She had a warm smile. I couldn’t think of a better face to welcome me each time I awoke in this place.
“And… I have some bad news for you,” she said. “There are reports the emperor has died. There’s no sign of his body, so many are praying he’s still alive somewhere.”
“What do you think?” I said. “Is he still alive?”
“I think it’s good that they have hope,” she said. “Titans put a lot of faith in him. It would destroy them to think he’s been stripped from them.”
Perhaps one day, I thought idly, if I could make a full recovery, I could lead the Titans in a revolt against the evil Changelings. It was hard to imagine who they might rally around if it wasn’t the emperor.
I eased back down, suddenly feeling very lethargic. My body shuddered with the pain and it took hold.
Hazel took my hand. The warmth of her skin beat the agony to a dim murmur.
She placed her other hand on my forehead where sweat was already beginning to blossom in tiny beads. She didn’t shudder when she looked at me. And she didn’t recoil at the touch of my coarse and angry skin.
Her touch was more powerful than all the Healer’s Touch ointment in the world combined.
Then she began to sing. It was a song of hope and longing. A song from her homeworld, no doubt.
I relaxed even further, my muscles pressing into the soft bedding as this angel watched over me.
The valiant defender at war with the angel of death at my other hand.
He fell asleep.
I placed his hand down on the bedspread and backed away silently. In all my years of nursing, I’d never seen anything like this.
On Earth, I was a nurse. I’d seen gunshot wounds, stabbings, beatings, all manner of injuries. It took some time for the patients to recover but there was always an understanding that, if the injuries weren’t too severe, there was no reason they couldn’t make a full recovery.
There was no doubt in my mind no human could have survived what this poor Titan had gone through.
A large part of his flesh had melted away like chocolate on a hot stove. I could smell his charred flesh before I saw him. My mouth actually salivated before I laid eyes on him.
Even peering down at him now, it was touch and go as to whether or not he would survive. He’d pulled through the worst of it. We’d put an end to the fit he had.
But would he make a full recovery?
I had no idea.
Titans could heal from broken bones in hours, not weeks.
So, how long would it take for them to recover from grade three burns?
But no matter how good their healing ability, the pain was always the same. I dreaded to think how much pain he’d been through. When I offered him the adrenaline, he’d flat out refused it.
Despite the agony he must have endured, he still preferred for another patient to receive the best medicine we had available.
He was a hero. I’d never seen anything so selfless.
I picked up my clipboard and left Fiath to rest. I moved through the space, checking on some of the other patients.
Funny to think that just a couple of weeks ago, I’d been working quite happily in a modern American hospital.
At least, it’d been a couple of weeks in my time.
I had no idea how long I’d been in that pod, how long since me and my friends had been abducted by aliens.
Even now, saying those words brought a confused expression to my face.
By aliens.
I often wondered where my friends were.
Were they elsewhere on this planet? Had they been dumped in an escape pod the same way I had?
I only knew that much about my situation because the local Titan tribe (the Urcim) saw the news about an attack taking place on a cargo ship by the Changelings. Fearing they might lose their valuable cargo, they piled their items into the escape pods and blasted them down to the planet below.
The planet where I now resided.
I suppose they intended on coming back to pick me up later and sell me on somewhere else. Who let valuable cargo like that go to waste?
I shuddered at the thought of who I would have been sold to. Much better to be taken care of by the Titans of this village. They saw my escape pod crash, and when they pried it open, they found me asleep in my cryogenic pod.
Waking up in the middle of a forest surrounded by aliens hadn’t been a barrel of laughs.
Fortunately for me, they were kind and gracious hosts. I never went hungry or thirsty. Still, I wanted to return home.
When I consulted with the tribe elders, they informed me that the only way of heading to one of the other planets was to go to the big city. The only way of getting there was by waiting for a trader to pass through. I could hitch a lift on his cart and he would take me there.
Then I could go to the palace and ask the emperor for help. He could arrange for me to return to my home planet.
I waited two weeks and still the trader hadn’t shown his face. It seemed few people came to this village.
But there was little for me to do. I wasn’t a great hunter, cook, or leader. I happened to stumble across the medical facility when a hunter was carried toward it after being impaled by a wild animal’s tusks. I explained I was a nurse back on my home planet and they welcomed me with open arms.
I was glad for the work. It would keep me busy while I waited for the trader to show up.
The village was not modern. It was a traditional tribe buried deep in the forest. It rested on a