suitor for Mary’s hand, and had thought that this argument would be very strong.

“I don’t want Mr. Twentyman to teach me what is proper for my family⁠—nor yet to teach you your business. Mr. Twentyman has his own way of living. He brought home Kate the other day with hardly a rag of her sister’s habit left. She don’t go out hunting any more.”

“Very well, my dear.”

“Indeed for the matter of that I don’t see how any of them are to do anything. What’ll Lord Rufford do for you?”

“I don’t want Lord Rufford to do anything for me.” The attorney was beginning to have his spirit stirred within him.

“You don’t want anybody to do anything, and yet you will do nothing yourself⁠—just because a set of drinking fellows in a taproom, which you call a club⁠—”

“It isn’t a taproom.”

“It’s worse, because nobody can see what you’re doing. I know how it was. You hadn’t the pluck to hold to your own when Runciman told you not.” There was a spice of truth in this which made it all the more bitter. “Runciman knows on which side his bread is buttered. He can make his money out of these swearing-tearing fellows. He can send in his bills, and get them paid too. And it’s all very well for Larry Twentyman to be hobbing and nobbing with the likes of them Botseys. But for a father of a family like you to be put off his business by what Mr. Runciman says is a shame.”

“I shall manage my business as I think fit,” said the attorney.

“And when we’re all in the poorhouse what’ll you do then?” said Mrs. Masters⁠—with her handkerchief out at the spur of the moment. Whenever she roused her husband to a state of bellicose ire by her taunts she could always reduce him again by her tears. Being well aware of this he would bear the taunts as long as he could, knowing that the tears would be still worse. He was so softhearted that when she affected to be miserable, he could not maintain the sternness of his demeanour and leave her in her misery. “When everything has gone away from us, what are we to do? My little bit of money has disappeared ever so long.” Then she sat herself down in her chair and had a great cry. It was useless for him to remind her that hitherto she had never wanted anything for herself or her children. She was resolved that everything was going to the dogs because Goarly’s case had been refused. “And what will all those sporting men do for you?” she repeated. “I hate the very name of a gentleman;⁠—so I do. I wish Goarly had killed all the foxes in the county. Nasty vermin! What good are the likes of them?”

Nickem, the senior clerk, was at first made almost as unhappy as Mrs. Masters by the weak decision to which his employer had come, and had in the first flush of his anger resolved to leave the office. He was sure that the case was one which would just have suited him. He would have got up the evidence as to the fertility of the land, the enormous promise of crop, and the ultimate absolute barrenness, to a marvel. He would have proved clouds of pheasants. And then Goarly’s humble position, futile industry, and general poverty might have been contrasted beautifully with Lord Rufford’s wealth, idleness, and devotion to sport. Anything above the 7s. 6d. an acre obtained against the lord would have been a triumph, and he thought that if the thing had been well managed, they might probably have got 15s. And then, in such a case, Lord Rufford could hardly have taxed the costs. It was really suicide for an attorney to throw away business so excellent as this. And now it had gone to Bearside whom Nickem remembered as a junior to himself when they were both young hobbledehoys at Norrington⁠—a dirty, blear-eyed, pimply-faced boy who was suspected of purloining halfpence out of coat-pockets. The thing was very trying to Nat Nickem. But suddenly, before that Wednesday was over, another idea had occurred to him, and he was almost content. He knew Goarly, and he had heard of Scrobby and Scrobby’s history in regard to the tenement at Rufford. As he could not get Goarly’s case why should he not make something of the case against Goarly? That detective was merely eking out his time and having an idle week among the public-houses. If he could set himself up as an amateur detective he thought that he might perhaps get to the bottom of it all. It is not a bad thing to be concerned on the same side with a lord when the lord is in earnest. Lord Rufford was very angry about the poison in the covert and would probably be ready to pay very handsomely for having the criminal found and punished. The criminal of course was Goarly. Nickem did not doubt that for a moment, and would not have doubted it whichever side he might have taken. Nickem did not suppose that anyone for a moment really doubted Goarly’s guilt. But to his eyes such certainty amounted to nothing, if evidence of the crime were not forthcoming. He probably felt within his own bosom that the last judgment of all would depend in some way on terrestrial evidence, and was quite sure that it was by such that a man’s conscience should be affected. If Goarly had so done the deed as to be beyond the possibility of detection, Nickem could not have brought himself to regard Goarly as a sinner. As it was he had considerable respect for Goarly;⁠—but might it not be possible to drop down upon Scrobby? Bearside with his case against the lord would be nowhere, if Goarly could be got to own that he had been suborned by Scrobby to put down the poison. Or, if

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