Mary moved about the dining room, Drake and Lil Theo were the first to arrive, fresh scrubbed. Then Henry came in the house, nodding to the thin young man. Mary had told him that Theo had hired Mr. Clement to tutor Rachel. Henry whispered to Mary that the young man didn’t look like much. She elbowed her husband. Drake introduced himself and Lil Theo and Henry. Theo came into the room, with Rachel on his arm.
Mary could see that Joshua was struck by Rachel’s beauty and stumbled when he reached out to shake her hand. His face fused pink, his ears turned red. Mary rolled her eyes, looking at her husband who did the same. Most men reacted the same way to Rachel, though many were put off by rumors of her parentage.
Everyone adjourned to the table, the conversation lively between Drake and Lil Theo. Ida put in her two cents, rebuffing Drake’s teasing. Joshua was surprised at the jovial atmosphere at the table, that and the fact that the help sat at the same table of the master of the farm. Joshua was under no misconceptions with regard to how whites treated the ex-slaves. It was criminal in many cases. Joshua ate quietly, letting the flow of laugher and chatter wrap around him. His eyes strayed from time to time to the beautiful Rachel. He could not tell that she was of mixed blood, she was fair, though not as fair as he, few people were as pale as himself. Her dark eyes and hair were the only indication, which wasn’t much of an indication. Her mother must have been very fair indeed. Drake was the same, though he had his father’s blue eyes.
Rachel’s speech was of an educated woman, with a heavy southern accent, which he liked. It was evident that the young people in the room had been well educated. He had met educated blacks up north and also in Europe. Joshua also knew that slaves hadn’t been allowed to learn the fundamentals of reading and writing. In some cases, the reprisal was quite violent for those who dared to learn. This family, however, had bypassed that hurdle. He smiled at their teasing. Clearly, these people cared deeply for one another. Joshua felt a twinge. He’d never had that growing up. He had craved it, but had never had it. He could see these people loved and cared for each other and he felt very lucky to be here with them.
Rachel looked shyly at her new teacher. His large brown eyes were beautiful and she could feel his artist’ soul through those eyes. His bright hair fascinated her; her hands itched to touch it. The fifteen-year-old felt the first stirrings of puppy love. She ate her dinner, tasting none of it.
Drake continued to badger Ida, nudging her under the table. Theo told him to stop and smacked him playfully on the back of his head. Lil Theo laughed, choking on milk and covering his nose, when it came through. Mary gave Lil Theo a dark look, and kicked Henry under the table. Rachel burst out laughing at Lil Theo and the rest followed suit.
Hearing the front door slam, everyone turned as Victor walked into the room. Seventeen-year-old Victor greeted everyone and introductions were made. Victor kissed his mother and shook his father’s and Theo’s hand.
“The Freeland’s are taking a vacation up to Savannah. Their oldest daughter is having a baby, Mrs. Freeland wants to be there for the birth. Tobias said he was taking the whole family for an impromptu holiday. He invited me, but I wanted to come home.” Victor grinned, and hugged his mother again.
Mary Beth walked into the dinning room at that very moment, carrying a plate for Victor, a wide smile on her face. Drake coughed loudly and received another smack from his father. Victor shot him a dirty look and thanked Mary Beth, smiling at her. Drake coughed a little too loudly once more and sniggered softly.
Sitting at the table, Victor regaled the group about the commission he had received. He was to build a beautiful table and ornate hutch for a prominent family from Savannah. It was for their daughter’s wedding. Everyone was excited, this could propel Victor to Master craftsman status and once word got around about his work, Victor could strike out on his own if he so desired.
“Do you think you might just stay with Mr. Freeland?” Henry asked.
“I think I may strike out on my own. The commissions I make, well, a large portion go to Mr. Freeland and rightfully so. Unless he wishes to make me a partner. I’ll have to wait and see.” Victor said. Mary knew he wanted to start a family one day and provide for them. His keen interest in Mary Beth said that day was approaching sooner than later.
Drake, Lil Theo and Ida started coughing at once and the room erupted in hilarity. Joshua joined in this time, enjoying the easy comradely in the house. Mary laughed and shook her head. No one was blind to Victor’s interest in Mary Beth, it would seem. Victor grinned good-naturedly.
During his visit, Victor went to speak with Carl and Ellen. He asked for Mary Beth’s hand in marriage. Carl asked Mary Beth if she were willing to take Victor as her husband. Receiving a