and obnoxious so-called friends are."

I took a twenty out of my wallet.

"See you around."

I got up and left my fries with Jacob.

It was just Lacey and me hanging out to study for a quiz. It was not a date. Then why the hell did it feel like my heart was about to break loose out of my chest? I held my notebook and textbook were by my side. People passed me, and one girl went around me to the candy machine.


Lacey was walking over to me in skinny jeans and a grey shirt. Her hair was tied back in a short ponytail that had hairs coming out and framing her face. She smiled at me.


She showed her badge to the guy at the counter, and we started to climb up the stairs.

"Thanks again for meeting up with me."

Lacey glanced over her shoulder at me. I just smiled and nodded. She turned the corner and stopped in front of a door. She pulled a key out of her back pocket and opened it. She held the door open for me. There were two beds. One side was light purple and black with black and white photos on the wall. The other bed was different shades of blue with family photos.

"Which side is yours?"

Lacey smirked and crossed her arms over her chest after she closed the door.

"Which side do you think?"


Lacey laughed. "Yes. The other side is my roommate. She's a music major. She's at some dance thing right now."

I nodded my head. She walked by me and sat on the head of her bed. Lacey folded her legs and opened up her notebook. Was I supposed to sit on the bed with her or pull out the chair at her desk? She glanced up from her textbook and smiled with an eyebrow arched.

"Aren't you going to sit down?"

Taking in a deep breath, I let it out slowly. I climbed up on the foot of her bed. My legs dangled over the sides. I opened my book to the beginning of the chapter.

"So, what part of the chapter is giving you trouble?"

"Honestly, I was hoping to go through it all."

I nodded. Lacey scooted closer to me. Lacey pushed some of her hair behind her ear. The air was stuck in my throat as her floral perfume surrounded me. Lacey leaned forward, and I drew back.

"I have a girlfriend." The words flew out of my mouth before I could even register what I was saying.

Her eyes widened. Lacey blinked a few times and drew closer to the wall behind her. I didn't have a girlfriend. Why the hell would I say that? Madeline and I didn't have any agreements.

"Sorry, I just assumed since you were at the party-"

"Don't worry, you're fine." I interrupted her.

Her eyes stayed on the book in front of her.

"So, chapter one."

"Lacey, look at me." She glanced up. "Really, you're fine. Don't worry, and we can still be friends. I need some friends up here."

A weak smile formed on her face. "I think I can manage that."

Classes were constantly keeping me busy and if they weren't, then working at the restaurant nearby was. I hung out with Jacob or Lacey when I could, but mostly I was school orientated. However, Thanksgiving gave me something to look forward to. When I applied to go to Boston, my goal was not to come home. My car started to give me some trouble, so I had to leave it at a shop and take the train home. I was probably going to spend most of my time on a train than I would be home. My body was sore from being on the train all those hours, and my eyelids were heavy, but seeing Ricky leaning against his SUV at the train station made a grin show up despite it.

"You look great."

I chuckled.

"Thanks for getting me."

We gave each other a quick hug. I threw my bag into the backseat and climbed into the passenger seat upfront. I groaned as I got settled and closed my eyes.

"Long trip?

"Seriously long, try ten hours long."

"Ten hours? Gees, that sounds like torture."

"I'm surprised Justin isn't here."

Ricky started his car, and we headed out of the train station parking lot.

"He had some project to work on for one of his classes. He said college was harder than he was expecting."

I snorted. "I'm surprised."

Ricky laughed.

"How's Maddie been?"

"She seems good in her emails. Maddie is taking classes with Justin. She's back with my dad, who has been leaving her alone because of Adam."

"That's good."

I yawned.

"I might crash when I get home."

"I wouldn't blame you."

My dad's house was only a few miles from the station, and I could tell I was zoning out. The place was dark, and I waved at Ricky when I got out. Using my key, I got into the house and didn't hear anything. Climbing the steps, I went slowly. My eyes were still not adjusted to the dark. The top step creaked slightly under my foot. I cursed and continued my way down the hall. The cracks around Madeline's door lit up then her door opened. Her eyes squinted at first, and a smile grew on her face. I got closer then put my bag down. She ran over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I picked her up, then held on tight. This moment, the hug, made the train ride from hell worth it.

I put her back down on her feet and picked up my bag. She took my hand and followed me into my room. Kicking my shoes off, I collapsed onto my bed. I scooted over, and she laid beside me. Pulling the blankets up, I made sure that

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