Monty was one of the original Black Orchid.”


“Bloody hell,” Jessikah said. “I think I’m going to need something a little stronger than tea.”

“That’s going to have to wait. You were followed,” Grey said, putting his mug down and grabbing his duster in one smooth, practiced motion. “Too damned early for this, Strong. You realize I haven’t finished my coffee?”

“Followed?” Jessikah asked. “By whom?”

“Not you,” Grey snarled. “Him.” He pointed at me. “This doesn’t feel like your Orchid agents. This is someone a little higher on the food chain.”

Behind us, a figure emerged. The young man was dressed in a black suit with silver accents. His eyes threw me off. The distinct pupils, elongated and vertical, shone with a subtle yellow energy.

Grey and I both drew our guns. He was faster by a full second. Shit.

“Who are you? You have two seconds,” Grey said, then paused. “Strong? Is cat-eyes with you?”

“He’s with me,” Jessikah said. “Please put your weapons away.”

“Strong?” Grey asked, still looking at the young man. “Friend of yours?”

“I’m thinking I should shoot first, and ask questions later.”

“Simon,” Jessikah said, exasperated, “this…is Ink.”

The young man gave me a slight nod. His energy signature was substantial.

“This is your…cat?”

“Her what?” Grey asked. “Come again?”

I noticed neither of us had holstered our weapons.

“I am her companion and her weapon,” Ink said in proper English, sounding very much like Jessikah and Monty, “much like your hound and your blades. I’m always there when she needs me.”

How did he know about my blade? I never mentioned having another weapon. How could Ink sense Ebonsoul?


“He’s friendly…I think,” I said. “How do you know about my blade?”

“Both of your blades are tethered to your energy signatures,” Ink replied. “You both hold blades of power. Although,”—he glanced at Grey—“his appears to be the more dangerous of the two.”

“She’s a bit on the bloodthirsty, psychotic side,” Grey answered, “but she serves a purpose.”

Grey holstered his gun and I followed his example, bringing the tension down to a nine from fifteen. Grey moved from behind the bar and stepped to the front door.

I turned to face Ink.

“Where were you when Richard wanted to blast her to ashes?”

“She was not in danger from such a low-level mage.”

“And now?”

“Now…you are all in danger,” Ink answered. “The mage approaching this.”—he raised an eyebrow as he looked around—“establishment…is formidable. Retreat would be the wisest course of action.”

“I think I liked him more as a cat, and I’m not a fan.”

“He’s still as cheerful in cat form,” Jessikah said. “You just can’t hear him.”

“I have enough voices in my head,” I said. “I don’t need another, especially not Mr. Cheerful over here.”

“We should leave now,” Ink said. “Is there another exit?”

“You want me to run from my home?” Grey asked. “You think I’m going to let some mage come into my house?”

“Are those rhetorical questions?” Ink asked, moving closer to Jessikah. “If not, the answer is yes, to both.”

“He’s not going to,” I said. “Grey, do you still have the sanctuary room?”

“Upstairs, first door to the right of the stairs,” Grey said, while focusing on the door. “Do not make the mistake of trying the other doors. I don’t want to have to wipe up what’s left of you.”

“Your job is to keep her safe, right?” I asked Ink. “You’re her guardian?”

“Well, that’s an oversimplification of the myriad facets regarding my duties,” Ink said. “My tasks are clear. Her safety is paramount, and she is a Daughter—”

“Take her upstairs to the sanctuary room and keep her safe, now,” I said, cutting him off. “You can explain your duties later.”

“Absolutely not,” Jessikah protested. “I’m a mage and you aren’t.” She pointed to me. “If anyone should be taking shelter in some sanctuary room, it should be you.”

“Not everything is as it seems, Miss,” Ink said, pulling Jessikah away by the arm. “I’m certain these gentlemen”—he glanced down—“and their hellhound are more than capable of dealing with the impending threat.”

“Are you saying I’m not?” Jessikah answered, wrenching her arm away from Ink’s grasp. “Is that what you’re insinuating?”

“I just think that it would be best…”

“Shut it,” Grey said from the door. “She wants to stay and fight, let her. If she falls, we’ll honor her death. What we will not do, is waste time yapping when someone is on their way to dust us.”

Jessikah gave us a self-satisfied nod. Ink sighed and shook his head. I turned to face Grey and drew Grim Whisper.

“How bad is it?” I asked. “Can you tell what we’re up against?”

“I’ve ascertained…” Ink started and promptly stopped as both Grey and I gave him a look. “Please, do carry on.”

“Bad,” Grey said, glancing at Ink. “The cat boy is right. Whatever is headed this way is nasty and powerful.”

“How do you figure we were followed?” I asked. “I mean…?”

“Simple,” Grey said, “None of the Orchid that were here last night read this strong. You just told me Ezra sent you to me. Ezra’s isn’t exactly what I would call a secure location. The conversation could have been overheard. Did he mention me by name?”

I thought back to Ezra’s and nodded.

“Yes, he mentioned you by name.”

“There’s that, plus the fact that your signature is one screaming ‘come find me’ beacon, if someone knows how to look,” Grey said. “Are you sure you don’t know the cause?”

“Don’t know,” I said. “But if it’s going to attract this kind of attention, I better deal with it before I look for Monty.”

“Sounds like a good idea,” Grey said, drawing his gun. “We may not get to speak later. When I went dark, or close to it, I needed to find a place that was familiar, a place that felt like home. Does Tristan have a place like that?”

“The closest place besides the Moscow would be the Golden Circle,” I said. “Why would he need a place that felt like home?”

“It’s the change,” Grey answered. “It will take him back to the deepest memory of the familiar before forcing him in one direction or the

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