no answer. “I do; or, rather, I used to do,” continued Lady Glencora. “I don’t think I care much about anything now; but I don’t see why handsome men should not be run after as much as handsome women.”

“But you wouldn’t have a girl run after any man, would you; whether handsome or ugly?”

“But they do, you know. When I saw him the other night he was just as handsome as ever;⁠—the same look, half wild and half tame, like an animal you cannot catch, but which you think would love you so if you could catch him. In a little while it was just like the old time, and I had made up my mind to care nothing for the people looking at me.”

“And you think that was right?”

“No, I don’t. Yes, I do; that is. It wasn’t right to care about dancing with him, but it was right to disregard all the people gaping round. What was it to them? Why should they care who I danced with?”

“That is nonsense, dear, and you must know that it is so. If you were to see a woman misbehaving herself in public, would not you look on and make your comments? Could you help doing so if you were to try?”

“You are very severe, Alice. Misbehaving in public!”

“Yes, Cora. I am only taking your own story. According to that, you were misbehaving in public.”

Lady Glencora got up from her chair near the window, on which she had been crouching close to Alice’s knees, and walked away towards the fireplace. “What am I to say to you, or how am I to talk to you?” said Alice. “You would not have me tell you a lie?”

“Of all things in the world, I hate a prude the most,” said Lady Glencora.

“Cora, look here. If you consider it prudery on my part to disapprove of your waltzing with Mr. Fitzgerald in the manner you have described⁠—or, indeed, in any other manner⁠—you and I must differ so totally about the meaning of words and the nature of things that we had better part.”

“Alice, you are the unkindest creature that ever lived. You are as cold as stone. I sometimes think that you can have no heart.”

“I don’t mind your saying that. Whether I have a heart or not I will leave you to find out for yourself; but I won’t be called a prude by you. You know you were wrong to dance with that man. What has come of it? What have you told me yourself this morning? In order to preserve you from misery and destruction, Mr. Palliser has given up all his dearest hopes. He has had to sacrifice himself that he might save you. That, I take it, is about the truth of it⁠—and yet you tell me that you have done no wrong.”

“I never said so.” Now she had come back to her chair by the window, and was again sitting in that crouching form. “I never said that I was not wrong. Of course I was wrong. I have been so wrong throughout that I have never been right yet. Let me tell it on to the end, and then you can go away if you like, and tell me that I am too wicked for your friendship.”

“Have I ever said anything like that, Cora?”

“But you will, I dare say, when I have done. Well; what do you think my senior duenna did⁠—the female one, I mean? She took my own carriage, and posted off after Mr. Palliser as hard as ever she could, leaving the male duenna on the watch. I was dancing as hard as I could, but I knew what was going on all the time as well as though I had heard them talking. Of course Mr. Palliser came after me. I don’t know what else he could do, unless, indeed, he had left me to my fate. He came there, and behaved so well⁠—so much like a perfect gentleman. Of course I went home, and I was prepared to tell him everything, if he spoke a word to me⁠—that I intended to leave him, and that cart-ropes should not hold me!”

“To leave him, Cora!”

“Yes, and go with that other man whose name you won’t let me mention. I had a letter from him in my pocket asking me to go. He asked me a dozen times that night. I cannot think how it was that I did not consent.”

“That you did not consent to your own ruin and disgrace?”

“That I did not consent to go off with him⁠—anywhere. Of course it would have been my own destruction. I’m not such a fool as not to know that. Do you suppose I have never thought of it;⁠—what it would be to be a man’s mistress instead of his wife. If I had not I should be a thing to be hated and despised. When once I had done it I should hate and despise myself. I should feel myself to be loathsome, and, as it were, a beast among women. But why did they not let me marry him, instead of driving me to this? And though I might have destroyed myself, I should have saved the man who is still my husband. Do you know, I told him all that⁠—told him that if I had gone away with Burgo Fitzgerald he would have another wife, and would have children, and would⁠—?”

“You told your husband that you had thought of leaving him?”

“Yes; I told him everything. I told him that I dearly loved that poor fellow, for whom, as I believe, nobody else on earth cares a single straw.”

“And what did he say?”

“I cannot tell you what he said, only that we are all to go to Baden together, and then to Italy. But he did not seem a bit angry; he very seldom is angry, unless at some trumpery thing, as when he threw the book away. And when I told him that

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