get the local plod to pick him up and bring him to us. Unless I am very much mistaken, we can get this stitched up pretty quickly.”


Cross Country

“No, heels down Jan! That’s it!”

I caught Adam’s eye as he crossed to the fence line, taking the steaming mug from me.

“Oh, thanks, Kate… Great, I needed that.”

There was something about having Adam back home which made everything right in the world. The sun was shining but it was early enough in the year not to be swelteringly hot. Birds swooped across the bay and the river was sparkling in the sunlight. I watched as Adam went back to teaching. I loved how he commanded attention both from the horses and his riders. I was so proud of him and all he had done. Something caught my eye. Looking up I saw a police car approach the yard.

“I wonder what they want? I’ll go and find out.” I walked from the outdoor arena towards the car park where the police car had stopped and two burly officers had stepped out. “Hi there, is there anything I can help you with?”

“We need to speak with Adam Bishop.”

“Of course, he’s in the outdoor arena, just over there. Is there something wrong?”

The officers ignored me and walked towards the arena, I followed behind.

“Adam Bishop?”

“Yes, that’s me. Can I help you?”

“Could you please step out here with us?”

“Jan, I’ll just be a moment, keep doing the twenty-meter circles at A and C. Right officers, how can I help you?”

“Adam Bishop you are being charged with the murder of Olivia Wright-Turner. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court.”

I watched in horror as Adam’s arms were roughly grabbed and cuffed behind his back

“Murder? Do you mean Olivia’s dead? She can’t be? I saw her yesterday… I don’t understand?”

“Adam, what the hell is happening? Where are you taking him? Please, tell me what’s happening?” Adam was dragged across the yard towards the police car. One officer held me back as they manhandled him into the back of the police car, slamming the door shut. Adam stared at me wide-eyed as the car was driven off.

Silence fell across the yard once more. I saw Jan staring at me.

* * *

“No, she’s a great mare… We’ll need to finalise the trial but I think she’ll make a great police horse. If you have any more like her, please give me a call! Thanks again. Bye.”

I put my phone down, smiling to myself. To think, just over a year ago I was being pursued by gangsters, now here I was, Amanda Bishop, running the stables for the newly formed Wiltshire Constabulary Mounted Division.

I looked out of my office window, to be honest, I was still reeling from having an office overlooking a courtyard of new stables filled with horses I’d purchased who were now being trained to become police horses. I had been astonished by the training process, the horses needed to be calm in any conditions with flags waving, people yelling and even gunfire and all played out in the indoor school. There were times when it became a bit tense. However, with the help of colleagues from the Met, we had a pretty solid stable of horses and some amazing up and coming officers.

My life had been perfect, my boyfriend Dan. No, what was I saying, as of just a few days ago, with my ‘fiancé’ Dan beside me? He had just been promoted again, he’d been instrumental in breaking drug gangs across the UK and had been recognized as being one of the leading detectives against the otherwise unending war on illegal drugs. We lived just a few miles away with my adopted family beside me. It was what I’d wanted and dreamed of all my life, a family, love and stability. I was truly happy.

It was therefore inevitable that, as my desk phone rang, all that was about to change.

“Hello, Amanda Bishop speaking.”


“Kate? What’s up, you sound upset. Kate, are you crying?”

“Adam’s been arrested.” My blood ran cold. “What? What’s happened?”

“Two policemen turned up at the yard asking for Adam. Mandy, they’ve taken him!”

“On what charge?”


* * *

I recognised the road; we were heading back towards Harrogate. I’d been handcuffed in the back of the car for almost two hours, the police officers had not said a word to me. I wasn’t sure where we were going. I had tried to ask; it was only when we were on the motorway, I truly realised they were arresting me for Olivia’s murder. They can’t think I could have done this, surely? It had to be a joke, something my sister had set up to wind me up? Well, I’m not laughing sis…

We entered the town and were soon at a police station. The officers stopped the car at the rear of the station, pulling open the car door and pulling me out. Despite the fact that I offered no resistance they forcibly dragged me towards the building and through the back door. When we finally came to a halt I was standing before a desk, I looked around in a panic before a police sergeant addressed me.

“Right, Mr Bishop. You have been charged with murder. Do you understand the charge?”

“No… Please this has to be a mistake?”

“Well, if it is a mistake, I am sure it will be resolved soon, however, for now, you need to stay with us. I’ll explain your rights to you and then we will hold you in a cell until you are ready to be interviewed.”

Time became a blur. I was allowed a phone call, but with my mobile confiscated I couldn’t remember Kate’s number. I

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