On the Paphlagonian Hills, neither rounded Karambis-head,
Forasmuch as the breezes held, and the heavenly fire’s long gleam
Shone ever before, till they won unto Ister’s mighty stream.
Now the rest of the Kolchian host, when nothing their search availed,
Forth through the Crags Dark-blue from the Pontus-sea had sailed.
But others went to the river, whose chieftain Absyrtus was;
And unto the Fair Mouth turning aside from the sea did he pass,
And prevented them, mooring beyond the neck of land that ran
Athwart the innermost gulf of the sea Ionian.
For around the island Peukê the waters of Ister pour,
An isle three-cornered, whose breadth looketh out on the breakers hoar,
And the narrow point up-stream, and about it the flood’s outfall
Is cleft in twain; and the one the passage of Narex they call;
And that on the nether side the Fair Mouth: even thereby
The Kolchian array with Absyrtus anchored hastily;
While the heroes sailed far up to the uttermost spur of the isle.
Now the field-abiding shepherds forsook in the meadows the while
Flocks without number, for dread of the ships; for they weened that these
Were beasts that had risen out of the monster-teeming seas.
For never on galleys that ride the waves had they gazed ere then,
Nor they, nor the Thracian Scythians, nor yet the Sigynian men,
Nor yet the Graukenian folk, nor the Sindian tribes that abide
Round Laurium now, on the steppes of the wilderness boundless-wide.
But when they had run by Angurus, the Kauliac cliffs withal—
Afar from Angurus the mountain riseth their long rock-wall—
Around which Ister divideth, and this way and that way run
His rushing waters, and out to the Laurian plain they won,
Then forth to the Kronian Sea the Kolchians came, and beset
All the outgoings thereof, that the quarry might ’scape not their net.
So Argo, descending behind them the flood, passed forth hard by
Where islands twain, the Brygêïan Isles of Artemis, lie.
Now it fell that in one of these a hallowed temple stood;
In the other the heroes, avoiding Absyrtus’ multitude
Landed, seeing the foe had left those twin isles void
Of their host, for awe of the Daughter of Zeus; but all beside,
Thronged with the Kolchian men, barred every seaward way.
Yea, too, of their host upon other isles hard by left they
Which betwixt the Nestian land and Salanko the river lay.
There, being few against many, that day had the Minyan men
Yielded in that grim fight to their foes: howbeit ere then
Made they a covenant, fain that the strife should abide unstriven.
For the Golden Fleece—forasmuch as Aiêtes’ pledge had been given
To the heroes therefor, if the ordeal they dared, and accomplished the toil—
That prize should they keep, as lawfully won; yea, whether their guile
Or their strength in the king’s despite had prevailed that splendour to win.
But as touching Medea—for stubborn the wrangling waxed herein—
Unto Lêto’s Daughter, aloof from the throng, should they give her in ward,
Till her cause should be judged of a king, some justice-dispensing lord,
Whether he doom that they yield her up to return to the home
Of her father, or doom her to Hellas-land with the heroes to come.
Now so soon as the maiden mused upon all things purposed of these,
With keen-thrilling anguish her heart was tempest-tossed without cease:
And straightway she called forth Jason aloof from his comrades alone,
And she led him away and away, till far apart were they gone:
There uttered she speech all broken with sobs, as she looked in his eyes:
“O Aison’s son, what purpose is this that now ye devise
Touching me? Hath thy triumph brought utter forgetfulness unto thee?
Dost thou nothing regard thy promises, all that thou spakest to me
In stress of thy need? Where now are the oaths of the Suppliants’ King
Zeus?—and thine honied promises, whither have these taken wing?
By reason of these, in unseemly wise, with passion unshamed
I forsook my fatherland home, and the glory of halls far-famed,
Yea, and my parents—all that was most unto me; and I sail
Far over the sea alone, where the plaintive sea-mews wail,
Because of thy trouble, that I might redeem from destruction thy life
To accomplish the fire-bulls’ quelling, the Earth-born giants’ strife.
Yea, and the very Fleece, for the which ye had sailed to our shore,
All by my folly ye won. Foul shame thereby did I pour
On womankind! Wherefore, I say, as thy daughter, thy wife, I stand,
Yea, and thy sister, who follow thee back unto Hellas-land.
Oh now with purpose of heart stand by me, neither forsake me
Afar and forlorn of thee, to the gathering of kings to betake thee!
But in any wise save me; and sealed abide thy solemn vow,
Which is plighted, by justice of man and of God; or else do thou
Shear, of thy pity, this my throat with thy falchion through,
That so for my frenzied love I may reap the guerdon due.
O heartless!—if that he doom that my brother’s prey I remain,
This king unto whose stern judgment ye now would commit, ye twain,
Your cruel covenant, how shall I come to my father’s sight?
With glory in sooth!—what revenges, what devilish torment will light
Upon me!—what agony-cup shall I drain for the dreadful deed
That I wrought! Oh, never think that in bliss your return shall speed!
Ne’er may the World’s Queen, bride of Zeus, accomplish for thee—
She in whom thou delightest—this! Then may’st thou remember me
When anguish-racked: may the Fleece like a dream fleet away from thine hand
Down the wind to the netherworld-gloom! Be thou chased from thy fatherland
By the Spirits of Vengeance for me, even after the measure of all
That through thy betrayal I suffered! That earthward my curses should fall
Unaccomplished, shall God forbid; for a great oath thou hast transgressed,
O ruthless! Not long, for all this covenant-plight, at rest
From your troubles, on me shall ye wink with the eye, to make me your jest.”
So spake she, seething with vehement rage: fierce-eager was she
To fire the ship, and to hew it in pieces utterly,
And to hurl herself mid the ravening flame. But, half-adread,
Did Jason essay to soothe her with gentle words; and he said:
“Ah, lady, forbear: me too this covenant liketh not.
Only a little delay from the strife herein have we sought:
Such a