expressions about Comry, as are sworn; but if immaturity of judgment had occasioned him to slip rash and inadvertent words, or that he had paid any undue compliments to Roberts, it was to ingratiate himself, as every prisoner did, for a more civil treatment, and in particular to procure his discharge, which he had been promised, and was afraid would have been revoked, if such a person as Comry did not remain there to supply his room; and of this, he said, all the gentlemen (meaning the pirates) could witness for him.

He urged also his youth in excuse for his rashness.⁠—The first time he had been with them (only a month in all,) and that in no military employ; but in particular, the service he had done in discovering the design the pirates had to rise in their passage on board the Swallow. Guilty.

But execution respited till the King’s pleasure be known, because the commander of the Swallow had declared, the first notice he received of this design of the pirates to rise, was from him.

Benjamin Jefferys

By the depositions of Glasby and Lilbourn (acquitted) against this prisoner, it appeared, that his drunkenness was what at first detained him from going away in his proper ship, the Norman galley; and next morning, for having been abusive in his drink, saying to the pirates, there was not a man amongst them, he received for a welcome, six lashes from every person in the ship, which disordered him for some weeks, but on recovery was made boatswain’s mate; the serving of which, or any office on board a pirate, is at their own option, (though elected,) because others are glad to accept what brings an additional share in prize.

The deponents further say, that at Sierra Leone every man had more especially the means of escaping; and that this prisoner, in particular, neglected it, and came off from that place after their ship was under sail, and going out of the river.

The prisoner, in his defence, protests, he was at first forc’d; and that the office of boatswain’s mate was imposed on him, and what he would have been glad to have relinquish’d. That the barbarous whipping he had received from the pirates at first, was for telling them, that none who could get their bread in an honest way, would be on such an account. And he had certainly taken the opportunity which presented at Sierra Leone, of ridding himself from so distasteful a life, if there had not been three or four of the old pirates onshore at the same time, who, he imagined, must know of him, and would doubtless have served him the same, if not worse, than they since had done William Williams; who, for such a design, being delivered up by the treacherous natives, had received two lashes thro’ the whole ship’s company.

The court observed, the excuses of these pirates, about want of means to escape, was oftentimes as poor and evasive as their pleas of being forced at first; for here, at Sierra Leone, every man had his liberty onshore, and it was evident, might have kept it, if he, or they, had so pleased. And such are further culpable, who having been introduced into the society, by such uncivil methods, as whipping, or beating, neglect less likely means of regaining liberty; it shows strong inclinations to dishonesty, and they stand inexcusably, Guilty.

Jo. Mansfield

It was proved against this prisoner, by Captain Trahern and George Fenn, that he was one of those volunteers who was at the attack and robbery of the company’s ship, called the King Solomon: that he bully’d well among them who dar’d not make any reply, but was very easy with his friends, who knew him; for Moody, on this occasion, took a large glass from him, and threatened to blow his brains out, (a favourite phrase with these pirates) if he muttered at it.

From others acquitted, it likewise appeared, that he was at first a volunteer among them, from an island call’d Dominica, in the West Indies, and had to recommend himself, told them, he was a deserter from the Rose man-of-war, and before that, had been on the highway; he was always drunk, they said, and so bad at the time they met with the Swallow, that he knew nothing of the action, but came up vapouring with his cutlash, after the Fortune had struck her colours, to know who would go on board the prize; and it was some time before they could persuade him into the truth of their condition.

He could say little in defence of himself, acknowledg’d this latter part of drunkenness; a vice, he says, that had too great a share in ensnaring him into this course of life, and had been a greater motive with him than gold. Guilty.

William Davis

William Allen deposed, he knew this prisoner at Sierra Leone, belonging to the Ann galley; that he had a quarrel with, and beat the mate of that ship, for which (as he said) being afraid to return to his duty, he consorted to the idle customs and ways of living among the Negroes, from whom he received a wife, and ungratefully sold her, one evening, for some punch to quench his thirst. After this, having put himself under the protection of Mr. Plunket, governor there for the Royal African Company: the relations and friends of the woman, apply’d to him for redress, who immediately surrendered the prisoner, and told them, he did not care if they took his head off; but the Negroes wisely judging it would not fetch so good a price, they sold him in his turn again to Seignior Jossee, a Christian black, and native of that place; who expected and agreed for two years service from him, on consideration of what he had disbursed, for the redemption of the woman: but long before the expiration of this time, Roberts came into Sierra Leone River, where

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