him.

He flinched when he saw my face. “Dawn, are you okay? Your eyes are gray,” he said, reaching out to touch my face.

“I’m spent,” I admitted. “No more fire is coming from these fingertips today.” I wiggled my fingers above my head.

“Your mom showed me how to sword-fight!” Adam burst out, excited. “It was like the movies. I wore one of those awesome face masks and a white padded jumper. I learned all kinds of amazing shit.” He leaned back in the chair.

“Are you going to think it amazing when you have to use it for real?” I asked him.

“I don’t know. I guess it depends on who I am using it on.” He jumped up. “I’m hungry. Are you hungry?” He reached for my hand.

“Yeah, I could eat,” I said, grabbing it, and letting him help me to my feet.

We went to the kitchen, whispering back and forth about all the things that we could eat right then. My mother was sitting at the table with her head in her hands. She clearly had something on her mind.

“What’s up, Mom?” I asked as Adam opened the fridge and started to rummage through the contents.

“I had a missed call from Edmund.” She looked up at me, and I could see it was serious.

“What’s happened?” I asked, sitting down at the table. I didn’t think I could be any more drained.

“He hasn’t found them. But he’s still looking.” She touched my hand. “And we will find them eventually.”

“What with Wesley and Aaron both missing I think I should have just stayed single,” I groaned as I smacked the table with my forehead.

“You still have me,” said Adam as he popped a cherry tomato into his mouth. “Can I make a sandwich, Mrs. Weathers?”

“Of course, Adam. I’m sure you worked up an appetite.”

“Awesome. Dawn, you want one?” He asked, looking at me. I nodded but kept my eyes on my mother.

“How does someone just fall off the face of the Earth?” I asked, my throat tightening.

“I don’t know. It makes me wonder who gave them the heads-up.” She sighed. “Have no fear. Edmund will find something out.” She tried to look optimistic, but I knew she was just trying to make me feel better. “So, what did you learn today?”

“That I’m too balanced.”

She laughed. “I could have told them that. You are the perfect balance between your father and me.”

“How did I manage to tip things in one direction or the other before?” I complained. “I mean, I found it easy enough to use one or the other. Now I find I can only use them both together. And my eyes... have you seen my eyes?”

“One question at a time,” said my mother, chuckling. “Okay, as for you managing things before, I think you weren’t as balanced then as you are now. I mean, you saved those kids in school and the night before Wesley ran off. I think in a way your body balanced itself out based on both the good and the bad happening in your life. As for your eyes, yes, I noticed them the other night. I thought to myself that you were absolutely beautiful.” She touched my face, and I blushed. I had to admit I rather liked them myself.

“You think it’s going to take me a while before I can do this protection flame thing?” I asked as Adam put a plate with a sandwich on it in front of me.

“From what I understand, in a way you’ve already done it.” She gave me a mom-knows-all look. So, Shawn had run his mouth off about the other night.

“That was by accident,” I stammered. “This one has to be for real. I mean, I have to only use the light fire; I can’t summon the dark.” I avoided her look. I hated it when she pulled the mom face on me.

“You’ll do fine once you figure out how to control one half of your body.” She squeezed my hand and got up. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to take a nap. Did Adam

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