night in bed as one to aspire to. He still teased Tess sometimes about that night of the triple poke, although she insisted that he had dreamt one. Maybe so, but a man should cling tight to the best of his memories, illusory or not. It was not long after that he started having pizzle trouble.

Tess was pouring a bucket of steaming hot water in the tub now. “I think this should do you,” she said. “Strip down. I hope you have clean underwear in your bag.”

“I do, ma’am. I know you don’t like to dance with cowmen who don’t put on clean underwear.”

“I don’t care a whit about dancing, but I don’t want a man with dirty underwear in my bed.”

“I can’t remember ever wearing any underwear beneath the sheets with you, clean or dirty.”

“Just get your clothes off and get in the tub. I’ll scrub your back and maybe give old Medicine Stick a swipe or two if you behave yourself.”

Medicine Stick was Tess’s nickname for his pizzle. Her suggestion triggered a stirring in his loins, but Medicine Stick did not spring up like he would have in the old days. Still, he was confident that Tess would take care of any problems.

The sun had not set yet when they sat at the kitchen table finishing the cherry cobbler, Jack’s favorite. Everything had been his favorite, the roasted beef chunks, potatoes fried with skins on, and baked beans with chopped bacon pieces. Simple fare, and that was his style, however, he noticed that Tess had become increasingly quiet as their playful banter ran its course.

“You seem to be taking on a mood,” he said. Jack knew a mood when he saw one, having to deal with his own more frequently these days. He was not quite as easygoing as many of his friends and acquaintances thought. “I told you I was fine with the deal you made with She Who Speaks. You can talk for me anytime.”

“I know. I’m not thinking about that. I’m selfish, Jack. I don’t like you going off like you are planning. We haven’t had enough years together.”

“We would never have enough years, Tess. Even if we had met forty years ago.”

“You will watch out for yourself, won’t you?”

“I’ve been watching out for myself through all kinds of trouble for fifty years. Some of the Rangers used to call me ‘Careful Wills.’”

“You’re giving me tall tales again, but I have been thinking about these precious years. My life is changing, Jack. The Comanches are all headed to Fort Sill. By summer’s end, there will not be a Comanche around these parts. They won’t be coming by for medicines and treatments anymore. It will be easier for me to make some changes in my life. While you are gone, think about that question you have asked me off and on over the years. If you ask me when you get back, I won’t put you off. You will get an answer loud and clear.” She slid her chair back and got up. “Now, I am going to put some things away, and I’ll finish cleaning up in the morning. It’s near our bedtime, and you need rest for tomorrow.”

“I didn’t come by for rest. I came for your company and maybe a little extra if you’re feeling like it and got some pizzle potion handy.”

Tess said, “I am going to put your potion and the other medicine in a small glass of water for you to drink. No coffee or you will be up half the night. Now why don’t you run outside and pee, and I’ll have everything ready when you get back.”

When Jack returned, he found Tess had left the kitchen. He drank the glass of water that had turned greenish from the medicines. He looked in the bedroom and discovered her there, naked and lighting the bedside lamp in preparation for darkness that would soon descend. She preferred the flickering flame and soft glow of a lamp when they made love, and they were both comfortable with their mutual nakedness.

Tess lay down on the sheets, watching him with her seductive eyes while she waited. He undressed, pleased that his pizzle was already awakening. He joined her on the bed, wondering if he would be crippled in the morning.

“Your back’s hurting from saddle time, isn’t it?” Tess asked.

“Only a mite.”

“I’ll do the heavy work tonight,” she said, rolling toward him.

Her fingertips took control of his flesh, and he pulled her head toward his and gave her a lingering kiss. “I love you, Tess Wyman,” he said.

“Ah, but will you say that after you have had your way with me? By the way, Medicine Stick is powerful tonight.”

At sunrise, Jack woke up alone in bed. He got up, dressed, and followed the tantalizing smells to the kitchen. Biscuits, eggs, and bacon were waiting, and coffee was brewing.

Tess met him with a quick hug and kiss. “I knew breakfast would get you up.”

Jack dropped into a chair at the table. “I’m so damn sore this morning, I don’t know if I can step into a saddle.”

“You don’t have to on my account. You can just stay right here. I won’t make you repeat last night for a spell.”

“Don’t tell me I was dreaming, but I could swear the middle of the night, we had another ride.”

“You weren’t dreaming, lover. We had a double.” She placed a plate with bacon and fried eggs in front of him. “Biscuits are in the covered pan. Honey jar is beside it.”

“I’ll be damned. You must have put in an extra dose of the pizzle potion.”

Tess sat down across from him and took his hand as he was reaching for a biscuit. “Jack, I have a confession.”

“A confession? Don’t tell me you’ve got a husband somewhere I don’t know about.”

She smiled. “No, nothing like that. It’s the pizzle potion, Jack.”

“What about it? I’m not going to drop dead from taking too much, am I?”

“Not quite. Jack, the potion is just

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