of the alliance, but there are other, less well-known stories that confirm the role the Orcs played."

"Oh, yes?" said the king. "And what role was that? Slave?"

The bard shook his head. "No, my king. The Orcs were trusted allies. The writings are quite clear on that."

The king sat, dumbfounded.

"Your Majesty," said Natalia. "Perhaps it can be so again?"

"What do you mean?"

"We understand you are under threat from a place called Ebenstadt."

"We are," Eadred admitted. "They have been pushing us eastward for years. Why, the city itself is built on the remains of one of our villages."

"Then maybe instead of confronting the Orcs, it is time you put aside your differences and seek common ground with them. If the skrollings threaten you, how long until the Orcs, likewise, come to their notice?"

"You speak with wisdom, Water Mage. What is it you propose?"

"Let us take an invitation to the Orcs. We can then settle your differences and learn to work together rather than remain at odds."

"An interesting idea," noted the king, "but who here speaks the language of the greenskins."

"I do," said Athgar, "and I have already met Kirak, their leader."

"I shall give it some thought," said Eadred. "In the meantime, you are welcome here, Athgar of Athelwald. Long has it been since a mage of our own has trod this ground. A place shall be found for you."

"And my wife?"

The king cast a quick glance at Natalia. "Of course," he added grudgingly.

"Might I ask a boon, Lord King?"

Eadred roared out a laugh. "So bold! We have only just met, and yet already you ask a boon. Very well, go ahead. What is it you wish?"

"Only the services of Skora to help the mother of my child."


"Yes, the old woman from my village that serves your household?"

"Oh, THAT old woman. Of course, consider her yours."

"Thank you, Lord King." Athgar turned to Skora, who bowed knowingly.

"Now, you have given me much to think on," the king continued. "I must have my peace."

Eadred stood, prompting his guests to do likewise. Everyone began filing out, save the king and his guards.

Athgar caught Skora's hand as they exited. "You are free to make your own decision, Skora. I would not have you a slave."

"It is kind of you to say," the old woman replied, "but I shall look after your child in any event."

"I like her," said Natalia.

"Of course you do," Skora said. "What's not to like? And wait until you've tasted my porridge."

"With maple?"

"My dear, you can have anything you like with it."

At the king's insistence, they were given a spare hut that had belonged to a hunter who had perished in the continual skirmishing with the skrollings. Having sat empty for almost a year, the structure required some repairs, but Athgar soon had it in good shape.

Once their new home was put to rights, he went out hunting with Raleth and Harwath. Using the skills he had learned from the Orcs, he bagged two deer, making him the talk of the village. Skora soon showed she had not forgotten how to dress a carcass.

Life began to settle down for the pair of them, and yet still, they waited for King Eadred to make a decision. Towards the end of the month, when Athgar had returned from gathering yet more wood, Natalia sat watching him as he carefully placed it atop the flames.

"I've been thinking," she said.

"Oh? What about? Me, I hope?"

She smiled. "That, too, but no, I was considering what they said about Therengia."

"About its fall, you mean?"

"Yes. There's something about it all that's been nagging at me."

He paused, stick still in hand. "Go on."

"I think it might have been the family," she said. "Or at least what later became the family."

"What makes you say that?"

"It sounds like just the kind of thing the family would do. The Stormwinds and Sartellians have been sending people to courts for generations."

"Yes," Athgar agreed, "but it's only natural, isn't it? That's where the real riches are."

"It's more than that," Natalia said. "I think they do it for power. Imagine the influence an experienced mage could have on a ruler."

"So you think these 'outside mages' were predecessors to the family?"

"I do, though I have no proof."

"And if they were?" asked Athgar. "Why would they wish to collapse the kingdom? Surely they would want to maintain their influence? Destroying them would do just the opposite."

"I think that was unintentional. I think they were trying to use their power and influence without securing their positions first. The whole thing turned on them when they lost control."

"How does that help us now?"

"I don't think it does," Natalia admitted, "but if this is true, they might be the real power behind many of the Petty Kingdoms."

"I'm no expert on the Continent, but aren't the Petty Kingdoms constantly fighting amongst themselves?"

"Yes, and yet, still, I think there might be a connection."

"I suppose it's not outside the realm of possibility," he said. "How would you confirm or deny such an idea?"

"I'd have to travel to the hall of records in the Volstrum." She held up her hands. "Don't worry, I'm not seriously considering it."

"Good," he said, sitting beside her and placing his hand upon her stomach, "because I am not risking you or our child for such a thing."

"Are we doing the right thing, Athgar?"

"What? Having a child? Of course we are."

"I'm happy to hear you say that, but no, I meant taking on this fight between the Orcs and Therengians. Can we really bring peace to them?"

"Yes," he replied, "provided the king makes up his mind sometime in our lifetime."

"He doesn't seem very decisive."

"Skora warned us," Athgar said.

"So she did."


Summer 1104 SR

(In the tongue of the Orcs)

The Orcs of the Red Hand descended into an ancient forest, populated by giant spruce trees that reached far above them. There was little in the way of undergrowth here, save for moss and the ever-present rocks worn smooth by the passage of time. Kargen finally called a halt, letting

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