Kanin moved to Khollo’s side, peering down also. They could use some help, he observed critically. The dragon’s head swung back and forth, peering at the fighters.
The vertaga from the gates of Dun Carryl are pushing hard, Kanin reported finally. The only thing keeping them at bay is Relam King and your friends, Sermas and Hern.
Khollo’s head snapped around so fast it hurt. What? he demanded. They’re fighting in the front lines?
Yes, Kanin said. And they need help. As Kanin finished speaking, a bright orange fireball erupted in the vertaga ranks near Relam’s standard, sending beasts staggering and shouting. Khollo frowned, searching for the source, then another fireball exploded further back.
What is going on down there?
Fire jars, Kanin replied immediately, watching the oily black smoke climb skyward. But these seem more potent than the ones we dropped.
Khollo backed away from the cliff and climbed into the saddle wearily. We’ve had enough of a rest for now. Let’s see if we can’t turn the tide in the canyon.
If we could just slow down the vertaga joining the battle then we might have a chance, Kanin said as he spread his wings.
I have an idea about that, Khollo replied grimly. Land by the catapults. I’m giving them a new target.
Chapter 56
Kanin dove straight down into the canyon, making for the center of the Sthan army. A small space around the catapults was clear, just enough room for a dragon to land. As they descended, the noise of the battle rose to deafening levels, rebounding and reverberating off the stone cliffs. Disembodied screams floated back and forth, along with howls and shouts, defiant war cries and grunts of exertion, the clash of metal on metal overlaying it all.
Kanin dropped to the floor of the canyon beside the catapults, shaking his head. Why does battle have to be so noisy? he complained. The dragon roared his displeasure and thrashed his tail back and forth.
Khollo turned, searching for the source of the shout. A soldier was running towards him, his helm askew, his face pale and drawn. Behind him, three men were struggling to move another boulder from a laden cart to the arm of one of the catapults.
“We’re hitting that gate with everything we have, but I doubt we’ve made a dent in it,” he reported, throwing up his hands. “If we can’t stop the – ”
“Don’t worry about the main gate,” Khollo said, cutting the man off midsentence. “What kind of range do you have on those weapons?”
“We can probably hit anything in the canyon,” the soldier replied, looking around.
“Start targeting the smaller tunnels,” Khollo commanded. “Anything you hurl at the gate is wasted effort at this point. When all the tunnels are sealed, start bombarding the cliff above the gate. Is that clear?”
“Yes, my lord,” the soldier replied, hurrying back to the catapults. He froze a few paces away and turned back. “His majesty told us to tell you that he is on the front lines if we see you. He has taken his guard to shore up the defenses.”
Khollo nodded as another fireball exploded somewhere amidst the vertaga forces. “Yes, I think I might know where to find them,” he replied. Come on Kanin. Time to lend a hand again.
I can only lend so many hands, Kanin grumbled. One dragon is not enough to take on a horde this size.
We’ll just have to do the best we can, Khollo said, desperately trying to devise a winning strategy.
Behind them, a rolling, rumbling crash sounded as the catapults let loose on their new targets. Khollo turned just in time to see a boulder smash into the cliff face above one of the smaller tunnels, showering the vertaga with dirt and debris. Then, with a screech of stone on stone, the tunnel disappeared in a cloud of dust, rubble pouring down over the opening.
Kanin bounded onto the frontlines, scattering vertaga and nearly crushing a pair of Sthan spearmen who were a little slow getting out of the way. Khollo dismounted, landing just to the left of King Relam. The young king was dirt stained and covered in blood and gore, his shining gold and silver armor streaked with the grime of battle.
“Good to see you!” he shouted over the noise of the battle. “How are things looking?”
“The slopes are secure, took out some lutags that were trying to wipe out our archers,” Khollo replied, drawing his Sen-teel. “The heavy cavalry was charging this way last I saw. Do you know if they made it?”
“Don’t – Hah! – know. I’ve been here for a while now,” Relam explained, stepping back from the vertag he had just slain. “What happened to the catapults?”
“New targets,” Khollo replied, lunging at a vertag with the Sen-teel. “They’re collapsing the smaller tunnels, since those gates seem pretty well indestructible.”
“Good idea. Every little bit helps.” Relam parried a blow from another monster and Khollo thrust a blade through the beast’s exposed right side.
“Khollo! About time!” Sermas shouted, appearing between the two leaders and slightly behind them. “Did our oil jars catch your attention?”
“Yes, they certainly did,” Khollo replied, half smiling. On his other side, Kanin disemboweled a vertaga spearman, then flamed two others in rapid succession.
“Yeah, well, we’ll be running low before too much longer. Hold this,” Sermas added, thrusting a narrow-mouthed clay jar into his hands. Khollo backed away from the front line and a Sthan swordsman took his place. Khollo frowned down at the contraption in his hands, noticing that a light, flammable cloth was stuffed in the mouth of the jar.
“We made as many as we could,” Sermas panted, producing flint and steel and striking them together.