In the roadster going home, Jennison brought up the subject of Dan Winterslip’s murder. John Quincy was interested to get the reaction of a lawyer to the evidence.
“I’ve kept more or less in touch with the case,” Jennison said. “Egan is still my choice.”
Somehow, John Quincy resented this. A picture of Carlota Egan’s lovely but unhappy face flashed through his mind. “How about Leatherbee and the Compton woman?” he asked.
“Well, of course, I wasn’t present when they told their story,” Jennison replied. “But Hallet claims it sounded perfectly plausible. And it doesn’t seem likely that if he’d had anything to do with the murder, Leatherbee would have been fool enough to keep that page from the guest book.”
“There’s Brade, too,” John Quincy suggested.
“Yes—Brade complicates things. But when they run him down—if they do—I imagine the result will be nil.”
“You know that Kamaikui’s grandson is mixed up somehow with Brade?”
“So I understand. It’s a matter that wants looking into. But mark my words, when all these trails are followed to the end, everything will come back to Jim Egan.”
“What have you against Egan?” inquired John Quincy, swerving to avoid another car.
“I have nothing against Egan,” Jennison replied. “But I can’t forget the look on Dan Winterslip’s face that day he told me he was afraid of the man. Then there is the stub of the Corsican cigarette. Most important of all, Egan’s silence regarding his business with Winterslip. Men who are facing a charge of murder, my boy, talk, and talk fast. Unless it so happens that what they have to say would further incriminate them.”
They drove on in silence into the heart of the city. “Hallet tells me you’re doing a little detective work yourself,” smiled Jennison.
“I’ve tried, but I’m a duffer,” John Quincy admitted. “Just at present my efforts consist of a still hunt for that watch Aunt Minerva saw on the murderer’s wrist. Whenever I see a wrist watch I get as close to it as I can, and stare. But as most of my sleuthing is done in the day time, it isn’t so easy to determine whether the numeral two is bright or dim.”
“Persistence,” urged Jennison. “That’s the secret of a good detective. Stick to the job and you may succeed yet.”
The lawyer was to dine with the family at Waikiki. John Quincy set him down at his office, where he had a few letters to sign, and then drove him out to the beach. Barbara was gowned in white; she was slim and wistful and beautiful, and considering the events of the immediate past, the dinner was a cheerful one.
They had coffee on the lanai. Presently Jennison rose and stood by Barbara’s chair. “We’ve something to tell you,” he announced. He looked down at the girl. “Is that right, my dear?”
Barbara nodded.
“Your cousin and I”—the lawyer turned to the two from Boston—“have been fond of each other for a long time. We shall be married very quietly in a week or so—”
“Oh, Harry—not a week,” said Barbara.
“Well, as you wish. But very soon.”
“Yes, very soon,” she repeated.
“And leave Honolulu for a time,” Jennison continued. “Naturally, Barbara feels she can not stay here for the present—so many memories—you both understand. She has authorized me to put this house up for sale—”
“But, Harry,” Barbara protested, “you make me sound so inhospitable. Telling my guests that the house is for sale and I am leaving—”
“Nonsense, my dear,” said Aunt Minerva. “John Quincy and I understand, quite. I sympathize with your desire to get away.” She rose.
“I’m sorry,” said Jennison. “I did sound a little abrupt. But I’m naturally eager to take care of her now.”
“Of course,” John Quincy agreed.
Miss Minerva bent over and kissed the girl. “If your mother were here, dear child,” she said, “she couldn’t wish for your happiness any more keenly than I do.” Barbara reached up impulsively and put her arms about the older woman.
John Quincy shook Jennison’s hand. “You’re mighty lucky.”
“I think so,” Jennison answered.
The boy went over to Barbara, “All—all good wishes,” he said. She nodded, but did not reply. He saw there were tears in her eyes.
Presently Miss Minerva withdrew to the living-room, and John Quincy, feeling like a fifth wheel, made haste to leave the two together. He went out on the beach. The pale moon rode high amid the golden stars, romance whispered through the coconut palms. He thought of the scene he had witnessed that breathless night on the President Tyler—only two in the world, love quick and overwhelming—well, this was the setting for it. Here on this beach they had walked two and two since the beginning of time, whispering the same vows, making the same promises, whatever their color and creed. Suddenly the boy felt lonely.
Barbara was a Winterslip, and not for him. Why then did he feel again that frustrated pang in his heart? She had chosen and her choice was fitting, what affair was it of his?
He found himself moving slowly toward the Reef and Palm Hotel. For a chat with Carlota Egan? But why should he want to talk with this girl, whose outlook was so different from that of the world he knew? The girls at home were on a level with the men in brains—often, indeed, they were superior, seemed to be looking down from a great height. They discussed that article in the latest Atlantic, Shaw’s grim philosophy, the new Sargent at the Art Gallery. Wasn’t that the sort of talk he should be seeking here? Or was it? Under these palms on this romantic