of the mission as my primary focus.”

“You’re not a Marine anymore, remember?”

“Once a Marine, always a Marine, honey. It is what it is.”

“I wonder if Charlene and Grace have to listen to that stuff day and night.”

He stood. “Stand up.”


“Stand up.”


“Just do it, Danaher.”

She stood, and he leaned across the table and kissed her. In public, as if it was the most natural thing to do…he kissed her. She remained standing in a blissful fog. “Now, sit down and finish your dinner. Soon as we leave here I want to call Amber. Wyoming’s on Mountain Time. Mom will be bundling her off to bed soon.”

“I thought you called her on Sundays.”

“I call her whenever I can, but always on Sunday.”

“You’re a good daddy.” He had to be missing her. He’d said they’d never been apart for more than two days since she’d been born. “I bet she misses you.”

He grinned. “She’s too busy with horses, cattle and dogs to miss me, but I miss her like crazy. We’re a team.”

A team of two. Where did that leave her? Marla hoped there was room on that team for one more member. And if there was, where would she end up in the pecking order? She loved both of them, but wasn’t at all sure if Amber was willing to welcome a woman into their tight little team. She’d always been number one with Dwayne, always had him to herself.

Sitting in her car in the coffee shop lot Marla listened to Dwayne’s half of the happy daddy-daughter conversation. Every now and then he’d look at her and smile or put his hand on her as if to reassure her. She suspected he’d given thought to the three of them.

He said and showed that he loved her, but he’d never suggested marriage. It was far too soon to go that extra step anyway, in her mind. She wished she could just relax and enjoy him…them. She’d never felt so whole, so completed. Why did she have to over-think every gesture and word? Charlene had the right attitude. Jump in with both feet and enjoy getting wet.

“You want to talk to Marla? Yes, she’s right here.” He held out his phone. “Amber wants to say hello.”

“Hi, Amber. Are you having fun?”

“I’m learning to be a cowgirl. It’s a rill lot of work, but it’s fun.”

“Tell me some of the things you do.”

“I feed the chickens before breakfast, then after breakfast Grammakat and I go for a long ride to check the fences. The cows are always escaping. I don’t get it. They should stay close to their babies and take care of them.”

Marla heard a muffled voice in the background then Amber said, “Grammakat telled me they’re calfs, not babies. Only humans have babies.”

Marla chuckled. “If you’re going to be a real cowgirl I suppose it’s important to know the proper name for all the animals on the ranch.”

“Oh, guess what? I saw a coyote rill close. He stared at the chicken pen, and I stomped my feet and hollered. Jarhead barked at him.”

“Did he leave?”

“Yes, but they’re always hanging around the chickens. They must be rill starved if they want to eat a chicken that’s not cooked and still has all its feathers on. Yucky.”

“I wonder if Skipper would chase the chickens.”

“Probly, but they’re bigger than him.”

Marla laughed. “I think you should tell your daddy the coyote story.” She handed Dwayne the phone.

“What happened, squirt?” He nodded. “Oh, yeah? Did you tell Gramma? Uh huh. Then, you listen to her, she knows all about the wildlife. You have to go to bed? Okay then, put Gramma on the phone. Love you more than anything. Good night, nurse.” He made some silly kissing noises.

He chuckled. “Hi, Mom. Everything good? Yep. Marla’s coming with me. Not sure. Soon as I wrap up this job. Is that right? I’ll tell her. Love you too. Bye.”

“Tell me what?”

“Donovan called her today to say that he and Charlene will be there about the same time as us. Did you know that?”

“No. I wonder why she didn’t tell me.” She took her cell phone from her purse. “Oh, there’s a text message from her. I didn’t notice it earlier.”

“What does it say?”

“Call me. I have news.” She nodded. “What do you want to bet that’s why she called?”

“Call her. It’s early yet.”

Marla tapped Charlene’s picture. “Char? What’s the news?”

“Donovan got his liberty and his assignment in Hawaii. We’re going to get married in Wyoming while everybody’s there visiting the ranch.”

“Oh, sis, that’s great news…I guess, but…”

Charlene chattered on, not waiting for her answer. “We want to have a big pre-wedding reception here at Mom and Dad’s, before we leave for Wyoming. I need you to help me plan it.”

Charlene getting married and moving to Oahu? A sense of loss overcame her, and she couldn’t answer. Her eyes swam with unshed tears. “Um.” Dwayne kissed her hand and that made it worse.

Charlene said, “Marla?”

She cleared her throat. “I’m already crying because you’re leaving. Of course, I’ll help you with your party. Let’s make it the best party we’ve ever had. We’ll invite everybody.”

“Oh, good. We only have a week. Can you come over to Sil and Dadly’s tonight? We need to get started yesterday.”

“Can Dwayne come?”

“You mean my soon-to-be brother-in-law? Sure! The more the merrier.”

“Good, I’ll fill in the details for him then we’ll be on our way. Bye.”

“Hey, honey, what’s wrong?”

“They’re getting married,” she bawled.

Dwayne laughed and hugged her. “That’s happy news, isn’t it?”

Marla nodded. “Yes, but they’re moving to Hawaii,” she bawled again.

He brushed a tear from her check with his thumb. “I can’t think of better people for us to sponge off for a nice vacation, can you?”

She shook her head and nodded through her tears. “We’re supposed to go to my parent’s house tonight to help plan their big party. Do you want to go?”

“Sure, let’s get Skipper and head over there.”

How could she love this man any more? He was going to get her dog.

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