caused by the message the conventional five times, listened while his guest explained once more the plan he had come to propose in full, then turned his cupped hands toward himself in the gesture of Denial of Adequacy. It was the closest he could come to saying no.

On the other side of the desk, the Citizen who had come to propose an investment scheme immediately changed the subject by inviting Germyn and his Citizeness to a Sirius Viewing, the invitation in the form of rhymed couplets. He had wanted to transact his business very much, but he couldn’t insist.

Germyn got out of the invitation by a Conditional Acceptance in proper form, and the man left, delayed only slightly by the Four Urgings to Stay. Almost immediately, Germyn dismissed his clerk and closed his office for the day by tying a triple knot in a length of red cord across the open door.

When he got to his home, he found, as he had suspected, that the visitor was Haendl.

There was much doubt in Citizen Germyn’s mind about Haendl. The man had nearly admitted to being Wolf, and how could a citizen overlook that? But in the excitement of Gala Tropile’s Translation, there had been no hue and cry. Germyn had permitted the man to leave. And now?

He reserved judgment. He found Haendl distastefully sipping tea in the living room and attempting to keep up a formal conversation with Citizeness Germyn. He rescued him, took him aside, closed a door⁠—and waited.

He was astonished at the change in the man. Before, Haendl had been bouncy, aggressive, quick-moving⁠—the very qualities least desired in a Citizen, the mark of the Son of the Wolf. Now he was none of these things, but he looked no more like a Citizen for all that; he was haggard, tense.

He said, with an absolute minimum of protocol: “Germyn, the last time I saw you, there was a Translation. Gala Tropile, remember?”

“I remember,” Citizen Germyn said. Remember! It had hardly left his thoughts.

“And you told me there had been others. Are they still going on?”

Germyn said: “There have been others.” He was trying to speak directly, to match this man Haendl’s speed and forcefulness. It was hardly good manners, but it had occurred to Citizen Germyn that there were times when manners, after all, were not the most important thing in the world. “There were two in the past few days. One was a woman⁠—Citizeness Baird; her husband’s a teacher. She was Viewing Through Glass with four or five other women at the time. She just⁠—disappeared. She was looking through a green prism at the time, if that helps.”

“I don’t know if it helps or not. Who was the other one?”

Germyn shrugged. “A man named Harmane. No one saw it. But they heard the thunderclap, or something like a thunderclap, and he was missing.” He thought for a moment. “It is a little unusual, I suppose. Two in a week⁠—”

Haendl said roughly: “Listen, Germyn. It isn’t just two. In the past thirty days, within the area around here and in one other place, there have been at least fifty. In two places, do you understand? Here and in Princeton. The rest of the world⁠—nothing much; a few Translations here and there. But just in these two communities, fifty. Does that make sense?”

Citizen Germyn thought. “⁠—No.”

“No. And I’ll tell you something else. Three of the⁠—well, victims have been children under the age of five. One was too young to walk. And the most recent Translation wasn’t a person at all. It was a helicopter. Now figure that out, Germyn. What’s the explanation for Translations?”

Germyn was gaping. “Why⁠—you Meditate, you know. On Connectivity. The idea is that once you’ve grasped the Essential Connectivity of All Things, you become One with the Cosmic Whole. But I don’t see how a baby or a machine⁠—”

“No, of course you don’t. Remember Glenn Tropile?”


“He’s the link,” Haendl said grimly. “When he got Translated, we thought it was a big help, because he had the consideration to do it right under our eyes. We got enough readings to give us a clue as to what, physically speaking, Translation is all about. That was the first real clue and we thought he’d done us a favor. Now I’m not so sure.”

He leaned forward. “Every person I know of who was Translated was someone Tropile knew. The three kids were in his class at the nursery school⁠—we put him there for a while to keep him busy, when he first came to us. Two of the men he bunked with are gone; the mess boy who served him is gone; his wife is gone. Meditation? No, Germyn. I know most of those people. Not a damned one of them would have spent a moment Meditating on Connectivity to save his life. And what do you make of that?”

Swallowing hard, Germyn said: “I just remembered. That man Harmane⁠—”

“What about him?”

“The one who was Translated last week. He also knew Tropile. He was the Keeper of the House of the Five Regulations when Tropile was there.”

“You see? And I’ll bet the woman knew Tropile, too.” Haendl got up fretfully, pacing around. “Here’s the thing, Germyn. I’m licked. You know what I am, don’t you?”

Germyn said levelly: “I believe you to be Wolf.”

“You believe right. That doesn’t matter anymore. You don’t like Wolves. Well, I don’t like you. But this thing is too big for me to care about that anymore. Tropile has started something happening, and what the end of it is going to be, I can’t tell. But I know this: We’re not safe, either of us. Maybe you still think Translation is a fulfillment. I don’t; it scares me. But it’s going to happen to me⁠—and to you. It’s going to happen to everybody who ever had anything to do with Glenn Tropile, unless we can somehow stop it⁠—and I don’t know how. Will you help me?”

Germyn, trying not to tremble when all his buried fears screamed Wolf!, said

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