She struggled to the pond and wiggled in. Then called to them once more. She could now hear bushes moving and branches breaking. She began to cry louder, as she cramped again, and shit in the water, her whole body was now in the pond. Dan Miller, and Luke Moore came through the trees and she saw them and lifted a hand up. Then she passed out, her face falling into the water.
Dan ran quickly and jerked Carol’s unconscious body out of the dirty water. He heard Luke gagging and yelled, “Help me damnit, she’s heavy.”
Luke grabbed one of Carol’s arms and helped Dan drag her out of the pond. Her jeans were down around her ankles and they put her on the ground, away from the vomit and vileness. Dan started to jerk her wet jeans up, then looked at Luke who was just staring.
“Stop staring for Christ’s sake and help me get her pants up. She’s breathing thank god, I’d hate to give her mouth to mouth, I think she’s been puking and shitting all night. Hurry up, we need to get her back to base camp. And start yelling that we have her.” He finally finished pulling the wet jeans up, sweat pouring off his full face and managed to get his shoulder under her arm. Luke got on the other side and both men dragged her limp body, all the while Luke called out that they had found her.
Dan thought that she was in bad shape, he’d seen blood in both the vomit and her diarrhea. He didn’t know if she ate something poisonous or if she drank unclean water, but what ever the case, she wasn’t in any shape to continue. He was pissed at Grayson, that bastard was too old to act like that.
Dan had three teenage daughters and each one was a pain in the ass, the oldest seventeen going on thirty. But Christ, you don’t let them self-destruct. Carol wasn’t Grayson’s daughter, he didn’t even know if Grayson had kids, he hoped not, by the way he’d treated this girl.
But Grayson was older and knew better. Carol in his eyes, was still a kid, stupid and vulnerable. The fact that Grayson didn’t give a rat’s ass really bothered Dan. He’d hate to think if one of his daughters were out here, and Grayson had treated her like this, he’d bust him in the chops. There wasn’t much to Carol, but she was dead weight and heavy as hell. He was breathing heavily and he’d not had much to eat. He hoped he wouldn’t have a friggen heart attack.
They were days from nowhere, and he’d be a dead man. He would haunt the shit out of Grayson if he did drop dead. He was glad Luke was yelling, he didn’t have the breath for it. He had a few choice words when he saw Grayson, but for now, they needed to get this young woman to base camp.
They saw Sarah and Aiden below and called to them. Aiden came running and took the girl from their shoulders, he slung her easily up on his shoulder and began running downhill, Sarah following behind. Now they were also calling that Carol had been found. It took twenty minutes, but the five of them made it to main camp. William and Diana were there, and Dan was glad that they were nurses. William dug around and pulled out a bag of saline and hooked it to the top of the tent. Diana opened the med kit and took out some sterile wipes and cleaned the area on her arm and then William inserted the needle. Carol moaned and whimpered.
“We found her in a small pond, she had bloody diarrhea all around and also bloody vomit.” Dan said.
“Did you see if she’d eaten anything, were there any plant matter or chewed up berries in the vomit?” Diana asked.
“No, just bile.” Dan said, shaking his head, that poor kid was in a bad way, but he hoped they could help her, she was pale as a sheet and he could easily see the blue veins beneath the skin.
“See if they have anything for vomiting and diarrhea in the med kit.” Diana asked William.
Dan walked over to Aiden and Sarah, he didn’t see Luke. They all stood watching as Diana and William worked away. Dan hit Aiden on the back with the palm of his hand. “Thanks for helping man, I appreciate it. You seen that Grayson dick anywhere?”
“No, I’m not even sure he is out looking.” Aiden said darkly, and looked up to see Marla and Christian walking out of the trees. Dan followed his eyes and saw the two.
“We found her, she’s not doing too good, but Diana and William are working on her now.” Dan said as the two reached them.
“Thank God, where is Grayson?” Marla asked, looking around.
“No clue, he’s probably napping in his log.” Aiden said angrily.
“Okay, you all can go back to what you were doing, hunting and gathering. Let everyone know as you see them, that she’s been found. We’ll take it from here.” Marla announced. Dan nodded to her and then to Aiden and turned and went to look for Luke. He wondered where the kid got to.
Everyone headed in their own directions, Aiden led the way back to the cave. He looked over his shoulder at Sarah, who was looking back at the scene below in camp. “Come on, let’s go exploring. I wanted to head north east to the hilly section. She’s in good hands, they’ll