ignored Hilary, I just felt I could do better. I just refused to listen to her or what the horse was telling me. I rode too hard and then blamed the horse. Is the horse, okay?”

“Yeah, Bob’s built like a brick outhouse; he’ll be fine.”

“It was my fault, not his. I told Hilary I was stupid; I’ve tried to tell Sally but she told me to fuck off!”

“Give Sally time. You have to understand that, to her, each horse is her own. She will protect them with her life. I would just stay away from her and let her calm down a bit.”

“When you hit me… I thought Bob had made a mistake. I knew it wasn’t me… But when you hit me, it really hurt and… Well, it sort of came home to me that beating an animal when it is not their fault… Shit Adam… It took that to make me realise I have a problem! I get so angry, like a red mist, I just can’t control myself… Oh, Adam… Do you think I can change?”

“I hope so. Look, Olivia, this is the first step. As I said earlier, you’re an amazing rider, if you can crack your temper problems, you’ll be unstoppable. I don’t think you realise how very grown-up it is of you to admit your mistake as you just have. So, I have to do the same, I should never have done that to you, it was completely unforgivable and I feel really awful. I’m leaving. I’ll go and tell Hilary.”

“No, Adam please don’t leave. Look, I forgive you… I wish someone had done it much sooner.” She smiled, standing up she reached out to hug me, flinching as she reached her arms around me.

“Does it hurt?”

“Enough to remind me how stupid I was.” She lifted her shirt to show the deep line of bruising across her side, it was a clear black and blue line. I gasped.

“Oh shit, that looks so bad. Olivia…. Oh, Christ, I’m so sorry…”

“I’ve learnt my lesson. I hope, but do it again if I forget… Thank you, Adam. Do you think we can still be friends?”

“Friends? Of course. I’m proud to know you.”

We gingerly hugged, suddenly I saw past the aggressive teenager. She was a child in an adult world. I could understand that, with her mother as her role model, it was natural that aggression and anger would be her default position. However, the way she had approached me had been so brave. I was deeply impressed and hoped that she would listen. I knew that she could become unstoppable as a professional rider.

* * *

Sally, Hilary and I sat in the farmhouse, huddled around the kitchen table. Hilary had poured large glasses of wine. I had told them of my conversation with Olivia, Hilary had nodded sagely but Sally had snorted, sloshing her wine.

“I don’t care what you say… Adam you’re just trying to defend her. She deserved what she got and she bloody well knows it. She came to you because she knew if anyone saw her beating that horse she would be drummed out of the industry.”

“Sally, I think she’s learnt her lesson. I know I have.”

“Yeah, yeah… Well, I think she’s fooled you. She has you hook line and sinker. Just wait till mummy presses charges!”

“Sally, I think she’s just a young girl who deserves a chance, I think she’s had a tough life, I mean growing up with Grace as your mother. Who can say we’ve not made mistakes in our life? I know I have; I understand even the perfect Sally Benson has made a mistake or two… Like running naked…-”

“Okay… But I still think she is playing you both…” Sally stood up, slamming the wine glass down before yanking open the back door and stalking away muttering.

“Do you think she’s playing me?”

“Adam… I’m not sure what to think. I’m glad she’s decided not to make a big fuss about this. I need time to think about what has happened. Why don’t you go back to Kate tonight?”

“Thanks, but it’s a bit late and I’ve had too much wine to drive. Honestly, after everything I’m exhausted. I think it’ll be best if I leave early tomorrow. Good night Hilary.”

I walked away unsure what Hilary thought. She’d seen Olivia abuse the horse, but then my reaction. I wanted to kick myself, but it had been so spur of the moment. The events of the day and glasses of rich wine had left me tired so I slipped into a dreamless sleep almost immediately, only pausing to set my alarm for the early hours of the morning, hoping to slip away before everyone was up on the yard. Maybe a few days break would allow things to settle, and it would be best that I was not in the middle of things.

* * *

First light - I stepped out of the caravan, it would be another couple of hours before Sally woke to feed the horses and likely more again when Olivia surfaced. I sighed as I started the car, hoping this would not be the end of my time here. I drove slowly down the drive and away into the misty morning.

* * *

I’d slept poorly, scared for what Olivia would say to me and Adam… Would I have done what Adam did? Would I have had the strength of mind to strike out if I saw someone abusing one of our horses? I would like to think I would, I would like to think that I wouldn’t sit back and allow it to happen unchallenged. However, I’d not been there. I’d have to ask to see the CCTV footage and make my own decision.

I laid out the feed bowls, working swiftly alone, throwing feed into each bowl before distributing them around the yard,

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