acknowledge that anyone would cave with the right kind of pressure.

Then he had a thought.

I need to tell Hawk.

He hobbled across the room toward his phone. Despite his latest setback, Blunt felt as good as he had since his surgery and wondered if he might be able to run again soon.

Blunt reached the table and placed his palms on top of it, bracing himself. Drawing in a deep breath, he reached for the phone only to feel a strong hand grab his wrist that prevented him from making the call.

“What the—” Blunt asked aloud.

He turned around to see what was happening, but he didn’t get a good look at his captor before Blunt suffered a swift blow to the side of his head, rendering him unconscious.


Washington, D.C.

HAWK SAT IN HIS CAR parked at the bottom of a deck, awaiting Big Earv. While Hawk appreciated the recently rekindled friendship, he still held everyone suspect. He’d grown accustomed to the constant state of suspicion, though he wished he didn’t have to live his life that way. But serving his country required sacrifices, sacrifices that Hawk willfully chose. Even so, Big Earv would’ve been the last person Hawk would’ve suspected, which was precisely why he felt more guarded around the secret service agent.

Big Earv pushed his way through the door, casting a looming silhouette. He paused for a beat and looked to his left and right. Satisfied that he wasn’t being observed, he strode toward Hawk’s car and climbed in.

“Sorry to have to meet you like this,” Hawk said as he shook hands with Big Earv. “I’d prefer to do this in a bar over a couple of bottles of beer.”

“That was another lifetime ago for both of us,” Big Earv said. “Maybe we’ll be able to do it again one day, but not now.”

“I know. Just wishful thinking.”

“I’m assuming this wasn’t a social call. So, what can I help you with?”

Hawk pulled out The Washington Post and folded it back to one section before pointing at one of the articles. He handed the paper to Big Earv.

“Are you working Michaels’ fundraising gala tonight?”

Big Earv nodded subtly but remained quiet.

“I need some helping getting in.”

Big Earv chuckled and looked wide-eyed at Hawk.

“You? You’re going to crash this black tie event full of million-dollar donors?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Your friends at the Secret Service would riddle me with bullet holes before I had a chance to speak.”

“So, what’s your play?”

“Have someone swap out the president’s watch so we can record his conversations and his movements.”

Big Earv stroked his chin and glanced over his shoulder as if he were still scanning the deck.

“That’s a bold move, Hawk. Who’s hustling this swap?”

“Alex Duncan.”

“Alex? Your handler?”

“I know. Shocking, isn’t it? Turns out she’s got some skills that extend beyond writing code and monitoring CIA intelligence satellites.”

“She better have more than just skills—she better be like a goddess when it comes to swapping out the Michaels watch. Our guys will be looming over him. If they suspect anything, she will get arrested immediately. And I suspect that’s not something you’d want.”

“Alex is a pro. She’ll be careful. If she has to abort, she will.”

“I’ll get her name on the list and have an invitation left at will call. Just be careful, okay? There’s only so much I can do to protect her, especially when my sole responsibility is to protect Michaels.”

“Use the legend of Christina Harper. She’ll be posing as a philanthropic CEO of a new startup that’s worth millions after just one year of operation.”

“And she’ll be able to substantiate that with documentation should anyone look?”

Hawk nodded and handed his phone to Big Earv.

“She’s already created a company site along with inserting several dummy articles on major news channels.”

“Impressive,” Big Earv said as he scrolled through the list. “This should be sufficient. I’ll make sure she gets in. After that, it’s up to her.”

“Understood,” Hawk said as he took his phone back.

Big Earv moved toward the door when Hawk put a hand on his friend.

“Thanks,” Hawk said. “I really appreciate this. You know if it wasn’t important, I wouldn’t ask for your help.”

“I know. You can count on me.”

Hawk watched Big Earv get out of the car, scan the deck, and walk casually back to the stairwell entrance.

Once Big Earv disappeared, Hawk dialed Alex’s number.

“You’re in,” he said.

* * *

THE NATIONAL BUILDING MUSEUM sparkled beneath the glare of the spotlights casting their beams on the magnificent structure. The red carpet event attracted some of the city’s most powerful political brokers along with a fair share of A-list celebrities. Elegant music pumped through the speakers as attendees presented their invitations before making their way inside.

Alex, wearing a tasteful sequined black gown, sidestepped the welcoming party, posing as a journalist. If she intended to avoid drawing scrutiny, the last thing she wanted was to be photographed at the event. Slipping behind the gawkers and celebrity critics, she ditched her microphone in a nearby potted plant and pulled out her identification.

“Christina Harper,” she said, holding out her fake credentials for the woman managing the will call table.

The woman leaned forward, peering over her glasses while she read the name. Methodically, she flipped through the stack of envelopes until she stopped and pulled one out.

“Sign here, ma’am,” the woman said, pointing to the back of the envelope.

Alex complied with the instructions.

The woman handed Alex her invitation. “Enjoy the event.”

A pair of Secret Service agents almost immediately approached Alex.

“Good evening, gentlemen,” she said. “Is there a problem?”

“Just protocol, ma’am,” one of the agents said as they began waving their wands around the contours of her body.

“You’re free to proceed,” he said after a few seconds.

She exhaled slowly and handed her invitation to a woman before entering the event.

“Just breathe,” Hawk said over the com tucked inside Alex’s ear.

“So, this is what it’s like to be on a mission and have someone in your head the entire time,” she said. “I should’ve never put

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