finger quivers on the trigger, but no matter how hard she fights him, she can’t make herself pull it. He’s too strong.

“Nature has a way of eliminating its problems. That’s the beauty of it. Nothing to answer to, nothing able to stand in its way. Nature is brutal. Only the strongest survive.”

Selene opens her mouth and swallows the barrel of the revolver unwillingly.

The gun fires.

She collapses lifeless to the ground.

A pool of blood carries away sparking fragments from the transmitter inside of her head.

I hear myself scream from a distance. Just a sound ripped loose from its meaning.

“A species is only as strong as its weakest link.”

Heart, ripped out, shattered.

Rage consumes every inch of me.

Again, I break from his control.

He jerks back, crushing me as if I were trapped, clawing, buried under the sand and stone of Olympia.

My lungs stop working.

I feel my heart stop beating.

I drop to my knees.

The edges of my peripherals are closing.

He’s too powerful.

He steps past me, scanning what he’s done.

“There’s no point in resisting. Your fate is the same as hers… as will be the fate of your biological son you so graciously delivered to us. I will not stop until every last human and all of their sympathizers are dead. You must know this. It’s the only way.”

Something inside me explodes. Every artery on fire, igniting something that no transmitter can ever decode.

With the last beat of my heart the power within surges.

With my last breath, I am unchained.

Pulling the blue-handled knife from my boot, I stand reborn into something not human but no longer machine.

“Prove it to yourself if you must, Eros. You’re wasting what little time you have, though. It’s simply not programmed into your code.”

His back to me on my left. To my right, the collective brain of the Lethe Corporation and everything it has created, including my own existence.

I take a step forward.

Everyone they’ve harmed. Everything they’ve destroyed. Is this the world I want to leave behind?

Archer turns around, facing me now. “Survival of the species is all that is. Above all else, your kind must go on.”

“They… will.”

With all the strength I can take back, I close my eyes and drive the knife through our brain.

At last, I am free.

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Your Author

Zac Strong was born in the small town of Cullman, Alabama. After high school, he served four years in the United States Marine Corps

before moving back to the place of his birth. His inspirations include the works of Albert Camus, Max Stirner, George Orwell, and Douglas Adams.

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