
“Well, you talked with the woman, then,” said Hallet. “What did you get out of her?”

“Say, listen,” put in Mrs. Compton. “I want to take back anything I told this bright-eyed boy.”

“Lied to him, eh?” said Hallet.

“Why not? What right did he have to question me?” Her voice became wheedling. “I wouldn’t lie to a cop,” she added.

“You bet your life you wouldn’t,” Hallet remarked. “Not if you know what’s good for you. However, I want to hear what you told this amateur detective. Sometimes lies are significant. Go on, Winterslip.”

John Quincy was deeply annoyed. What was this mix-up he had let himself in for, anyhow? He had a notion to rise, and with a cold bow, leave the room. Something told him, however, that he couldn’t get away with it.

Very much on his dignity, he repeated the woman’s story to him. Winterslip had come to her cottage the night before to make a final appeal for the brooch. On his promise to replace it with something else, she had given it up. He had taken it and left her at nine-thirty.

“That was the last she saw of him,” finished John Quincy.

Hallet smiled grimly. “So she told you, at any rate. But she admits she was lying. If you’d had the sense to leave this sort of thing to the proper people⁠—” He wheeled on the woman. “You were lying, weren’t you?”

She nodded nonchalantly. “In a way. Dan did leave my cottage at nine-thirty⁠—or a little later. But I went with him⁠—to his house. Oh, it was perfectly proper. Steve went along.”

“Oh, yes⁠—Steve.” Hallet glanced at Mr. Leatherbee, who did not appear quite the ideal chaperon. “Now, young woman, go back to the beginning. Nothing but the truth.”

“So help me,” said Mrs. Compton. She attempted a devastating smile. “I wouldn’t lie to you, Captain⁠—you know I wouldn’t. I realize you’re a big man out here, and⁠—”

“Give me your story,” cut in Hallet coldly.

“Sure. Dan dropped into my place for a chat last night about nine, and he found Mr. Leatherbee there. He was jealous as sin, Dan was⁠—honest to God, I don’t know why. Me and Steve are just pals⁠—eh, Steve?”

“Pals, that’s all,” said Steve.

“But anyhow, Dan flew off the handle, and we had one grand blowup. I tried to explain Steve was just stopping over on his way to Australia, and Dan wants to know what’s detaining him. So Steve tells about how he lost all his money at bridge on the boat coming out here. ‘Will you move on,’ says Dan, ‘if I pay your passage?’ And Steve answers he will, like a shot. Am I getting this straight, Steve?”

“Absolutely,” approved Mr. Leatherbee. “It’s just as she says, Captain. Winterslip offered to give⁠—loan me passage money. It was only a loan. And I agreed to sail on the Niagara tonight. He said he had a little cash in his safe at the house, and invited Arlene and me to go back with him⁠—”

“Which we did,” said Arlene. “Dan opened the safe and took out a roll of bills. He peeled off three hundred dollars. You didn’t often see him in that frame of mind⁠—but as I was saying, he give the money to Steve. Then Steve begins to beef a little⁠—yes, you did, Steve⁠—and wants to know what he’s going to do in Australia. Says he don’t know a soul down there and he’ll just plain starve. Dan was sore at first, then he laughs a nasty little laugh and goes over and tears that there page out of the guest book and gives it to Steve. ‘Look him up and tell him you’re a friend of mine,’ he says. ‘Maybe he’ll give you a job. The name is Gleason. I’ve disliked him for twenty years, though he don’t know that!’ ”

“A dirty dig at me,” Leatherbee explained. “I took the loan and this Gleason’s address and we started to go. Winterslip said he wanted to talk to Arlene, so I came away alone. That was about ten o’clock.”

“Where did you go?” Hallet asked.

“I went back to my hotel downtown. I had to pack.”

“Back to your hotel, eh? Can you prove it?”

Leatherbee considered. “I don’t know. The boy at the desk may remember when I came in, though I didn’t stop there for my key⁠—I had it with me. Anyhow, I didn’t see Winterslip after that. I just went ahead with my preparations to sail on the Niagara, and I must say you’ve got your nerve⁠—”

“Never mind that!” Hallet turned to the woman. “And after Leatherbee left⁠—what happened then?”

“Well, Dan started in on that brooch again,” she said. “It made me sore, too⁠—I never did like a tightwad. Besides, my nerves was all on edge, I’m funny that way, rows get me all upset. I like everybody pleasant around me. He went on arguing, so finally I ripped off the brooch and threw it at him, and it rolled away under the table somewhere. Then he said he was sorry, and that was when he offered to replace it with something more up-to-date. The best money could buy⁠—that was what he promised. Pretty soon we was friends again⁠—just as good friends as ever when I came away, about ten-fifteen. His last words was that we’d look round the jewelry stores this morning. I ask you, Captain, is it reasonable to think I’d have anything to do with murdering a man who was in a buying mood like that?”

Hallet laughed. “So you left him at ten-fifteen⁠—and went home alone?”

“I did. And when I saw him last he was alive and well⁠—I’ll swear to that on a stack of Bibles as high as the Times Building. Gee, don’t I wish I was safe on Broadway tonight!”

Hallet thought for a moment. “Well, we’ll look into all this. You can both go⁠—I’m not going to hold you at present. But I expect you both to remain in Honolulu until this affair is cleared up, and I advise you not to try

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