“So you like blades huh?” he smiled and continued with his search of every part of her computer.
Surprisingly, there was nothing more to find on the computer and that left him somewhat disappointed. Resting back into the seat and staring at the desk in general, he reached for one of the three drawers and pulled it out, finding nothing but useless papers in it as did the second but the third drawer wouldn’t budge, indicating it was locked.
Curious and completely taken in interest as to why just that one drawer was locked, he got to his knee immediately and began trying to break into it with his picking knife. Upon yanking harder at it with the knife lodged into the edge of the drawer to help the lock give way, it finally opened. The revelation within it was startling and absolutely shocking.
“Oh my God!” he gasped and almost fell backwards.
Gently taking out a knife placed inside a sealed transparent bag, Jake went ahead to remove the underlying photos underneath the knife as well. Holding a total number of four photos in his hand, with the first bearing a dead body belonging to Susan but without so much as a single cut all over her. His throat clamped shut and his eyes felt watery immediately.
Gasping and unable to hide his shock, he mumbled, “Oh Sarah! What sort of demon are you?”
Being what he was, he could very well tell another depraved person when he saw their handiworks. Sitting on the floor and going through the pictures, he soon realized something Sarah had not told him on the night he met her at the morgue.
“She knew all along”, he thought. “It was exactly why she was there and not the coroner”.
Unable to believe his eyes as he stared at the second picture with carvings made into it, while the third showed even more cuts being made into the skin presumably by the knife he had in his hand. The pictures were unbelievable and still could not connect as to how Susan’s death had come to be and why. He had been the one she was after, but for some reason, Sarah might have killed the undercover agent.
Instinctively taking pictures of the photos on his phone as well as that of the knife, Jake placed everything back as he had found them; making sure not to leave anything out of place as he jammed the drawer back and yanked at it to see if it was still locked. Satisfied with the manner in which things were, he got up and shut down the computer immediately.
Heading right back for the living room window through which he had come, Jake was on the verge of making a clean getaway when the hand landed on his back, yanked him around and rammed him hard in the face with a punch. Dazzled and greatly tossed off his balance, Jake struggled to find his footing.
“You must really think low of me to assume you were getting away that easy”, Sean sounded boatful and angry at the same time.
Jake stumbled over a stool and hurriedly got back to his feet, “What the fuck is your problem!?”
“I promised you there is no chance in hell I’m letting you go after what you did to Susan!” Sean promised.
Pulling out a large knife from underneath his shabby looking coat Sean took his attack stance and growled in rage at Jake.
“Dude! How did you even find me?” Jake inquired.
Snorting teasingly and shaking his head, Sean replied, “I tagged you with a tracker during our last meet”.
Certain that he had changed clothes and had a very thorough bath, he found it hard to believe.
“The wound you dummy… when I punched you earlier, I was tagging you with a special CIA Nano tracking device”, he explained
Feeling jilted, Jake slowly tucked his phone into his pocket and readied himself with clenched fists. “You are not having it easy this time”.
Sean spat to the ground and snorted. “I find it pathetic that you would come to your girlfriend’s place to hideout”.
Jake made the first move this time around, dancing across the ground like a butterfly and barely giving Sean the opportunity to connect as he swung his knife at the younger man. Doing well to dodge and ramming his fist in return into Sean’s ribcage, sending the man stumbling back and groaning in pain.
“I swear to you man… I didn’t kill your wife!” Jake tried to clear himself again.
Sean barely listened before racing forward in better composure and with two knives in his hands now. His movements were better too, narrowly missing Jake’s face before tearing the wallpaper off of the wall. Jake seemed perplexed by the anger building up in the man while he struggled to keep balance with Sean’s newly found resolve and strength.
“There is no hiding away from me now!” Sean chuckled in an evil tone.
Jake made a good dodge of an incoming blow before kicking one of the knives out of Sean’s hand. Watching the blade rise into the air and temporarily distracted, Sean rammed his fist into the man’s jaw and sent him staggering backwards, before catching the falling blade and leveling the fighting field with blades in both their hands.
Sean rubbed some feel into the struck spot and began circling the room. Jake kept his eyes peeled for any sudden movements but made no lunge towards his opponent.
“Susan was a skilled fighter you know? I can understand how it was possible for you to take her down”, Sean sat to the ground and felt his jaw firmly again.
Jake shifted to the side and watched Sean’s had twitch, before making a dummy move to his left and getting the man to move in the same direction, granting him good opportunity to make a run for the window through which he had come.
“I did not kill