“If you don’t agree,” Chad says, “then you will be sent back here to the Souls Council and be made to take part in The Purifying.”
“Is there anything else?” Jake asks, ready to finish this conversation. This news has moved up our escape deadline.
“Yes, there is something else,” Johnathan says, “Samantha King has been sentenced to The Purifying.”
Chapter Seventeen
Currently, and to my knowledge, Jake and I are the only ones who truly know what The Purifying is. Not one single person on our side knows that Samantha has just been sentenced to death, but not one person on our side knows that Jake and I know what this means.
“Very well,” I say, trying to sound noble like R. J. “are we done, then?”
“We are” R. J. says. “However, we will be having one of these meetings per week to make sure that your performance is on task.”
“And if it isn’t?” I blurt out.
“It has already been made clear that The Purifying will be activated for each individual,” Chad answers.
I stand up, grab the note from the center of the table, and walk out without further instructions. Mar gets up, following me out the door.
“What’s going on, Liz?”
“Not now,” I whisper.
She nods her head while sticking her hands shyly in her pockets. I wish she felt as strong as I know she is. The rest of our group filters out of the room behind us along with our guards. Jake and Eli walk up to where Mar and I are walking.
“Eli and I need to be alone,” I say with an exhausted breath.
“I know,” Jake responds. “You know where I will be if you need me.”
I nod my head. We walk back over the tunnel, down the steps, and into the common room. All the members of my group go into our Pod while Eli and I go off looking for some solace. We could never truly be alone with Smith only inches behind us.
“Excuse me, Smith, but do you know of a place that is quiet?” I ask.
“The East hall has a library in it,” he smiles.
“Lead the way,” Eli says.
The rest of our walk is quiet. We enter a large library with white desks, chairs, shelves, lamps, everything white. Even the books are covered in white cloth, making them look as stark as the shelves themselves.
The titles of each book are written in gold to tell what each one is.
Eli and I take a place at a small table in the corner, hoping that Smith takes a hint and sits on the other side of the room. He doesn’t, though; he piles into the desk next to our table, pulling out a small book from his pocket labeled “To Kill a Mockingbird.” He commences to reading it, leaving me to my brother with the note from Robert Towers.
“I can read it to you if you want,” Eli says to me.
I nod my head. I don’t know I would have much strength to do it on my own right now.
My brother begins to read.
Dear Elizabeth and Elious,
My twins, my dear, sweet twins. I have missed you truly. I have noticed as of late you and your sister were taken by The Force. As you must know already, The Elected have put cameras in the compound, and as I know you also know, I am alive and well. I had taken a position in Intelligence on the board for The Elected.
I apologize for faking my death, at the time it was the only way of protecting your mother, sisters, and you both. I was happy to have seen you become strong individuals through the lenses of those cameras. I saw you on the first day, when you took care of that little girl. I watched as you changed her clothes, shielding her from all the others. How noble. All in all, this is my I’m sorry and goodbye note.
Eli looks at me puzzled.
He hands me the note and I continue in his place.
I went back to the R9 to bring your mother and Lydia away because The Elected plan on attacking small regions first, including the R9. I couldn’t let that happen to your mother and Lydia, but The Elected did not accept your mother’s feistiness, much like yours, Elizabeth, or should I call you Liz?
They soon put her and Lydia in confinement. I helped them escape confinement and were going to leave them in the hands of a group of Voyagers when The Facility found us, they marked them as hostages of the Voyagers, and me as a traitor to The Elected. I was taken to the Souls Council where I told them about your mother, Lydia, and how you both, along with your friends, have become quite the army.
I mean, you made it out of The Force. That was the last time I saw you. I am sorry for all I have done, and I couldn’t tell you I was one of the bad guys, but now I am here at The Facility. I thought I should tell you; I have been sentenced to The Purifying for being a traitor in the eyes of The Facility.
Your Dad.”
A sick feeling hits my stomach as I finish the last words. I don’t think I have one single emotion for that man left in my body, but I do have so many questions to ask him. Why did he want to save mom and Lydia after virtually killing himself to get away from us?
“What is The Purifying exactly?” Eli asks me seriously.
I stand up without answering his question. I walk over to Smith, catching him off guard when I push the letter against his chest.
“Is he still alive?”