a total ruin. She also commanded her Bird-men to make their flight at night, lest they be perceived. At last when both the Bird- and Worm-men came to the designed places, the Worm-men laid some fire-stones under the foundation of every house, and the Bird-men placed some at the tops of them, so that both by rain, and by some other moisture within the earth, the stones could not fail of burning. The Bird-men in the meantime having learned some few words of their language, told them, that the next time it did rain, their towns would be all on fire; at which they were amazed to hear men speak in the air; but withal they laughed when they heard them say that rain should fire their towns; knowing that the effect of water was to quench, not produce fire.

At last a rain came, and upon a sudden all their houses appeared of a flaming fire; and the more water there was poured on them, the more they did flame and burn; which struck such a fright and terror into all the neighbouring cities, nations and kingdoms, that for fear the like should happen to them, they and all the rest of the parts of that world, granted the Empress’s desire, and submitted to the monarch and sovereign of her native country, the King of E.S.F.I.; save one, which having seldom or never any rain, but only dews, which would soon be spent in a great fire, slighted her power: The Empress being desirous to make it stoop as well as the rest, knew that every year it was watered by a flowing tide, which lasted some weeks; and although their houses stood high from the ground, yet they were built upon supporters which were fixed into the ground. Wherefore she commanded both her Bird- and Worm-men to lay some of the fire-stones at the bottom of those supporters, and when the tide came in, all their houses were of a fire, which did so rarify the water, that the tide was soon turned into vapour, and this vapour again into air; which caused not only a destruction of their houses, but also a general barrenness over all their country that year, and forced them to submit, as well as the rest of the world had done.

Thus the Empress did not only save her native country, but made it the absolute monarchy of all that world; and both the effects of her power and her beauty, did kindle a great desire in all the greatest princes to see her; who hearing that she was resolved to return into her own Blazing-World, they all entreated the favour, that they might wait on her Majesty before she went. The Empress sent word, that she should be glad to grant their requests; but having no other place of reception for them, she desired that they would be pleased to come into the open seas with their ships, and make a circle of a pretty large compass, and then her own ships should meet them, and close up the circle, and she would present herself to the view of all those that came to see her: Which answer was joyfully received by all the mentioned princes, who came, some sooner, and some later, each according to the distance of his country, and the length of the voyage. And being all met in the form and manner aforesaid, the Empress appeared upon the face of the water in her imperial robes; in some part of her hair, near her face, she had placed some of the star-stone, which added such a luster and glory to it, that it caused a great admiration in all that were present, who believed her to be some celestial creature, or rather an uncreated goddess, and they all had a desire to worship her; for surely, said they, no mortal creature can have such a splendid and transcendent beauty, nor can any have so great a power as she has, to walk upon the waters, and to destroy whatever she pleases, not only whole nations, but a whole world.

The Empress expressed to her own countrymen, who were also her interpreters to the rest of the princes that were present, that she would give them an entertainment at the darkest time of night: Which being come, the fire-stones were lighted, which made both air and seas appear of a bright shining flame, insomuch that they put all spectators into an extreme fright, who verily believed they should all be destroyed; which the Empress perceiving, caused all the lights of the fire-stones to be put out, and only showed herself in her garments of light. The Bird-men carried her upon their backs into the air, and there she appeared as glorious as the sun. Then she was set down upon the seas again, and presently there was heard the most melodious and sweetest consort of voices, as ever was heard out of the seas, which was made by the Fish-men; this consort was answered by another, made by the Bird-men in the air, so that it seemed as if sea and air had spoke, and answered each other by way of singing-dialogues, or after the manner of those plays that are acted by singing-voices.

But when it was upon break of day, the Empress ended her entertainment, and at full daylight all the princes perceived that she went into the ship wherein the prince and monarch of her native country was, the King of E.S.F.I., with whom she had several conferences; and having assured him of the readiness of her assistance whensoever he required it, telling him withal, that she wanted no intelligence, she went forth again upon the waters, and being in the midst of the circle made by those ships that were present, she desired them to draw somewhat nearer, that they might hear her speak; which being done, she declared herself in this following manner:

Great, heroic, and famous

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