be another matter. By making Thad a Provocator, Thad would go after the man and slice him to ribbons. Everyone left him and Dean alone. Dean was weeping softly and choking on wine. Thad wiped at his face and took another sip of wine.

“I hope you’re gonna kill that fucker,” Dean said in a low voice.

“I will but I’ll make him suffer before I do,” Thad said.


Lucius made his way downstairs and the rage went through him. Glaucis met him, his mouth thin and angry. That pissant thought he got away with it, but Lucius had seen the man’s face. This was not good. He ran a good Ludus and didn’t put up with a lot of shit from the men. He let them have their arguments and fights, that was normal. Men fought, they argued and they squabbled. That was human nature and you had to let them vent a little, otherwise they would blow up. But Philo was sneaky and underhanded. He’d known men like that, one man in particular.

Lucius had been a gladiator for just two years when he was gaining a name. His rival, Trajan Gracchus, hated him and was jealous. Like Philo, Gracchus didn’t know when to shut his mouth. The more he talked, the harder Lucius went after him and beat him. During one match, Gracchus taunted him but couldn’t get a rise. Like Thad, Lucius was even tempered. He was a big man and he knew his own power and skill.

They were nearing the end of the match and Gracchus knew he was losing and in a last-ditch effort, dove in front of Lucius and shoved his sword up at the last second. It was a lucky or in Lucius’ case, unlucky strike. The sword skewered Lucius’ groin, cutting part of his penis off and removed one testicle. Gracchus had that same self-satisfied smug expression that Philo wore earlier. He was a coward as was Philo. If he couldn’t win in a fair fight, man to man, he would go about it in a cowardly fashion.

Lucius had nearly died and sometimes, he’d wished he had. He was useless to women as a man but still had the man’s desires. He had gotten even with Gracchus however. He had paid several slaves to plant evidence and start a rumor that Gracchus was plotting against the new emperor, Marcus Otho Caesar Augustus. It had taken patience but Trajan Gracchus had been sentenced to impalement. Though still gravely ill and recovering, Lucius had stood before the man with the sharpened stick up his rectum and watched as the man slowly slid down to his agonizing death.

He knew that young Drago would kill Philo and he hoped that it would bring some sense of justice to the man. That was all he could do for him, for there was no law that could help a slave. Only the justice of his own hands.

“Drago is now a Provocator,” Lucius said. Glaucis nodded and sighed heavily.

“I can’t say I’m surprised. I always thought he was a back biting little coward. It is too bad we have lost a good man. I’m sure Drago will even the score,” Glaucis said.

“I doubt Philo even realizes what he has truly done.”

“No, he’s not the sharpest sword in the basket,” Glaucis said and spit.


Thad had waited patiently, over the past month, he’d trained hard to be a Provocator. He’d kept his distance from Philo, not trusting himself not to kill the man on the spot. Philo felt the heat of his deeds though he vehemently denied the accusation. None would look or talk to him; he was essentially shunned. During practice, opponents took great pleasure beating him down and nicking him with their weapons. But none would seriously harm him, they all knew that it was Thad’s job and left it to him to seek justice for his brother. He and Dean had stood in the training arena and Thad had called out the words.

“Lance corporal Marco Velasco of the Marine Corps died and shall be avenged. Go with God,” Thad bellowed at the top of his lungs and sounded out “Oorah!” It was echoed by Dean and Felix. A soft smiled creased his mouth. Cynyn had begun to hang around Dean, Thad and Felix as had Atticus. More of the taciturn Scots were warming up and actually tried talking to Thad and his group, though he thought Cynyn had more to do with that. They followed his lead.

Thad had won three of his bouts with other Provocator. He was gaining popularity in this position. At first his fans weren’t sure what to make of the switch, but when they saw him in action, they warmed up to it. Dean was as popular as ever and Thad chuckled when Dean had stepped out on the field for the first time that season. His fans had started the chant, along with the clapping and stomping. Dean didn’t smile as often now and spent more and more time with Zaza. Thad could understand that and didn’t begrudge his friend. Thad stayed focused and it was the day he’d been waiting for, nearly four months later.

Philo stood near and he could smell the fear on the man, it was an oily stench. It made Thad want to clear his nostrils. He blew out a breath. He’d seen the senator and had been to the villa a month ago. Pansa had been saddened by the news. Tullia was there as well and looked as beautiful as ever. During that visit, Pansa had let his daughter and Thad have time alone. They had walked through the gardens of the villa and Tullia had been nervous, but sweet. He had brought Felix with him and Felix and Pansa talked and discussed the spice trade. Thad had grinned when both men completely forgot about him and Tullia. It would seem that

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