been sent to the most horrific alien prison located in a black hole where time lasted forever… Such thoughts were common when you had an overactive imagination.

After three months, I began to lose hope.

I got to work on an article about mortgages when someone stood in front of my desk.

“You look like you’re in need of a good abduction.”

My fingers froze, perched above the keyboard. My eyes drifted above my monitor at the godlike creature I’d lost my heart to.

How often had I imagined this moment? How many variations had I envisioned? And the one it turned out to be… Me bent over a boring brochure typing up numbers and percentages I didn’t understand into an article very few people would read, was not top of the list.

He looked so out of place in that office, like Indiana Jones at a PTA meeting. The other female office workers glanced in his direction, dispelling the idea that he was just a figment of my imagination.

“Hey, Alice,” Jessica, the office slut, said while chewing on a carrot stick. “Want to introduce me to your friend?”

“Not really,” I said, leaping to my feet.

I swung around my desk and threw my arms around him.

“I never thought I would see you again,” I said. “I thought… I thought…”

He pressed a finger to my nose. “You thought wrong. And I always keep my promises.”

“Are you back now? For good?” I said. “This isn’t a furlough scheme, is it?”

He chuckled. It was music to my ears. “No. I’m all yours. We never have to be parted again.”

“Did you go to prison?” I said.

“Yes. But not for long. They reduced my sentence in exchange for returning the reward payout. I didn’t have enough to bring it down to zero. They warned me that if they caught me smuggling ever again, I’d never see the light of day.”

“Does that mean you’re out of the smuggling game for good?”

“You’d better believe it,” he said. “Oh. I have something for you.”

He opened his hand. Hanging from his fingers was a delicate chain with a heart-shaped locket.

“It took a little longer to track down than I expected,” Nighteko said.

My hands went to my mouth. I immediately put it back on my wrist. I pried it open and saw my parents’ faces beaming back at me.

“Thank you,” I said, tears brimming my eyes.

I took his hand and he led me toward the exit.

“You don’t have any of the reward left?” I said.

“None,” he said. “But I still have the money I saved and buried on a distant planet. I would have lost it if they knew about it.”

“Does this mean you can’t buy a farm on Arcturon Prime?”

He shrugged. “I figured the prices were too high anyway. You want to buy in an up-and-coming market. A backwater planet with creatures that hadn’t even colonized their own moon yet. That would be the smart investment.”

A shiver ran through me. All my dreams were coming true.

Mr. Morse, the office manager, stepped from his office. “And where do you think you’re going?”

I looked at Nighteko. “Where do you fancy?”

“Anywhere with wide-open spaces,” Nighteko said.

“I know just the place,” I said.

The manager watched, slack-jawed and staring as we left the office and a life I knew I would never return to again.

We were off to live our next adventure.

The rest of our lives.

I hope you enjoyed Owned by the Alien.

It was a real labor of love crafting my very first Sci-Fi Romance.

I loved the places we got to visit during the adventure so much that I wrote five more books in this galaxy!

So if you’re wondering what happened to Alice’s fellow abductees, you can find out!

In the second book of the series, Maddy wakes up in a room with four walls and no door.

She’s scared, alone, and there’s no chance of escape.

Then Chax appears.

He’s an alien Adonis with an ass to match.

In a moment of weakness, they kiss.

The next morning, a door appears, and they realize their troubles have only just begun.

CAGED BY THE ALIEN is in Kindle Unlimited and available to buy now.

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Caged By The Alien Sneak Peek

Prologue - Maddy

We flopped back on the bed, gasping for oxygen after our vigorous workout. I giggled and ran a hand over his perfectly toned body. Nobody but a professional model who spent all his time in the gym had a body like this.

Was he a model? I never asked.

“That was amazing,” he said.

It really was.

I approached sex the way an athlete attacked their sport. With concentration, purpose, and unceasing passion.

If you couldn’t keep up? Then get gone.

Chax could keep up and then some. I feared he might be the one guy who could even overtake me one day.

It was going to be fun finding out.

“I hope this doesn’t ruin our friendship,” he said.

I looked up at him. He looked back at me. We burst into laughter.

I never did anything like this.

I never slept with a dude I’d only known for a few days. But with him… it

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