Tom Mortlake resumed his seat. To Wimp the man’s audacity verged on the Sublime; to Denzil on the Beautiful. Again there was a breathless hush. Mr. Gladstone’s mobile face was working with excitement. No such extraordinary scene had occurred in the whole of his extraordinary experience. He seemed about to rise. The cheering subsided to a painful stillness. Wimp cut the situation by laying his hand again upon Tom’s shoulder.

“Come quietly with me,” he said. The words were almost a whisper, but in the supreme silence they traveled to the ends of the hall.

“Don’t you go, Tom!” The trumpet tones were Peter’s. The call thrilled an answering chord of defiance in every breast, and a low, ominous murmur swept through the hall.

Tom rose, and there was silence again. “Boys,” he said, “let me go. Don’t make any noise about it. I shall be with you again tomorrow.”

But the blood of the Break o’ Day boys was at fever heat. A hurtling mass of men struggled confusedly from their seats. In a moment all was chaos. Tom did not move. Half-a-dozen men, headed by Peter, scaled the platform. Wimp was thrown to one side, and the invaders formed a ring round Tom’s chair. The platform people scampered like mice from the center. Some huddled together in the corners, others slipped out at the rear. The committee congratulated themselves on having had the self-denial to exclude ladies. Mr. Gladstone’s satellites hurried the old man off and into his carriage; though the fight promised to become Homeric. Grodman stood at the side of the platform secretly more amused than ever, concerning himself no more with Denzil Cantercot, who was already strengthening his nerves at the bar upstairs. The police about the hall blew their whistles, and policemen came rushing in from outside and the neighborhood. An Irish M.P. on the platform was waving his gingham like a shillalah in sheer excitement, forgetting his newfound respectability and dreaming himself back at Donnybrook Fair. Him a conscientious constable floored with a truncheon. But a shower of fists fell on the zealot’s face, and he tottered back bleeding. Then the storm broke in all its fury. The upper air was black with staves, sticks, and umbrellas, mingled with the pallid hailstones of knobby fists. Yells and groans and hoots and battle-cries blent in grotesque chorus, like one of Dvorák’s weird diabolical movements. Mortlake stood impassive, with arms folded, making no further effort, and the battle raged round him as the water swirls round some steadfast rock. A posse of police from the back fought their way steadily toward him, and charged up the heights of the platform steps, only to be sent tumbling backward, as their leader was hurled at them like a battering ram. Upon the top of the heap fell he, surmounting the strata of policemen. But others clambered upon them, escalading the platform. A moment more and Mortlake would have been taken, after being well shaken. Then the miracle happened.

As when of old a reputable goddess ex machina saw her favorite hero in dire peril, straightway she drew down a cloud from the celestial stores of Jupiter and enveloped her fondling in kindly night, so that his adversary strove with the darkness, so did Crowl, the cunning cobbler, the much-daring, essay to insure his friend’s safety. He turned off the gas at the meter.

An Arctic night⁠—unpreceded by twilight⁠—fell, and there dawned the sabbath of the witches. The darkness could be felt⁠—and it left blood and bruises behind it. When the lights were turned on again, Mortlake was gone. But several of the rioters were arrested, triumphantly.

And through all, and over all, the face of the dead man who had sought to bring peace on earth, brooded.

Crowl sat meekly eating his supper of bread and cheese, with his head bandaged, while Denzil Cantercot told him the story of how he had rescued Tom Mortlake. He had been among the first to scale the height, and had never budged from Tom’s side or from the forefront of the battle till he had seen him safely outside and into a by-street.

“I am so glad you saw that he got away safely,” said Crowl, “I wasn’t quite sure he would.”

“Yes; but I wish some cowardly fool hadn’t turned off the gas. I like men to see that they are beaten.”

“But it seemed⁠—easier,” faltered Crowl.

“Easier!” echoed Denzil, taking a deep draught of bitter. “Really, Peter, I’m sorry to find you always will take such low views. It may be easier, but it’s shabby. It shocks one’s sense of the Beautiful.”

Crowl ate his bread and cheese shamefacedly.

“But what was the use of breaking your head to save him?” said Mrs. Crowl with an unconscious pun. “He must be caught.”

“Ah, I don’t see how the Useful does come in, now,” said Peter thoughtfully. “But I didn’t think of that at the time.”

He swallowed his water quickly and it went the wrong way and added to his confusion. It also began to dawn upon him that he might be called to account. Let it be said at once that he wasn’t. He had taken too prominent a part.

Meantime, Mrs. Wimp was bathing Mr. Wimp’s eye, and rubbing him generally with arnica. Wimp’s melodrama had been, indeed, a sight for the gods. Only, virtue was vanquished and vice triumphant. The villain had escaped, and without striking a blow.


There was matter and to spare for the papers the next day. The striking ceremony⁠—Mr. Gladstone’s speech⁠—the sensational arrest⁠—these would of themselves have made excellent themes for reports and leaders. But the personality of the man arrested, and the Big Bow Mystery Battle⁠—as it came to be called⁠—gave additional piquancy to the paragraphs and the posters. The behavior of Mortlake put the last touch to the picturesqueness of the position. He left the hall when the lights went out, and walked unnoticed and unmolested through pleiads of policemen to the nearest police station, where the superintendent

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