“I can’t look at those.” He got up, and wobbly headed to the bathroom he knew was next to the studio.
“Yeah. I don’t look at these. Found them in my things. I should burn them.” Amanda turned the envelope over in her hands, thoughtfully. She had run across them and tossed them aside, meaning to get rid of them. They weren’t pleasant photos. She winced, hearing Dunc throwing up in the bathroom. She had never been particularly fond of the things Joseph did. She did not share the glee he took in taking down creatures that weren’t actually a danger to anyone. Joseph was outright cruel, justifying it because they had to die to save innocent people. Dunc’s reaction was more appropriate.
Joseph scowled as he checked the damaged plating on his arm. This was why he had to be careful about approaching Amanda. Her ability to set things on fire was astonishing. His armor should have protected him, but there was a six-inch gouge of melted plating. She had managed to burn his arm as well. He grumbled and began removing the plate. He was sitting in a nearby hotel room where he and a trio of friends were staying. It was an excellent place to hide out while they figured out how to get Amanda into Joseph’s clutches.
He needed a better idea. Better cover. It would be a good idea to lay low and let them worry for awhile. Halloween night would offer an opportunity. The streets would be full of people out with their kids trick or treating. Joseph would be able to work under that cover. He could figure out a way to get a strong sedative into Amanda to render her incapable of fighting back. Joseph tugged at one of his armored plates and grumbled. There was a massive dent in it where Dunc had hit him. There were smears of blood on the plating.
This was interesting. Joseph smiled and went to retrieve a blood collection kit from his gear. Amanda’s neighbor was not what he looked like. A normal man wouldn’t be able to scratch his armor. However, a Lycan, even in human form, could do damage like this. There was plenty of blood smeared on his armor to test.
Dunc was quiet and kept his mouth shut. He and Amanda were sitting at the kitchen table. He was going to need to talk to his mother, but he couldn’t leave Amanda alone. She had brought a hunter into their midst. No. He had brought a hunter into their midst when he let her buy her house. He could not have known. She checked out in the system as an average human with an unaltered birth certificate and records. She had a complete history without any gaps. It wasn’t her fault a hunter decided he wanted her for a wife. None of this was her fault.
Now, what could be done about him? Dunc had never killed anyone in his life. He had no desire to take another man’s life. He needed to speak to his mother! She would be able to help. There had to be a way that he was overlooking. He tilted his head to look at Amanda. She was sitting quietly across from him, staring at her hands. He wanted to tell her that everything would be okay. He fought back those words as others came to mind. He loved her. He would never leave her. He wanted to protect her and be there for her. The words repeated, but he couldn’t say them.
“Amanda. What are you going to do against a man who can walk through walls and kills monsters for a living?”
“This is why I have to leave.” Amanda continued staring at her hands. Tears began streaming down her face as she lost all control. “You were right.” Amanda couldn’t look up at him. She was angry and embarrassed. She had been foolish to try to stay. Their plan had been stupid. They had not considered that Joseph would out-think them and cut the power so there would be no proof. Now Dunc had cuts all over his body because of her. What would happen the next time Joseph came back? He was going to come armed.
Dunc got up and stood behind Amanda. He wrapped her in a tight hug, resting his chin on her shoulder. He had made a decision, and he chose his words carefully. “Give me several days, Amanda. I know some people.” He muttered. “People who know alchemy.” Amanda tensed up at the word.
“You.” Amanda turned, giving him a baffled look. “You know? You were pretending not to know?”
“I know people.” Dunc didn’t want to look her in the eye. “Not me. Do not ask me any questions about it. Let’s keep those involved safer than we’ve managed to keep ourselves.” He kept things as vague as he could and hoped she would not dig. “I want you to be able to stay here. He found you once. He can do it again, and I doubt he’s going to give you warning the next time.”
Amanda nodded. Wow. Dunc was full of surprises. He had tested her to see what she knew before revealing his own cards. The thought was a little unsettling, but this whole other world was not a nice one. Saying the wrong things could get a person killed. Being vague was always the best approach.
“I’ll get your window replaced tomorrow. We better go clean up that