“We did a frozen pizza,” she said. “He said he was tired. Then he let me watch TV.”
Avoiding Max’s eyes, I nodded. “I’ll come back over if I can,” I said, and headed back to work. I checked out some carryout orders and sliced up a lemon pie. I delivered an order to a large group and refilled some iced tea. It was busy even for a Friday night. By the time I got back to them, they’d already ordered.
“Taylor didn’t know I need ranch,” Sadie confided. “So I had to tell her.”
“That’s what we do when people need to know things,” I said. “I’m glad you spoke up.”
“What she said was, ‘I have to have ranch, or I won’t eat the carrots plus I really just want Rachel can you get her?’” Max put in. Sadie glowered at him.
“I know she has to help other people too. I just want her to help me first.”
“Makes sense to me, Sadie Lady,” I said, kissing the top of her head. “What brings you guys in on a Friday?”
“I wanted to see if you were okay. I could’ve texted you but that seemed like overstepping.”
“So you came to my job?” I asked.
“Yes. There wasn’t a really good way to stay within bounds and still check on you. You were really tired last night.”
“I was. Sometimes I get emotional when I’m tired or hangry. It happens. But I’m fine.”
“I wished you’d texted when you got home.”
“Okay, dad,” I laughed. “I’ve been driving a long time. Don’t worry.”
“He worries a lot,” Sadie informed me.
“Well, he has a sweet little kiddo to keep safe. Of course, he worries,” I said.
“I watched Fancy Nancy and Puppy Dog Pals. Two of them.”
“Were they good ones?”
“I saw the Nancy one already, but the puppies were new ones,” she said.
“I better get back to work. You two have a fun night.”
“Can I just?” he said, standing up. I nodded, looking around at the crowd.
We stepped over just a little, and he leaned in to whisper, “I’m really sorry for how I acted. I nearly called you last night.”
“Don’t,” I said, careful not to look anything but normal because we were surrounded by people and his kid was watching us.
“I won’t overstep again.”
“Really? Cause it seems like you’re here,” I said, more annoyed than I meant to, “and you’re making it weird.”
“No, trust me, it’s weird on its own,” he said ruefully with a half-smile that disarmed me.
“I’m going to be really professional and just get back to work. I won’t make this a drama if you don’t.”
“Is that what I’m doing?” he asked.
“That is what you’re doing.”
“I’m out of practice. The only woman I’ve talked to with any regularity in the last five years is Denise and it’s, let’s say, a different dynamic. She’s grandmotherly.”
“I’ve got to get back to work. Quit stalking me and I’ll call you after work.” I laughed.
“Do that,” he said, leveling me with a look.
I sailed through the rest of my shift and closed like I was floating. Laura came in with Brody and Brenna and I got to snuggle her and give her crackers and juice. I raved about my new job and how well it was going, and Laura kept asking if I’d closed the deal with Max.
“That sounds so sales-pitchy. No, I haven’t sold him a timeshare if that’s what you mean,” I rolled my eyes.
“She means have you nailed him yet,” Brody said helpfully.
“I know what she means, and it’s not happening. Sometimes pretty boys have issues, okay?” I laughed it off.
“What, like the fact that he lives in a cabin in the mountains with only a child for company didn’t give that away?” Laura laughed, “The man is the poster boy for brooding loner, strong silent type, messy history with women included.”
“I know. Way too complicated, situation-wise. Trust me,” I said.
“Are you trying to convince me, or yourself?” she asked.
“Shut up or I’m giving the baby ice cream,” I warned.
“Don’t. She was a crazy lunatic the last time you did that. We were awake for hours while she squealed and played, and we begged her to sleep.”
“I will put out a warrant for your arrest. Nothing is beneath me if you give this child ice cream at seven at night,” Brody warned. “I’d like to spend some alone time with my wife, and if the baby doesn’t go to sleep, she will be too tired.” I was going to laugh but he looked so serious. Laura cracked up.
“Yeah, you’re so neglected,” she teased him, and he nuzzled her hair and I told them to get a room.
After I got home and showered, I climbed into bed and then texted Max, I got home just fine. Quit worrying.
He messaged back right away, You said you’d call me.
I dialed his number.
“Why did you want me to call? I figured you were hovering.”
“I wanted to apologize more directly. I’m sorry that I got too close and that I nearly acted on an attraction that could very well be one-sided. I’m your employer, and that creates a power imbalance that lends itself to harassment. If I have harassed you or made you uncomfortable or led you to believe that your job—”
“Are you kidding me?” I burst out. “Harassed me? Really? You? You wear a sign that says, ‘Emotionally Unavailable.’ You are the very last man I would expect to harass me. Period. So quit making up dramatic crap in your mind, okay?”
“You weren’t feeling threatened?”
“By you? No. There’s a principal difference between you and the creep at the bar. If I told you no, you’d stop. He’d never even hear it. Also, your favorite non-work subject of conversation is Why You Don’t Get Involved with Women Ever. You’re about as Harvey Weinstein as a monk under a vow of silence.”
“I want to assure you that your job is not in jeopardy regardless of how you answer this. Have I made unwanted advances?”
“Are you