the grit in them, you can’t sterilize it out of ’em if you use up half the germ-killer in the country. From the way that kid acted you’d have thought he’d been spending the last year in a training-camp. The other kid rolled him over, but he come up again as if that was just the sort of stuff he liked, and pretty soon I see that he’s uncovered a yellow streak in the Whiting kid as big as a barn door. You were on it, weren’t you, colonel?”

But the White Hope had no remarks to offer this time. His head had fallen forward and was resting peacefully in his grapefruit.

“He’s asleep,” said Mamie.

She picked him up gently and carried him out.

“He’s a champeen at that too,” said Steve. “I had to pull him out of the hay this morning. Well, I guess he’s earned it. He’s had a busy day.”

“What happened then, Steve?”

“Why, after that there wasn’t a thing to it. Whiting, poor simp, couldn’t see it. ‘Betcha ten dollars my kid wins,’ he hollers. ‘He’s got him going.’ ‘Take you,’ I shouts; and at that moment the scrappy kid sees it’s all over, so he does the old business of fouling, same as his pop done when he fought Tommy King. It’s in the blood, I guess. He takes and scratches poor Bill on the cheek.”

“That was enough for me. I jumps in. ‘All over,’ I says. ‘My kid wins on a foul.’ ‘Foul nothing,’ says Whiting. ‘It was an accident, and you lose because you jumped into the fight, same as Connie McVey did when Corbett fought Sharkey. Think you can get away with it, pulling that old-time stuff?’ I didn’t trouble to argue with him. ‘Oh,’ I says, ‘is that it? Say, just take a slant at your man. If you don’t stop him quick he’ll be in Texas.’

“For the scrappy kid was beating it while the going was good and was half a mile away, running hard. Well, that was enough even for the Whiting guy. ‘I guess we’ll call it a draw,’ he says, ‘and all bets off.’ I just looks at him and says, quite civil and polite: ‘You darned half-baked slob of a roughhouse scrapper,’ I says, ‘it ain’t a draw or anything like it. My kid wins, and I’ll trouble you now to proceed to cash in with the dough, or else I’m liable to start something.’ So he paid up, and I took the White Hope indoors and give him a wash and brush-up, and we cranks up the bubble and hikes off to the town and spends the money on getting food for the celebration supper. And what’s over I slips into the kid’s pocket and says: ‘That’s your first winner’s end, kid, and you’ve earned it.’ ”

Steve paused and filled his glass.

“I’m on the wagon as a general thing nowadays,” he said; “but I reckon this an occasion. Right here is where we drink his health.”

And, overcome by his emotion, he burst into discordant song.

“Fo‑or he’s a jolly good fellow,” bellowed Steve. “For he’s a jolly good fellow. For he’s⁠—”

There was a sound of quick footsteps outside, and Mamie entered the room like a small whirlwind.

“Be quiet!” she cried. “Do you want to wake him?”

“Wake him?” said Steve. “You can’t wake that kid with dynamite.”

He raised his glass.

“Ladeez’n gentlemen, the boy wonder! Here’s to him! The bantamweight champeen of Connecticut. The Sixty-First Street Cyclone! The kid they couldn’t sterilize! The White Hope!”

“The White Hope!” echoed Kirk.

“Fo‑or he’s a jolly good fellow⁠—” sang Steve.

“Be quiet!” said Mrs. Porter from the doorway, and Steve, wheeling round, caught her eye and collapsed like a pricked balloon.


Mrs. Porter’s Waterloo

Of the little band of revellers it would be hard to say which was the most taken aback at this invasion. The excitement of the moment had kept them from hearing the sound of the automobile which Mrs. Porter, mistrusting the rough road that led to the shack, had stopped some distance away.

Perhaps, on the whole, Kirk was more surprised than either of his companions. Their guilty consciences had never been quite free from the idea of the possibility of pursuit; but Kirk, having gathered from Mamie that neither Ruth nor her aunt was aware of what had happened, had counted upon remaining undisturbed till the time for return came on the morrow.

He stood staring at Ruth, who had followed Mrs. Porter into the room.

Mrs. Porter took charge of the situation. She was in her element. She stood with one hand resting on the table as if she were about to make an after-dinner speech⁠—as indeed she was.

Lora Delane Porter was not dissatisfied with the turn events had taken. On the whole, perhaps, it might be said that she was pleased. She intended, when she began to speak, to pulverize Kirk and the abandoned young woman whom he had selected as his partner in his shameful escapade, but in this she was swayed almost entirely by a regard for abstract morality.

As concerned Ruth, she felt that the situation was, on the whole, the best thing that could have happened. To her Napoleonic mind, which took little account of the softer emotions, concerning itself entirely with the future of the race, Kirk had played his part and was now lagging superfluous on the stage. His tendency, she felt, was to retard rather than to assist William Bannister’s development. His influence, such as it was, clashed with hers. She did not forget that there had been a time when Ruth, having practically to choose between them, had chosen to go Kirk’s way and had abandoned herself to a life which could only be considered unhygienic and retrograde. Her defeat in the matter of Whiskers, the microbe-harbouring dog from Ireland, still rankled.

It was true that in what might be called the return match she had utterly routed Kirk; but until this moment she had always been aware of him as an opponent who

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