Bowker glanced toward Jennison, then quickly looked away. “Always ready to oblige,” he answered.
“You’re a steward on the President Tyler,” Greene continued. “On your last trip over here from the mainland Mr. Jennison occupied one of your rooms—number 97. He was alone in it, I believe?”
“All alone. He paid extra for the privilege, I hear. Always traveled that way.”
“Room 97 was on the main deck, not far from the accommodation ladder?”
“Yes, that’s right.”
“Tell us what happened after you anchored off Waikiki the night of June thirtieth.”
Bowker adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses with the gesture of a man about to make an after-dinner speech. “Well, I was up pretty late that night. Mr. Winterslip here had loaned me some books—there was one I was particularly interested in. I wanted to finish it so I could give it to him to take ashore in the morning. It was nearly two o’clock when I finally got through it, and I was feeling stuffy, so I went on deck for a breath of air.”
“You stopped not far from the accommodation ladder?”
“Yes sir, I did.”
“Did you notice the quartermaster?”
“Yes—he was sound asleep in a deck chair. I went over and leaned on the rail, the ladder was just beneath me. I’d been standing there a few minutes when suddenly somebody came up out of the water and put his hands on the lowest rung. I drew back quickly and stood in a shadow.
“Well, pretty soon this man comes creeping up the ladder to the deck. He was barefooted, and all in black—black pants and shirt. I watched him. He went over and bent above the quartermaster, then started toward me down the deck. He was walking on tiptoe, but even then I didn’t get wise to the fact anything was wrong.
“I stepped out of the shadow. ‘Fine night for a swim, Mr. Jennison,’ I said. And I saw at once that I’d made a social error. He gave one jump in my direction and his hands closed on my throat. I thought my time had come.”
“He was wet, wasn’t he?” Greene asked.
“Dripping. He left a trail of water on the deck.”
“Did you notice a watch on his wrist?”
“Yes, but you can bet I didn’t make any study of it. I had other things to think about just then. I managed to sort of ooze out of his grip, and I told him to cut it out or I’d yell. ‘Look here,’ he says, ‘you and I can talk business, I guess. Come into my cabin.’
“But I wasn’t wanting any tête-à-tête with him in any cabin. I said I’d see him in the morning, and after I’d promised to say nothing to anybody, he let me go. I went to bed, pretty much puzzled.
“The next morning, when I went into his cabin, there he was all fresh and rosy and smiling. If I’d had so much as a whiff of booze the night before, I’d have thought I never saw what I did. I went in there thinking I might get a hundred dollars out of the affair, but the minute he spoke I began to smell important money. He said no one must know about his swim the night before. How much did I want? Well, I held my breath and said ten thousand dollars. And I nearly dropped dead when he answered I could have it.”
Bowker turned to John Quincy. “I don’t know what you’ll think of me. I don’t know what Tim would think. I’m not a crook by nature. But I was fed up and choking over that steward job. I wanted a little newspaper of my own, and up to that minute I couldn’t see myself getting it. And you must remember that I didn’t know then what was in the air—murder. Later, when I did find out, I was scared to breathe. I didn’t know what they could do to me.” He turned to Greene. “That’s all fixed,” he said.
“I’ve promised you immunity,” the prosecutor answered. “I’ll keep my word. Go on—you agreed to accept the ten thousand?”
“I did. I went to his office at twelve. One of the conditions was that I could stay on the President Tyler until she got back to San Francisco, and after that I was never to show my face out this way again. It suited me. Mr. Jennison introduced me to this Cabrera, who was to chaperon me the rest of that day. I’ll say he did. When I went aboard the ship, he handed me a thousand dollars in an envelope.
“When I came back this time, I was to spend the day with Cabrera and get the other nine grand when I sailed. This morning when we tied up I saw the Spaniard on the dock, but by the time I’d landed he had disappeared. I met this Willie Chan and we had a large day. This fusel oil they sell out here loosened my tongue, but I’m not sorry. Of course, the rosy dream has faded, and it’s my flat feet on the deck from now to the end of time. But the shore isn’t so much any more, with all the barrooms under cover, and this sea life keeps a man out in the open air. As I say, I’m not sorry I talked. I can look any man in the eye again and tell him to go to—” He glanced at Miss Minerva. “Madam, I will not name the precise locality.”
Greene stood. “Well, Jennison, there’s my case. I’ve tipped it all off to you, but I wanted you to see for yourself how airtight it is. There are two courses open to you—you can let this go to trial with a plea of not guilty. A long humiliating ordeal for you. Or you can confess here